Arabia is 'structured' with many Imams, Ayatollahs, Kings, Queens and Clerics. All these leaders received their authority based in religious precept with millennia of doctrine of which they derive their rights. There is no changing the Middle East and especially the Sunni populations there. Bush is acting out of desperation of his own political survival and NOT the best and immediate interests of people in Arabia. Democracy around the world would be his mantra to harness the American understanding of fairness and liberty. Fairness and liberty have no definition in Arabia outside the understanding that Muhammad brings to life.Sharia law (click on)Susie Steiner explains the Islamic legal system which has sentenced a Nigerian woman to be stoned to death (click on)Sharia law is the basis of the Iraqi Constitution. It is also viewed by The West to be oppressive and curel. It is the way of Arabia. No one is going to change that except the heirarchy of the Arabian people. The Honorable King Hussein of Jordan recognized the extremism in the laws that govern the most pious of his people. He wanted to move past that and in doing so brought a moderate voice to his people of which King Abdullah is attempting to carry on his hard work. Queen Noor (click on) brought a great deal of insight to her husband. She helped bridge the gap of West and Middle East. That influence is not outside of the laws of Islam. Women are not without power, but, they are channeled through their legitimate spouses. New U.S.-Middle East Partnership To Fight Breast Cancer. (click on) It is through efforts such as these that compassion will win the hearts of Arabia and it's women.
Among the most progressive men in Arabia besides King Abdullah and his spouse Queen Raina (click on), pictured in this link with the Turkish Prime Minister and his spouse (We all know about Turkey and the recent visit by the Pope. Right? To help bridge the void. Yes? Yes.), is Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
Abdullah Lauds Women’s Role in Society (click on)
“Saudi women are playing a great role,” said Abdullah. “They make fruitful contributions toward the country’s comprehensive progress in various sectors,” he added.
Abdullah made this comment while receiving women participants of the Sixth National Dialogue Forum at his palace in Riyadh separately.
“During their meeting with the king, the women voiced their views on the forum’s topic and other issues concerning them. They thanked the king for his efforts to empower women and strengthen their role in society,” the Saudi Press Agency said.
It is not my intention to recreate the work of King Hussein or his beautiful wife, it is my intention to stem the possibility of the delusion that Bush's America will ever instill a democracy void of religious authority in the Middle East. It won't happen. These countries are not colonies seeking the right to be free. These are sovereign authorities under the blessed right to exist as dictated by the lineage of Muhammad.
I doubt sincerely the brevity of these powerful leaders have entered The Iraqi Study Groups idea of sovereign authority. It is high time we saw the Middle East's stability for what it truly is and not what Bush's ideology dictates it to be.
The reason President Mubarak of Egypt stated to 'try' and 'hang' Saddam Hussein would be a mistake is because it is viewed by the people of Islam as a desecration of authority. Regardless of the appropriate nature of his incarceration and his sentence to death by hanging as per Western Precepts, it is still a very destabilizing event that would lend potential to extremism and not a deterrent to it.
Russia's decision here is easy, it believes in stable political blocks which is also the view of China in many ways. Neither Russia or China see threat to their sovereign governments so long as there are stable governments in the world. I don't believe any of the Russian statements siding with Mubarak are based in trade potentials, although I find President Putin's expanding interests in the region rivals that of the USA. President Putin is not interested in Middle East oil, he has plenty of his own, however, he interested in providing a stabilizing force that gives Bush plenty of pause.
If The West is to conquer the world and instill democracy globally it will be at war for a long, long time. The Crusades will be a walk in the park compared to Bush/Cheney ambitions to capture the Caspian Sea (click on).
