June 14, 2019
By Pete Williams
Washington — Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor (click here) on Friday denied a request from four Flint, Michigan officials who asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block lower court rulings that said they could be sued over lead contamination in the water supply.
Their motion was directed to Justice Sotomayor, who handles such appeals from that region. Without explanation, as is the usual practice, she denied their request.
The officials involved in the water crisis argued that they should be immune from a liability suit brought by a Flint woman, Shari Guertin, who said she and her minor daughter suffered injuries from drinking and bathing in water contaminated with lead. After a federal judge refused to throw the lawsuit out, the officials appealed.
A three-judge panel ruled against them in January, saying the officials "created the Flint Water environmental disaster and then intentionally attempted to cover up their grievous decision." The full Sixth Circuit declined last month to take the case, leaving the panel decision intact....
June 13, 2019
By the AP
Flint, Mich. (AP) — Michigan prosecutors (click here) dropped all criminal charges Thursday against eight people in the Flint water scandal and pledged to start the investigation from scratch. Officials said that since the election of a new attorney general, they have acquired a lot of new evidence that significantly expands of the scope of the investigation. They say the defendants, including Michigan's former health director, Nick Lyon, could be charged again....
A personal note: When the country first learned of the Flint Water Crisis I knew there would be a cover up of one kind or another. As the prosecutions rolled out it became obvious to me the efforts to achieve justice were being misdirected to those with the least power to have changed the course of the crisis.
That said, I also remember the first set of indictments brought the suicide of a man that worked in the water treatment plant. Realizing now these officials are being released from unlawful behavior with the potential for new indictments to be filed, I keep thinking that poor man who ended his life could have been proven to be the least liable for these tragedies and he might still be alive.
The Flint Water Crisis is not just about dirty water, it is about entire governance under Snyder that went badly wrong. People suffered and Governor Snyder did not care. He also did not care about those facing criminal charges so long as it did not touch him.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, June 14, 2019
H.R. 1 - The House Democrats were ready on Day 1 to begin work.
Shown Here:
There is absolutely nothing in that bill to object to, so why doesn't it receive the endorsement of the US Senate. Mitch McConnell's strategy to make the Democrats useless is not going to work. The American people will see the effort the US House is putting forth and will realize the US Senate no nothing but a political organization unable to govern.
Introduced in House (01/03/2019)
This bill addresses voter access, election integrity, election security, political spending, and ethics for the three branches of government.
Specifically, the bill expands voter registration and voting access, makes Election Day a federal holiday, and limits removing voters from voter rolls.
The bill provides for states to establish independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions.
The bill also sets forth provisions related to election security, including sharing intelligence information with state election officials, protecting the security of the voter rolls, supporting states in securing their election systems, developing a national strategy to protect the security and integrity of U.S. democratic institutions, establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems.
I think the Repugnant-licans don't want all these security issues and eliminating foreign money in elections. It is a lot to give up, all that Dark Money. They wouldn't have to give up the Kochs money. So, what is the problem in passing greater protections for the USA elections and electorate that ensures sovereign authority? I think the US Senate and every Senator needs to answer that question.
I think the Repugnant-licans don't want all these security issues and eliminating foreign money in elections. It is a lot to give up, all that Dark Money. They wouldn't have to give up the Kochs money. So, what is the problem in passing greater protections for the USA elections and electorate that ensures sovereign authority? I think the US Senate and every Senator needs to answer that question.
This bill addresses campaign spending, including by expanding the ban on foreign nationals contributing to or spending on elections; expanding disclosure rules pertaining to organizations spending money during elections, campaign advertisements, and online platforms; and revising disclaimer requirements for political advertising.
I don't understand why Repugnant-licans are so intent on old paradigms. Their old paradigms are very corrupt, even illegal and crumbling.
Why would a US Senator even give a nod to the NRA when they know for a fact there election donations came from Russia? Things are that desperate, huh? It is the Repugnant - lican Party that believes elections can't be won without enormous amounts of spending.
November 27, 2018
By Anna Massoglia
One of the nation’s most powerful political forces (click here) appears to be in the midst of a steep financial decline.
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) experienced a $55 million decline in income last year, finding itself in the red for a second consecutive year, according to a new tax return reviewed by the Center for Responsive Politics and first obtained by the Daily Beast.
In 2017, the organization spent nearly $18 million more than it took in. While it’s better than the $46 million deficit the NRA reported in 2016, it is significantly worse than the group’s $27.8 million income in 2015.
The document confirms a precipitous drop in NRA membership dues reported by CRP in September. Member dues dropped by roughly $36 million between 2016 and 2017....
