The Rooster
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
In his first two years of office, President Obama has found it necessary to BAILOUT the American People.
Nobody else bothered. The promise of TARP was to save the USA economy as well as the global economy from collapse.
That didn't happen. The TARP funds were used to bolster the viability of the investment banks which removed their 'investment bank status' in order to receive TARP.
Instead, the USA was left to figure it out for ourselves. With no idea to the extent the economy would deteriorate given the level of government neglect due to DOWNSIZING of the Federal Infrastructure which bred all kinds of corruption. So, the initial action by the Federal Government following the Democrats taking the Congress and the Executive Branch in the 2008 Election was to create a Stimulus Fund, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.of 2009. The signs are still being seen in regard to the excellent use of those funds.
The American Infrastructure was badly deteriorated, as noted by a major bridge collapse during the Bush Administration which caused innocent citizens to die. The ARRA of 2009 has and is correcting many of those issues. It put some of the construction industry, THEN floundering, back to work quickly since the housing sector was completely unavailable for any funding or loans in the private sector. At that time private banks were still tanking.
The American People have much to be grateful for with the Obama Administration. They were the right people for the job and if it were up to the Republicans we would still be looking at failing infrastructure and streets full of unemployed and homeless. The work this administration has done on all fronts of his cabinet is completely remarkable.
I thank the Obama Administration for taking care of a country that is always there for the private sector, but, in the years since January 20, 2009 has been 'there' for the citizens. President Obama is a remarkable President with a full agenda of achievements to date.
The "W" Bailouts
$18.6 Billion - The Airline Industry
The terrorist attacks of September 11 crippled an already financially troubled industry. To bail out the airlines, President Bush signed into law the Air Transportation Safety and Stabilization Act, which compensated airlines for the mandatory grounding of aircraft after the attacks. The act released $5 billion in compensation and an additional $10 billion in loan guarantees or other federal credit instruments.
The Chrysler and airline bailout plans had a commonality: stock warrants. A provision inserted into the ATSS Act, which allowed the Treasury to purchase stock at below-market prices from any airline receiving a loan guarantee, allowed the Treasury to earn money. Reports varied on the total net profit, ranging from $141.7 million to $327 million. The loan guarantee program suffered one loss of about $23.2 million when ATA Airlines filed for bankruptcy protection.
$30 Billion - Bear Sterns
JP Morgan Chase and the federal government bailed out Bear Stearns when the financial giant neared collapse. JP Morgan purchased Bear Stearns for $236 million; the Federal Reserve provided a $30 billion credit line to ensure the sale could move forward.
$400 Billion - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
On Sep. 7, 2008, Fannie and Freddie were essentially nationalized: placed under the conservatorship of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Under the terms of the rescue, the Treasury has invested billions to cover the companies' losses. Initially, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson put a ceiling of $100 billion for investments in each company. In February, Tim Geithner raised it to $200 billion. The money was authorized by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
$180 Billion - A.I.G (American International Group)
On four separate occasions, the government has offered aid to AIG to keep it from collapsing, rising from an initial $85 billion credit line from the Federal Reserve to a combined $180 billion effort between the Treasury ($70 billion) and Fed ($110 billion). ($40 billion of the Treasury’s commitment is also included in the TARP total.)
$25 Billion - Auto Industry
In late September 2008, Congress approved a more than $630 billion spending bill, which included a measure for $25 billion in loans to the auto industry. These low-interest loans are intended to aid the industry in its push to build more fuel-efficient, environmentally-friendly vehicles. The Detroit 3 -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- will be the primary beneficiaries.
$700 Billion - Troubled Assets Relief Fund
In October 2008, Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, which authorized the Treasury Department to spend $700 billion to combat the financial crisis. Treasury has been doling out the money via an alphabet soup of different programs.
In July of 2010, the financial regulation overhaul reduced the amount authorized for TARP to $475 billion.
Below is a breakdown of the money promised or committed through those programs and a plain language description for each. (click title to entry - thank you)
$280 Billion - Citigroup
Citigroup received a $25 billion investment throught the TARP in October and another $20 billion in November. (That $45 billion is also included in the TARP total.) Additional aid has come in the form of government guarantees to limit losses from a $301 billion pool of toxic assets. In addition to the Treasury's $5 billion commitment, the FDIC has committed $10 billion and the Federal Reserve up to about $220 billion.