(Yeah that's right this is a link to The University of Michigan where Bush tried to 'take them down' by attacking their Affirmative Action Program. Bush is an idiot that believes he has power to 'deliver' to his base by intimidating the American dream and threatening authority with his ideologies. He's a treasonist. I know that doesn't play well, but, he is. He seeks 'power' in authority not granted him by the USA Constitution, but, only power granted him by his crony majority Republican House and Senate. One can easily extrapolate the concept of treasonists to the whole lot of them, actually. In a recent statement to the newly elected Senator Webb with a son in Iraq, a democrat that ran for office with the understanding the troops have to come home, Bush asked, "So how is your son doing?" It was not a statement of concern, but, a threat by the authority of a Commander and Chief. In other words, Bush didn't appreciate Senator Webb's victory or his view of Iraq, so, Bush could easily seek an opportunity to put the Senator's son in harms way to make an impression of the MISTAKE of Senator's Webb's choice of troop deployment out of the region. Bush with the power to murder. But that is off topic and simply an opportunity to make a point about the psychotic nature of this USA President. Bush doesn't seem to understand 'Vengence is mine saith the lord.)
THE ONLY SOLUTION to any liberation, as The West sees it, for the Middle East is to uphold it's sovereignty while respecting the monarchies and dictators of that region. We have seen remarkable changes in those countires, Libya is completely disarmed when once a terrorist training ground and haven, Jordan is more Western than Middle Eastern and many countries in the region, although very angry with Israel at the moment, have recognized it's right to exist and now it would seem President Mubarak feels Egypt is ready for a freely elected democratic society.
I will remind that also in play at this time are the extremists, including in Egypt "The Muslim Brotherhood" (click on). We have also seen an attempt at a democratically elected Palestinian Authority and the ascension of Hamas. It's a very difficult call to say democracy in it's Western Interpretation is a good idea. I am still unsure what the motivation behind the Egyptian elections were, except perhaps Bush's military threat, although I trust President Mubarak's good judgement. It's a fine line to walk in the Middle East when freedom comes at the end of a gun rather than through the consent of sovereign authority.
Democracy isn't all that when there are international standards to live by, such as the Human Rights doctrines of the United Nations (click on), and the vigilence of editors of newsprint sincerely interested in keeping high moral standards for such commissions by the loyalty and patronage of readers that make it all worthwhile.
When democracy fails and takes back human rights as it has with the detainees at Gitmo, it gives credence to the idea that dictatorships have equal standing and the average citizen of any country has no hope of liberation. In many, many ways, to numerous to name here, the Bush battle cry for democracy has only served to mask a growing threat to the world and not it's liberation. Democracy as it exists under Bush has betrayed the trust of the world's oppressed and in other ways has created a loyalty to terrorist networks such as al Qaeda who now seem to hold promise rather than threat.
The new majority in the USA House and Senate should not underestimate their promise to return the USA to a standing of liberated. Although it comes with a tone somewhat conservative the view of the world as once valued by it should be very clear: The USA is not interested in killing or carrying out liberation, but, interested in the rights of every human being to be happy within their own lives while wiping out poverty, disease and all the opportunities terrorists use to spread their credo which includes benevolent economic developement.
Make no mistake, the elections of November 2006 are seen by the world as a return to a USA that holds high moral standards and the ability to carry them out through generous international programs bringing increased quality of life and promise to children. It's important beyond simple expectations that the Democrats act on that understanding.
The Muslim nations of the world need friends among Americans and not people that come as if friends carrying guns. We need to return in a very loud and single voice, most frequently noted in Hillary Clinton speeches, that states, we believe in the human potential and not the destruction of faiths or governments.
I hold a great deal of hope for the new majority legislature and expect them to live upto the world's expectations of a return to the USA as they knew it and not cowering to Bush's so called authority. I see overriding vetos a regular occurrence and to that end the House and Senate leaderships have a very important role in maintaining their party's loyality to Democratic outcomes and not Bush's neverending demands for more spending and a military out of control.
The Middle East isn't in as much trouble as some would make it out to be. Iraq has problems but more over it has friends in the USA that would see it stable FIRST to stop the killing and willing to stand steadfast in it's patience to be vigilant to all it's hopeful outcomes. Stabilizing Iraq under an authority the citizens approve is most important. If one will note many countries with monarchies of lineage also have Prime Ministers and President's without the benefit of those lineages, a Western example would be Britain.
I hold a great deal of hope for Iraq, either as a unity nation or one that has sought a different path with three separate sovereign authorities. However. I don't see stability in any region without the consent of it's right to a lineage of religious authority close at hand. If any religious authority is deemed 'Anti-American' it is because to date our President has been anti-religious authority and completely "W"rong in doing so.
Good night.