... the new man in my life. Next to my two sons he is the most beautiful baby ever born. Biased of course.
Deven Roane
6 pounds, 8 ounces
18 inches long
He looks exactly like his father, my son, except for a dimple his Dad has in his chin. The child is perfectly charming and is my first grandson.
All the more reason to save the world from war and environmental disaster. This wonder of life belongs to my youngest son of age 25. My older son, age 27, has no desire to have children at this point because the world has become such a horrible place. That 'judgement' comes due to a connectedness my sons grew up with to the world and not just their own little slice of it.
Both my sons are moral men with interesting women in their lives that stand side by side with them in their belief systems. Neither of my sons pass judgement on the other's values either. They feel their views of the world are equally important and on the "big" issues regarding quality of life, they stand with me.
Deven is born into a family of people with strong feelings about a lot things, I wonder what his views will be and what wonderful part of this world he will come to play. I intend to foster every aspect of interest he has.
Thank you for your interest.