$142.2 Billion - Bank of America
Bank of America has received $45 billion through the TARP, which includes $10 billion originally meant for Merrill Lynch. (That $45 billion is also included in the TARP total.) In addition, the government has made guarantees to limit losses from a $118 billion pool of troubled assets. In addition to the Treasury's $7.5 billion commitment, the FDIC has committed $2.5 billion and the Federal Reserve up to $87.2 billion.
I think that brings us up to current events.
President Bill Clinton...
...never instituted any bailouts for any industry during two terms of office and left office with a surplus in the USA Treasury.
41's Bailouts
$293.3 billion - Savings and Loan
After the widespread failure of savings and loan institutions, President George H. W. Bush signed and Congress enacted the Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act in 1989.
The Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act authorized $293.8 billion dollars to finance the folding of numerous failed S&Ls. The final tab for the bailout was roughly $220.32 billion. Of that total, taxpayers were responsible for about $178.56 billion; the private sector covered the rest.
...Between 1981 and 1989, (click title to entry - thank you) when George Bush finally announced that there was a Savings and Loan Crisis to the world, the Reagan/Bush administration worked to cover up Savings and Loan problems by reducing the number and depth of examinations required of S&Ls as well as attacking political opponents who were sounding early alarms about the S&L industry. Industry insiders were aware of significant S&L problems as early 1986 that they felt would require a bailout. This information was kept from the media until after Bush had won the 1988 elections.
Jeb Bush defaulted on a $4.56 million loan from Broward Federal Savings in Sunrise, Florida. After federal regulators closed the S&L, the office building that Jeb used the $4.56 million to finance was reappraised by the regulators at $500,000, which Bush and his partners paid. The taxpayers had to pay back the remaining 4 million plus dollars.
Neil Bush was the most widely targeted member of the Bush family by the press in the S&L scandal. Neil became director of Silverado Savings and Loan at the age of 30 in 1985. Three years later the institution was belly up at a cost of $1.6 billion to tax payers to bail out.
The basic actions of Neil Bush in the S&L scandal are as follows:
Neil received a $100,000 "loan" from Ken Good, of Good International, with no obligation to pay any of the money back.
Good was a large shareholder in JNB Explorations, Neil Bush's oil-exploration company.
Neil failed to disclose this conflict-of-interest when loans were given to Good from Silverado, because the money was to be used in joint venture with his own JNB. This was in essence giving himself a loan from Silverado through a third party.
Neil then helped Silverado S&L approve Good International for a $900,000 line of credit.
Good defaulted on a total $32 million in loans from Silverado.
During this time Neil Bush did not disclose that $3 million of the $32 million that Good was defaulting on was actually for investment in JNB, his own company.
Good subsequently raised Bush's JNB salary from $75,000 to $125,000 and granted him a $22,500 bonus.
Neil Bush maintained that he did not see how this constituted a conflict of interest.
Neil approved $106 million in Silverado loans to another JNB investor, Bill Walters.
Neil also never formally disclosed his relationship with Walters and Walters also defaulted on his loans, all $106 million of them.
Neil Bush was charged with criminal wrongdoing in the case and ended up paying $50,000 to settle out of court. The chief of Silverado S&L was sentenced to 3.5 years in jail for pleading guilty to $8.7 million in theft. (Keep in mind that you can get more jail time for holding up a gas station for $50.)
Today Neil Bush is working on closing a deal in Florida, where his brother Jeb is governor, to sell a software package to schools with his startup company Ignite.
The Reagan Bailouts
9.5 Billion - Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust
Then the nation's eighth largest bank, Continental Illinois had suffered significant losses after purchasing $1 billion in energy loans from the failed Penn Square Bank of Oklahoma. The FDIC and Federal Reserve devised a plan to rescue the bank that included replacing the bank's top executives.
It took the FDIC seven years to completely divest itself of Continental Illinois -- the bailout plan had given the government 80 percent ownership over the bank -- through the gradual sale of its share holdings. By 1991, Continental Illinois had been returned to the private sector, but the FDIC had suffered a $1.8 billion loss. Three years later BankAmerica Corp. acquired the bank.
The Chrysler Bailout. A Democrat bails out a car company. Not a bank? Oh.
