This is the satellite of January 1, 2006.
It also shows the now dissipated Tropical Storm ZETA. That storm is somewhat irrelivant to the prediction I am about to embark on here, except, to realize we now have experienced severe and notable storms in summer, autumn and winter.
There is an odd phenomena in the way the states have organized themselves in the USA. Many of them are in 'blocks' of area.
One might note the states that line up in a straight line at the very northern border. North Dakota. Iowa. Montana. Washington.
There is also another line of states.
Not exactly a straight line but close enough for this illustration. The borders between the states of Virginia and North Carolina. Kentucky and Tennessee. Missouri and Arkansas. Kansas and Okalhoma. Colorado and New Mexico. Utah and Arizona.
The line is just north of 36N degrees latitude.
Now, extrapolate that to extend the entire width of the image. What is north and what is south? Where is the drought and where is it not?
You should be getting a rough idea of moisture distribution of the Arctic Ocean Vortex. There is a still ice in the north polar ocean, by the way.
Where does that moisture come from? Insulting question, isn't it? It comes from the 'climate' of the planet as domianted by the melting of that ocean of ice.
I have long time stated the 'ocean of ice' of the north pole was the thermostat to the ENTIRE planet of Earth. It's true. Over the millennia Earth has waxed and wamed with heat and cold for one reason or another. Each of those reasons have gone into one explanation or another by detractors of Human Induced Global Warming. Volcanoes. Solar Flares. Changing Magnetic Poles.
It is those reasons that make this 'understanding' of passivity dangerous.
Ah, we'll be alright.
No we won't.
Somehow, understanding 'Younger Dryas' is to protect you from it. A natural cycle. A better comprehension of complex earth dynamics, hence, alleviating any anxiety over complete melt down.See, it goes like this. Deaths are expected to occur because the 'carrying capacity' of Earth is reduced during times of stressful heating while the recovery, as realized in Younger Dryas, will allow the Garden of Eden to return, hence, the joyous return NATURALLY of the infamous water planet, Earth.
All is well that ends well. And wealthy even.
Returning now to the satellite and our understanding of 36N. What happens to all that circulating moisture when the north polar ice ocean is completely melted? Where will the drought be and where will it not? Can human beings living today sustain the ravages of Younger Dryas for 300 years before the return of benevolent climate again?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe. To some extent, providing there is a 'temperature' of tolerance to human internal body tempertures. In other words, can anyone GUARANTEE you won't fry?
There is a factor that is ignored with all these scenarios. The fact that when Younger Dryas occurred before there were not 6 billion people on Earth. There was not CONTINUED industrial emissions of carbon dioxide.
I am here to tell you, the return of biotic life on Earth will not return in 300 years. It will return when and only when we stop producing carbon dioxide in a way un-natural to Earth.
In the book, "Silent Spring" the nightmare was the fact the chemicals placed by humans in the ground was now killing us slowly through altered body chemistry resulting in cancers. It wasn't until we cleaned the environment of those cancinogens did our ability to PREVENT cancers begin......
The diminished 'carrying capacity' of Earth will continue until a balance of gases surrounding this planet allows it return to a cooling cycle. That has to start with a conscious decrease of the emission of carbon dioxide by industry. Trading carbon credits is NOT the answer. Eliminating carbon dioxide is as a health related toxic gas is the ONLY way to stop this deadly progression.
There has to be a CONVERSION of civilization to 'conversion fuels' for energy and not 'combustible' fuels. Burning anything for energy is out of the question. It is ancient. It will demise this planet. It will destroy ecosystems. There are those that believe with the damage modern humans are doing to Earth it is destined to be another Venus. I don't know if I'll go that far. But, I will say there is currently an active extinction taking place. I do believe it has the capacity to destroy most of the human, if not all, population on Earth.
Currently, the Kyoto Protocol, is the hope of the world. It is not enough. Every nation on Earth has to be a part of it's future. Eliminating CO2 from emissions is an absolute necessity. Not a luxury. Every country has to 'wean' itself from carbon emissions. Even Tony Blair is looking to other carbon sources rather than taking his scientists statements seriously. Most governments have no interest in capping oil wells. They have no desire to move into a means of energy that will sustain life on Earth.
In the song entitled "Edge of the Earth," the statement "Six billion people just one name..."
Do you get it?
You have to 'get it' to appreciate the beauty in those words.