One thing the media is having trouble with are Trump’s claims. His claims are not defined in USA law and are a wish and not stated or case law. Trump is hoping the judge deciding any case presented on behalf of his “belief” system will be just corrupt enough to (1) decide in his favor and it sticks or (2) decide against him to move further up the ladder of appeals to find enough corruption to rule with his claims.
Example: Trump is screaming executive privilege about the documents at Maralago. What does he mean by that?
Is Trump World executive privilege:
(1) resonating with Trump World member/citizens? Why? What understanding do they hold in the exclusive media they listen to?
(2) resonating with established media like FOX News? What definitions (that is plural for a reason) do they adhere to to further their propaganda?
(3) resonating with Trump ONLY as he is a genius as no other? I believe when Trump screams executive privilege he is stating everything within his administration is so very unique that only he understands it therefore is protected from all other people and interpretations. That, of course, is nonsense, but, it is a definition that is not being applied while all others are using definitions based in law regardless it’s adjective.
Question: What will give the legitimate media and not the politburo, at FOX and Trump World media, more authority to speak on these topics? Stating “…according to Trump World executive privilege means…blah, blah, blah…while the truthful definition of executive privilege states, “It is an act by the current President to protect information important to his duties and decisions that are reasonably protected by secrecy.” Therefore, this request to the court is most likely a nuisance rather than legitimate.
From my perspective if the national mainstream media is providing interpretation of illegitimate use of our laws and legal system and legal language, it gives greater authority to the national media as the purveyor of the truth with a complete understanding of all the pleadings. Legitimate interest in all the people is my thoughts about this as well.
What is occurring with Trump is an alienation into a universe manipulated by communists and dictators and/or his own scared self of the actual weight of USA law now upon him. Regardless, his rallies are to serve one purpose and that is incitement of anger, hate and violence. His authority within that paradigm is absolute as allies like Graham cower at his words.
Trump has one strategy with everything.
A message over time unanswered will carry brevity it shouldn’t. Trump is banking on time and fatigue of the political fight to win out. It works with Graham, why not everything else? Graham is sitting in the catbird seat. If he agrees with Trump and carries his message he wins if Trump wins. If Graham agrees with Trump and carries his message and Trump loses, Graham wins anyway.
This is a challenge to national media and it is a time for them to reclaim precious grounds that is legitimate to be theirs.