$40 Billion
In 1979 Chrysler suffered a loss of $1.1 billion. That year the corporation requested aid from the government. In 1980 the Chrysler Loan Guarantee Act was passed, which provided $1.5 billion in loans to rescue Chrysler from insolvency. In addition, the government's aid was to be matched by U.S. and foreign banks.
The Ford Bailout
9.4 Billion - New York City
During the 1970s, New York City became over-extended and entered a period of financial crisis. In 1975 President Ford signed the New York City Seasonal Financing Act, which released $2.3 billion in loans to the city.
The Nixon Bailouts
...The Emergency Loan Guarantee Act of 1971 (click title to entry - thank you) provided up to $250 million in guaranteed loans to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. As of December 1976, $100 million of these loans were still outstanding. This thesis is an investigation of the Emergency Loan Guarantee Act, the Emergency Loan Guarantee Board, and Lockheed Aircraft Corporation during the 1971-1976 time frame. Both the legislation and Lockheed's subsequent performance under the 1971 Act are evaluated. (Author)...
By 1977, Lockheed had paid off its loans, and its dependency on the federal loan guarantees came to an end. The government earned about $112.22 million in loan fees.
$3.2 billion - Penn Central Railroad
In May 1970, Penn Central Railroad, then on the verge of bankruptcy, appealed to the Federal Reserve for aid on the grounds that it provided crucial national defense transportation services. The Nixon administration and the Federal Reserve supported providing financial assistance to Penn Central, but Congress refused to adopt the measure. Penn Central declared bankruptcy on June 21, 1970, which freed the corporation from its commercial paper obligations. To counteract the devastating ripple effects to the money market, the Federal Reserve Board told commercial banks it would provide the reserves needed to allow them to meet the credit needs of their customers.
In 1976, the federal government consolidated the still struggling Penn Central with five other railroad companies that were also failing to form Consolidated Rail, or Conrail. The government spent $19.7 billion, including roughly $7.7 billion for the initial investment, to keep Conrail operating. By 1981, Conrail began to earn a profit. The government sold Conrail in 1987 for $3.1 billion. In addition to the sale price, the Treasury received a $579 million dividend from Conrail.
$7.8 billion - Franklin National Bank
In the first five months of 1974 the bank lost $63.6 million. The Federal Reserve stepped in with a loan of $1.75 billion.
As the story behind Franklin National's failure unfolded, evidence emerged of corruption and shady business practices among the bank's executives -- several were eventually convicted. With the need for further intervention apparent, the FDIC stepped in as receiver that same year and sold Franklin National's104 branches and other assets to European American Bank. By 1981 the FDIC had sold Franklin assets worth about $5.1 billion. The agency was still owed another $185.3 million in interest.
"I hope we never forget what this man did."
Michael Moore is one of the greatest documentarians of all times. He is awarded some of the finest awards a filmmaker can receive. He has a dedication to promoting democracy that works for the Middle Class. He is somewhat naive to believe people are smart when they are full of fear. And yes when USA citizens feel they are backed into a corner, they seek relief and don't care where that comes from.
Michael successfully lead the country out of the ignorance of the Bush White House into a clear understanding to the wrongful war in Iraq. He showed the hypocrisy of Wall Street and how the American people blindly believed they had a productive relationship with Corporations. The people always believe the 'best of themselves' and 'the best of others.' What they never 'cement' firmly in their minds is that there are people in the USA that sincerely DON'T CARE about them. They never seem to 'get it.'
Go, figure. I guess it must be that writing a book complete white washes 'the true.' What is the name of that thing? Oh, yeah, "Decision Points." It should be named "How I justified Crony Politics while disregarding any morals." OR "The Ends Justify The Means."
Governor Palin's Crony Preference is really disgusting.
...The State Board of Education (click title to entry - thank you) has been weighing new school nutrition guidelines for nearly six months that encourage healthier choices, but they wouldn't create any no-cookie mandates.
"This proposed regulation does not impose requirements or sanctions about classroom parties," said State Department of Education spokesman Steve Weitzman. "We are not counting cookies or limiting parties."...
She does not get facts correct. Passes judgement on every day people. Ridicules people that care about children. And sees sugar of any variety as a benefit to a school lunch program. And she won't even favor 'National Dental Insurance for Children."