If there is a precipitous drop in NRA membership dues, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that is accompanied with a precipitous drop in NRA membership renewals. The gun owners of the USA believe deeply in background checks and it is my guess they are upset about all the deaths of innocent people as well, especially young people. Why would any US Senator continue to be affiliated with an organization that is lost it's grip?

Why would a US Senator even give a nod to the NRA when they know for a fact there election donations came from Russia? Things are that desperate, huh? It is the Repugnant - lican Party that believes elections can't be won without enormous amounts of spending.
November 27, 2018
By Anna Massoglia
One of the nation’s most powerful political forces (click here) appears to be in the midst of a steep financial decline.
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) experienced a $55 million decline in income last year, finding itself in the red for a second consecutive year, according to a new tax return reviewed by the Center for Responsive Politics and first obtained by the Daily Beast.
In 2017, the organization spent nearly $18 million more than it took in. While it’s better than the $46 million deficit the NRA reported in 2016, it is significantly worse than the group’s $27.8 million income in 2015.
The document confirms a precipitous drop in NRA membership dues reported by CRP in September. Member dues dropped by roughly $36 million between 2016 and 2017....
If there is a precipitous drop in NRA membership dues, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that is accompanied with a precipitous drop in NRA membership renewals. The gun owners of the USA believe deeply in background checks and it is my guess they are upset about all the deaths of innocent people as well, especially young people. Why would any US Senator continue to be affiliated with an organization that is lost it's grip?
This bill establishes an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices. The system involves federal matching of small contributions for qualified candidates.
This bill sets forth provisions related to ethics in all three branches of government. Specifically, the bill requires a code of ethics for federal judges and justices, prohibits Members of the House from serving on the board of a for-profit entity, expands enforcement of regulations governing foreign agents, and establishes additional conflict-of-interest and ethics provisions for federal employees and the White House.
The bill also requires candidates for President and Vice President to submit 10 years of tax returns.There is absolutely nothing in that bill to object to, so why doesn't it receive the endorsement of the US Senate. Mitch McConnell's strategy to make the Democrats useless is not going to work. The American people will see the effort the US House is putting forth and will realize the US Senate no nothing but a political organization unable to govern.
'McConnell's Graveyard': Nancy Pelosi Lists Bills Passed By House That S...(click here for US Senate calendar)
None of these bills are frivolous. The delay of gun legislation is causing deaths in the USA. Mitch McConnell is literally the Grim Reaper. It is not just a legislative Grim Reaper either. The negligence by the US Senate to address the problems of the USA is a political agenda and not one of the American people.
If the Republican Senate cannot be honest brokers of power then they don't belong there.
It is about half way through the year and there are 24,142 gun incidents and 6351 gun deaths. Of those deaths there are 273 deaths of children 11 years old and under and 1217 young people between the ages of 12 to 17.
And what has the US Senate done to end these tragedies? Not a darn thing.
If the Republican Senate cannot be honest brokers of power then they don't belong there.
It is about half way through the year and there are 24,142 gun incidents and 6351 gun deaths. Of those deaths there are 273 deaths of children 11 years old and under and 1217 young people between the ages of 12 to 17.
And what has the US Senate done to end these tragedies? Not a darn thing.
The knee jerk reaction by Trump has to stop.
The crew is probably reporting what they saw to the owner of the tanker. The idea that Trump can determine what occurred with the tankers thousands of miles away while sitting in the Oval Office is ridiculous. The forensics aren't in.
The fact this was a flying object does not rule of terrorists either. We know terrorists have such munitions because they tried to take down an Israeli jet in Kenya years ago.
When looking at the pictures and the film loop it is obvious the point of impact was above the water line.
The picture to the left is the USS Cole in the same region of the world. It is remarkably the same TARGET area of the ship as that of the Kokuka Courageous. They have the same signature, but, the Cole was carried out by suicide bombers in a small boat.
The picture to the right is the Front Altair. There is something about this mid-ship construction that dictates vulnerability. On a tanker it is most likely the place where the DOUBLE HULL is thinnest.
But, the point is the method in an attempt to sink the boats with a huge explosion that would rock the region well into nearby coastal cities is basically the same, although the way to an explosion is different. There are just similarities that carry over years and years of time. That can't be ignored.
LET'S JUST SAY, the owner of the Kokuka Courageous is correct and there were no mines involved, THEN WHAT THE HECK IS THE US NAVY DOLING OUT AS PROOF? A doctored video?
The picture to the left is the USS Cole in the same region of the world. It is remarkably the same TARGET area of the ship as that of the Kokuka Courageous. They have the same signature, but, the Cole was carried out by suicide bombers in a small boat.
