Sunday, October 13, 2024

So, the whole world saw “The Apprentice “ now.

The story of Trump resulted in the person he is today. He is greedy and covets other people’s money. He admires power against government and welcomes corruption. He still practices the Cohen Rules of Greed. 

1. Attack, attack, attack.

2. Admit nothing and deny everything. The truth doesn’t matter, it is a construct, make your own truth and double down on it.


That is Trump in a nut case nut shell. He so much lives by corruption that he allowed his ideology to recruit racists to form militias, hamstring any authority to oppose the militias, and turned them loose on the USA Capital, while embracing authoritarian government, and stating he loved this country.


He’s a wacko.

Those that back him are as corrupt as he is, embrace authoritarian rule of the USA, hate all beliefs except their own ideology, see him as a puppet to their monetary power over government, and hate taxes while believing the working, middle class are lazy and don’t deserve the pay they receive.

He is not a good decent man that embraces democracy and free will and was mentored by communists that want to bring the USA to its knees. As far as Trump is concerned the USA is already on its knees and believes the communists won, so why fight it, unless “ he alone can make America Great Again.”

Trump has no valor and will never understand it, that is why he calls soldiers and great American warriors “losers and suckers.” He misinterprets the USA history of being muscle bound as weakness when it has always been the best side of valor knowing what the consequences would be. 

Trump is a gambler and a loser while using addictive drugs to attempt to feed his ego. He suffered from ED, needing hypersexual content in his life exampled by pageants of women and girls to compensate for it. He found enough excitement in porn stars, playboy idols, iconic successful women to carry out sexual acts often in the form of rape.  According to women reporting in on Trump’s sexual assaults he had victimized at least 24 of associates and/or friends. He even openly stated his power over women in an “Access Hollywood “ tape. 

Trump has no redeeming qualities or characteristics. He is willing to serve the purpose of those that allow him to be in power because he serves their purposes. He has absolutely no concept of good governance, the truth, or any allegiance to it. Oaths mean nothing to him and he will destroy this democracy because it suits his own purposes. 

Donald Trump is power hungry, ruthless and will design his own reality at any cost to maintain a grip on power.  He has no other desire but to rule over others. Why not be a savior, it works for his self-esteem and to reel people in to believe he can carry it off.


(Click here)

This is all very interesting, but, Venezuela has cut diplomatic ties with Israel due to its alliance with Hamas and Russia.

(Click here)

In addition to Iran and Hezbollah corrupting the Venezuelan elections and economy while committing human rights abuses; there is the decades long occupation by Russia of Venezuela. Russia has military bases in Venezuela including nuclear capacity jets and hypersonic missiles. 

So, while providing state of the art American technology to an ally is important, there better be plenty of these defense systems in place right here on USA soil. 

Surrendering to Russia, as Trump wants, is not an option. These aggressions have been in play for a long time. No different than the aggression into Ukraine. Putin called the Russian diaspora home about a decade ago. It is all on this blog. He, through the Duma, then limited what was the definition of Russian citizenship. People had to give up dual citizenship. Why? To serve Putin in his planned assault against NATO beginning with Ukraine. Putin will never give up Venezuela as a foothold to the Free World in the Western hemisphere, except, in propaganda intended to inspire cowardess in election balloting. 

This is a petroleum industry catastrophe.

(Click here)

There are no flood maps that plan for this. Helene was not a 100 year flood by definition.
(Click here)

Definitions of flood plans is based in rising water of current infrastructure stability. The USA, unlike the EU or UK, never accepted ANY definition of climate crisis. The petroleum industry has dominated government definitions and actions in the USA. 

Helene was catastrophic flooding caused by a stalled climate crisis hurricane that through torrential rains caused the failure of mountainous terrain that clogged waterways creating unimaginable flooding. Nowhere in government definitions of flood maps/plains will anyone find the words climate crisis or complications of torrential rains from stalled storms. The language was never allowed.

(Click here)

“What happened in Asheville” documents the complete alarm of Americans without a clue to the potential to the climate crisis because the language was never pursued. The corruption of the petroleum industry of the political system is why Asheville was devastated and so many lives lost. Americans were never told they had to give up burning fossil fuels to live on Earth. That is what happened in Asheville.

All those vehicles are usable.

(Click here)

The flood waters bearly got to the top of the wheel wells. The engines are fine and can be driven out of the water to dry out. 

The only long term problem will be undercarriage rust. So, if they are treated with rust preventative they will be fine. There is no big capital expenditure necessary for some time. When they are replaced they need to be EVs.

“Reels” on Facebook

(Click here)

Family member sent this link to a cite called “Reels.” This particular collection of reels shows before and after scenes of Helene.

This storm was extremely powerful and mostly because of inundating rains. The rains washed enormous amounts of sediment from between the rocks compromising the mountains. There is a couple of things.

First, it destabilized the rocks that would result in rockslides. Losing the sediment was like taking cement out from between the bricks of a brick wall. It tumbled. 

Second, the sediment washed downhill and accumulated very, very quickly in the rivers creating dams that weren’t there before. Those dams would cause flooding. 

In addition to the sediment rushing out of the mountains, the sheer volume of water caused enormous changes in river velocity. The velocity exponentially increased erosion and turned loose “river processes “ the literally changed the course of the rivers.

Additionally, where river water volume was forced outside the banks of the river, it washed away any home and/or building off its foundation and downstream to be destroyed by water velocity and debris in the water. I am fairly confident the rivers, creeks, and brooks became so violently fast people were killed instantly by the force of the water alone. 

When in search of missing people they may not be found in the area last seen or on their property or residence. This water volume along with moving sediment and rocks could have their bodies trapped in areas where the velocity was the strongest. 

This was a very violent storm by rain volume alone, then add to it rockslides, sediment dams, and tornadoes and there was no way of planning to survive it. The only survival strategy was to get out of the way of this hurricane LONG before it ARRIVED. There was no other way. Helene had death written all over it.