"This proposed regulation does not impose requirements or sanctions about classroom parties," said State Department of Education spokesman Steve Weitzman. "We are not counting cookies or limiting parties."...
She does not get facts correct. Passes judgement on every day people. Ridicules people that care about children. And sees sugar of any variety as a benefit to a school lunch program. And she won't even favor 'National Dental Insurance for Children."
This is what Right Wing hate breeds and has for decades. They don't believe in THE RULE OF LAW.
A young Native American (click title to entry - thank you) man from Navajo, N.M., tells the Navajo Times’ Jan-Mikael Patterson, here, that three men accused of attacking him and branding him with a swastika treated him “like a goat getting branded.” The victim, who is 22 but who functions at the mental level of a 12-year-old, was branded wire clothes hanger. A swastika was shaved into his hair, and white supremacist symbols and slogans also were drawn on his body, prosecutors say.
The incident is being investigated as a possible hate crime....
Published 11/12/2010 - 4:23 p.m. CST
WASHINGTON, DC - A federal grand jury indicted three men in Albuquerque, N.M., on federal hate crime charges related to a racially-motivated assault of a 22-year-old man of Navajo descent who has a significant cognitive impairment....
...The good Doctor believes that a truly free society will allow people to discriminate against whoever, and the free market will decide whether that person's business should prosper or not. Like many other conservatives and wingnuts, he doesn't believe that the Commerce Clause (which applies to interstate commerce) should have been used by the the advocates of civil rights to do away with segregation in public places. The ruling in this case pretty much said that A-merry-cans could go ahead and use the Commerce Clause to stop segregation in public places, but that is not cool with Dr. Paul and his ilk. Stunning!
Where is the indictment for Rand Paul, the Repuglicans and Tea Partiers. They are accomplices. The Arizona Law targeting illegal immigrants is enough.
Department of Justice (click here)
The Commerce Clause, Bud. The Commerce Clause. A tea bagger though and through.
...Here is an exchange (click here) between the good Doctor and Rachel Maddow on her show, recently:
"Maddow: Do you think that a private business has a right to say that 'We don't serve black people?'
Paul: I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form. I would never belong to any club that excluded anybody for race. We still do have private clubs in America that can discriminate based on race."
Paul: I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form. I would never belong to any club that excluded anybody for race. We still do have private clubs in America that can discriminate based on race."
`Oh come on Field, what's wrong with that? The guy takes a position that any decent A-merry-can would take. `
Yes, but then he said this:
"Maddow:... How about desegregating lunch counters?...
Paul: Well what it gets into then is if you decide that restaurants are publicly owned and not privately owned, then do you say that you should have the right to bring your gun into a restaurant even though the owner of the restaurant says 'well no, we don't want to have guns in here' the bar says 'we don't want to have guns in here because people might drink and start fighting and shoot each-other.' Does the owner of the restaurant own his restaurant? Or does the government own his restaurant? These are important philosophical debates but not a very practical discussion..."
...The good Doctor believes that a truly free society will allow people to discriminate against whoever, and the free market will decide whether that person's business should prosper or not. Like many other conservatives and wingnuts, he doesn't believe that the Commerce Clause (which applies to interstate commerce) should have been used by the the advocates of civil rights to do away with segregation in public places. The ruling in this case pretty much said that A-merry-cans could go ahead and use the Commerce Clause to stop segregation in public places, but that is not cool with Dr. Paul and his ilk. Stunning!
Where is the indictment for Rand Paul, the Repuglicans and Tea Partiers. They are accomplices. The Arizona Law targeting illegal immigrants is enough.
Department of Justice (click here)
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, November 12, 2010
Three Men Charged in Albuquerque, N.M., with Federal Hate Crimes Related to Assault of Disabled Navajo Man
WASHINGTON - A federal grand jury indicted three men in Albuquerque, N.M., on federal hate crime charges related to a racially-motivated assault of a 22-year-old man of Navajo descent who has a significant cognitive impairment.
