Katrina As of May 27, 2006, the deaths from Katrina reached 1,836 (click on)And the accounting is not yet finished, as only 32 states, with 480 deaths, have filed reports with Louisiana. Louisiana State Medical Examiner Louis Catalde said that his team would be reviewing all of the evacuee deaths to determine how many of them were actually caused by the storm. This link has examples of several deaths of evacuees that were purportedly caused by the storm.
As of November 21, 2005 the number missing from Katrina were 6,644 (click on)
The whereabouts of 6,644 people reported missing after Hurricane Katrina have not been determined, raising the prospect that the death toll could be higher than the 1,306 recorded so far in Louisiana and Mississippi, according to two groups working with the federal government to account for victims.
Bush and Cheney are good at making American's into statistics. I've never embarked on the exercise, but, I wonder what the statistics look like both domestically and abroad in regard morbidity and mortality; country by country, state by state, under the policies of this administration looks like. Are the people of the Sudan doing better?
What about HIV/AIDS?
Black women in America?
Gays and Lesbians and the survivability of their relationships on a long term basis?
Women in countries the USA seeks to assist. Their health. Their sense of purpose. Their political involvement. Their ability to be educated.
I could go on for a while with this list, but, I think everyone will get the drift.