The picture to the right is the Front Altair. There is something about this mid-ship construction that dictates vulnerability. On a tanker it is most likely the place where the DOUBLE HULL is thinnest.
But, the point is the method in an attempt to sink the boats with a huge explosion that would rock the region well into nearby coastal cities is basically the same, although the way to an explosion is different. There are just similarities that carry over years and years of time. That can't be ignored.
LET'S JUST SAY, the owner of the Kokuka Courageous is correct and there were no mines involved, THEN WHAT THE HECK IS THE US NAVY DOLING OUT AS PROOF? A doctored video?
June 14, 2019
By Linda Givetash and Arata Yamamoto
U.S. Central Command said the two vessels were hit Thursday by a limpet mine, which is attached to boats below the waterline using magnets. U.S. Central Command released video it claimed showed an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps patrol boat removing an unexploded mine from one of the tankers, the Kokuka Courageous.
But on Friday morning, the owner of the 560-foot Courageous, said that sailors saw something flying toward the vessel just before the explosion and that the impact was well above the waterline....
My concern for both these countries, companies and their crew is sincere. There is nothing more to hope for, but, to determine the perpetrators of the crime and demand resolution to this episode of violence in the Gulf of Oman, but, the FACTS have to be true and they have to be clear to the indications as to whom is responsible.
The Americans need leave the investigation to the countries involved and the companies that want this solved. In the meantime, there is a Gulf of water that needs to be stabilized so commerce is not interrupted. If that interruption cannot be stopped, then there are other shipping routes.
I demand to know what the US Navy is calling proof of Iranian involvement.
Pompeo cannot speak about an oil pipeline bombing without also speaking to the retaliation by Saudi Arabia that caused the deaths of innocent people, including children. The Saudi response was completely disproportionate compared to the pipeline attack. The death of human beings is NOT justified because an oil pipeline was attacked.
Oil pipeline attacks are nothing new either. There have been plenty over the years (click here), in Iraq alone.
12 November 2017
An explosion (click here for film loop) ripped through an oil pipeline near the village of Buri in northern Bahrain.
Bahrain's interior minister, Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, said in a statement that the blast was "the latest example of a terrorist act" and blamed Iran.
Iran has denied any involvement.
My concern for both these countries, companies and their crew is sincere. There is nothing more to hope for, but, to determine the perpetrators of the crime and demand resolution to this episode of violence in the Gulf of Oman, but, the FACTS have to be true and they have to be clear to the indications as to whom is responsible.
The Americans need leave the investigation to the countries involved and the companies that want this solved. In the meantime, there is a Gulf of water that needs to be stabilized so commerce is not interrupted. If that interruption cannot be stopped, then there are other shipping routes.
I demand to know what the US Navy is calling proof of Iranian involvement.
Pompeo cannot speak about an oil pipeline bombing without also speaking to the retaliation by Saudi Arabia that caused the deaths of innocent people, including children. The Saudi response was completely disproportionate compared to the pipeline attack. The death of human beings is NOT justified because an oil pipeline was attacked.
Oil pipeline attacks are nothing new either. There have been plenty over the years (click here), in Iraq alone.
12 November 2017
An explosion (click here for film loop) ripped through an oil pipeline near the village of Buri in northern Bahrain.
Bahrain's interior minister, Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, said in a statement that the blast was "the latest example of a terrorist act" and blamed Iran.
Iran has denied any involvement.
To be completely honest, the problems with mines in the Strait of Hormuz appears to be an attempt to spark a war in the Middle East. That aspect cannot be ignored and needs to be studied by intelligence agencies globally.
There are absolutely no peace talks occurring anywhere and Trump's temperament is well known. I think the USA is being a fool for terrorists that would like to see an escalation in the region so they can return to prominence.
There are absolutely no peace talks occurring anywhere and Trump's temperament is well known. I think the USA is being a fool for terrorists that would like to see an escalation in the region so they can return to prominence.
Mines are a problem in many places in the world. Now it is a problem in a sensitive area of the world with economic impacts.
The USA is prepared to carry out these missions. This type of ordinance is not foreign to the concerns in these waters.
Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Tyler Thompson
U.S. Navy
MEDITERRANEAN SEA (July 24, 2017) Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal (click here) Technician Robert Ramirez, left, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician 3rd Class David Garcia, both assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) 8, proceed to a simulated call in the Mediterranean Sea during exercise Noble Melinda 2017. The Israel Defense Force-hosted explosive ordnance disposal and mine countermeasures exercise is designed to increase the interoperability of participating nations, enhance maritime proficiencies, and promote maritime safety and security in the region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tyler Thompson/Released)
With a current measure by the US Navy in place to remove and disarm this type of munition, Trump has no basis to point to Iran. This form of terrorism, unfortunately, it not an uncommon concern. Of course, the Australian navy would be involved with such exercises.MEDITERRANEAN SEA (July 24, 2017) Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal (click here) Technician Robert Ramirez, left, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician 3rd Class David Garcia, both assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) 8, proceed to a simulated call in the Mediterranean Sea during exercise Noble Melinda 2017. The Israel Defense Force-hosted explosive ordnance disposal and mine countermeasures exercise is designed to increase the interoperability of participating nations, enhance maritime proficiencies, and promote maritime safety and security in the region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tyler Thompson/Released)
A bit of history.
It was the spring of 1939, (click here) and the threat of war was hanging over Europe when Stuart Macrae, the editor of Britain’s Armchair Science magazine, received a mysterious phone call.
A man named Millis Jefferis, who Macrae had never met before, wanted to know more about the powerful magnets featured in an issue of the magazine. The gruff-sounding Jefferis wouldn’t tell Macrae why he needed the information, but he was insistent....
Everything I look at says terrorists. This is on Etsy (click here) It is an empty shell for sale for $27.00. The proof of any sovereign state using such devices is highly questionable. 1/16 German Metal MAGNETIC LIMPET MINE re WWII Tank Panzer Tiger Diorama Model (click here)
The mines are from WWII. The country of Iran didn't exist during WWII. The picture below left (click here) is the usual method of installing the limpet mines. The terrorists that placed the magnet mines on the ship didn't care to carry out the explosions underwater.
Source of picture (click here)
There are far more questions than answers. The reality that can be acted on is the fact there were magnetic mines placed on the oil tankers. There need to be measures to insure safe passage of the ships. How that safe passage is achieved is most likely up to the USA and MONITORS to report trustworthy activities by the USA Ships. The monitors will have to be in the water. I doubt if any monitor will be allowed on board a USA ship.
There need to be cameras installed on the tankers to record nefarious activity. Those cameras can be a part of a monitor station on board to be viewed by a sailor.
Harbors around the world have sophisticated monitoring in their harbors. I am sure that level of surveillance can be brought to the ports along the Gulf of Oman.

To the right is a crosscut view of a limpet mine. It is a very crude device. It is also a very old device. There is nothing sophisticated about this.
It was probably used in the previous attack of four tankers. There is no evidence of that though. The word used is probably.
...It is an underwater charge (click here) incorporating a built in time delay exploder intended to be fixed to the hull of a ship magnetically or held in a place by a nylon belt. Highly effective against submarines, war / merchant ships riding at anchor or moored along the pier, or alongside a jetty as well as port installations, pipelines and offshore drilling / processing platforms. It can be easily carried on chariots, when required....
This article is from the Japan News. Japan and Norway need to be a large part of this initiative and certainly, need to be a part of the decision making at this point.
June 14, 2019
Dubai/Washington — The United States blamed Iran (click here) for attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday that drove up oil prices and raised concerns about a new U.S.-Iranian confrontation.
It was not immediately clear what befell the Norwegian-owned Front Altair or the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous, which both suffered explosions, forcing crews to abandon ship and leave the vessels adrift in waters between Gulf Arab states and Iran.
One source said the blast on the Front Altair, which caught fire and sent a huge plume of smoke into the air, may have been caused by a magnetic mine.
The firm that chartered the Kokuka Courageous tanker said that it was hit by a suspected torpedo but a person with knowledge of the matter said torpedoes were not used.
An unexploded device, believed to be a limpet mine, was spotted on the side of the Japanese tanker, a U.S. official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. If confirmed, the next steps might be to either deactivate or detonate the device....
There is nothing conclusive about that video, except, a potential Iranian ship is removing a mine from the ship. We all should be grateful the Iranians could safely remove a dangerous munition. The Japanese thought they might lose the ship entirely.
If this was a film loop whereby Iranian sailors were placing the magnetic mine on the ship it would be suspicious to a sovereign act, but, there is no such information in a film loop.
Trump wants a war. He doesn't care of it is legitimate or not. What needs to happen here are decisions between the countries using these waters for the need of mine sweepers and patrols to provide safe passage.
What concerns me is how terrorists obtained magnet mines and how was the attack deployed without anyone on the ship detecting the attack. The ships are not equipped with cameras that monitor the sides of the ship otherwise that video would be out there rather than an Iranian ship removing a magnetic mine.
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