Friday, January 07, 2022

There is another way to get rid of the…

 …conspiracy against the USA democracy. 

Get rid of the electoral college.

Require the popular vote to decide all elections. 

Simple and a clean break from danger to our democracy. It requires an amendment to the US Constitution. It should begin to be promoted as an amendment by a non-profit organization in all 50 states. It requires a super majority in Congress and a majority of states.

The movement must begin now with a clear understanding the US Constitution faces a flaw and a dangerous flaw.

Good luck.

Tucker Carlson is correct.

Ted Cruz is calculating his statements, where he states it and how he stated it. He will make that electoral speech again. The die is cast.

Republicans are very vindictive. They have held every action against their “brand” as a sour lemon on their tongue and will seek to prove the Democrats are cheaters and thieves. 

What’s his name? The West Virginia guy? The Senator at the center of “I am afraid of Republicans?” Joe What’s his name? Joe Manchin recently said if Republicans aren’t included in a bill they hold that against us. He is correct. How many times have I heard Robert Bork when they vote for or against judges? The Republicans carry grudges from the past, but, that is no reason to cower from them. When Democrats cower from Republicans there is only more reason for them to be emboldened.

There is a plot against the existence of the USA. The plot is supported by other sovereign countries. The Republicans that exist ten years after Richard Cheney’s service are the Plutocrats. If I was a country that wanted to destroy the USA without being destroyed I would back those in the USA that could buy their seats, including the presidency.

So, when Ted Cruz stated the insurgents were terrorists he meant to talk down to them to stop plots currently among them that plans for an armed assault. These bozos talk openly about their plans in the public realm. You have to pay attention. Ted Cruz is calling them terrorists to intimidate them so the What’s it’s name plan won’t be interrupted again. The Sweep. Not Grocery Sweep. Ahhhhhh….the Wisconsin Sweep, no….the Minnesota Sweep? Oh, wait. The Greenbay Sweep, yes? 

It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Ted Cruz was beginning the process for Trump, there were more than 150 Republicans that voted for the coup and what is more important is that they aren’t thwarted.

It is out there now. How are you going to end the diabolical paradigm built by a narcissistic  billionaire. One way is for President Joe Biden to conduct a Middle Class Renaissance. That would strengthen the Americans resolved to embrace democracy without being disappointed.

Supreme Court and COVID

Few employers in the USA have employees that do not smoke. Employees are not allowed to smoke in the workplace. Why? Because smoke enters the air and travels to cause disease with secondary smoke. That dynamic is magnified by severe danger that can result in death due to COVID-19 and it’s variants. Vaccines are the only preventable method to protect life.

In regard to employees that smoke, they are assigned to special areas to smoke a cigarette. It is impossible to smoke with a mask. So, the idea employees will be breathing air at the smoking shed is all that much more to be a reason to require vaccines in the workplace.

President Biden’s administration is trying to maintain safety for all Americans while recognizing that work is important. Requiring vaccines for the workplace is the least invasive measure and the least expensive measure for any employer. 

Driving a tractor trailer is probably the most isolated job in the USA. Even those long haul drivers are exposed to others at delivery and pick-up points. In recognizing people die of this virus and outbreaks put extreme pressure on the USA health system there is absolutely no employer exempt from causing that burden.

The culture in the USA causing outbreaks and spreading this virus is a profound danger to all Americans following all the rules and recommendations. It is ridiculous to think mandatory vaccines are a threat rather than a salvation.

Ahmad Arbery was murdered due to racism

This is an issue of societal testing the face of hate. The convicted murderers are dangerous men. They will not change their racist culture while in prison. The prisons are lined with racists divided into different camps. These people do not see the difference between prison or freedom. They are dedicated to racism and will be supported by other inmates when they serve time. The three men need to be given life without parole.

Red States are the highest in COVID cases.

Florida is third highest in the entire country.

There is a reason for that level of infection, the Red State social culture opposes vaccinations. They also don’t wear masks. They don’t observe social distancing and their governance demands, regardless of childhood deaths, that child do not wear masks and schools must be open for classes.

The Red States in the USA conduct human rights abuses, not governance.

Let me make this clear. The Red States argue closing any social venues will hit the economy too much. Schools are not where tourism takes place or adults go to party.

Refusing to enforce mask, hand hygiene and social distancing during an increasing wave of infection is a human rights violation be it adult or child.

Capitalism Joe

 3.9% unemployment.

Amazing and fighting a global pandemic at the same time!