Paul Beebe, 27, William Hatch, 29, and Jesse Sanford, 25, all of Farmington, N.M., have been charged with one count of conspiracy and one count of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act that was enacted in October 2009. More specifically, the indictment alleges that the defendants branded the victim by heating a wire hanger on a stove and burning the victim’s flesh, causing a permanent swastika-shaped scar on his arm. It is alleged that as part of the plan and purpose of their conspiracy, the defendants further defaced the victim’s body with white supremacist and anti-Native American symbols, including shaving a swastika in the back of the victim’s head and using marker to write the words "KKK" and "White Power" within the lines of the swastika. The indictment also alleges that the defendants took advantage of the victim’s developmental disability to induce him to make a cell phone video in which he purportedly consents to the branding.
This case is being investigated by the FBI’s Albuquerque Division in cooperation with the Farmington Police Department and the San Juan County District Attorney’s Office. It is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Roberto D. Ortega for the District of New Mexico and Special Litigation Counsel Gerard Hogan and Trial Attorney Fara Gold of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
An indictment is merely an accusation, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless proven guilty.
Paul Beebe, 27, William Hatch, 29, and Jesse Sanford, 25, all of Farmington, N.M., have been charged with one count of conspiracy and one count of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act that was enacted in October 2009. More specifically, the indictment alleges that the defendants branded the victim by heating a wire hanger on a stove and burning the victim’s flesh, causing a permanent swastika-shaped scar on his arm. It is alleged that as part of the plan and purpose of their conspiracy, the defendants further defaced the victim’s body with white supremacist and anti-Native American symbols, including shaving a swastika in the back of the victim’s head and using marker to write the words "KKK" and "White Power" within the lines of the swastika. The indictment also alleges that the defendants took advantage of the victim’s developmental disability to induce him to make a cell phone video in which he purportedly consents to the branding.
This case is being investigated by the FBI’s Albuquerque Division in cooperation with the Farmington Police Department and the San Juan County District Attorney’s Office. It is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Roberto D. Ortega for the District of New Mexico and Special Litigation Counsel Gerard Hogan and Trial Attorney Fara Gold of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
An indictment is merely an accusation, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless proven guilty.
The Republicans have no conscience. Just that simple.
Haiti Cholera Outbreak Reaches Port-au-Prince, Congress Continues to Block Release of Aid Funds
November 11, 2010
In Haiti, a cholera outbreak has reached the capital Port-au-Prince, where more than a million people are still homeless and living in crowded tent cities following January’s deadly earthquake. Meanwhile in Washington, Congress has put up another obstacle to delivering the $1.15 billion in reconstruction money it promised to Haiti back in March. We go to Port-au-Prince to speak with Jonathan Katz, Haiti correspondent for the Associated Press, and we are joined by Haitian American writer Edwidge Danticat. [includes rush transcript]
Will people ever get the message? The Right Wing has been 'handling' public opinion through deception a long, long time.
...The fiscally responsible (click title to entry - thank you) republicans don't have problem adding $700 billion of unfunded tax cuts for th wealthy (or $70 billion just for one year of extended tax rates) - but for the middle class professionals - who have never asked for a dime, worked hard and paid taxes all of their lives - minimal, temporary assistance must be paid for?!
The Republicans are not only arrogant hypocrites, they are ignorant and keep proving that fact daily - if people would just pay attention, they'd get the message...
The Republicans are not only arrogant hypocrites, they are ignorant and keep proving that fact daily - if people would just pay attention, they'd get the message...
Your Vote Matters
...But Cindy McCain (click title to entry - thank you) later backtracked partially on the issue, tweeting "I fully support the NOH8 campaign and all it stands for and am proud to be a part of it. But I stand by my husband's stance on DADT."...
NPR is not an acronym for "Nazi PaRty."
...According to my online (click title to entry - thank you) Oxford American dictionary, a Nazi is "a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party" or "a member of an organization with similar ideology" or a derogatory "term for a person who holds and acts brutally in accordance with extreme racist or authoritarian views."
Now, NPR may be a lot of different things to different people, but I've never known anyone from the network to act brutally in accordance with extreme racist or authoritarian views — unless they've changed pledge drive tactics...
Ah, huh.
Now, NPR may be a lot of different things to different people, but I've never known anyone from the network to act brutally in accordance with extreme racist or authoritarian views — unless they've changed pledge drive tactics...
Ah, huh.
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK, Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie?
(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
You've Been Hit By
You've Been Hit By -v A Smooth Criminal
So They Came Into The Outway
It Was Sunday - What A Black Day
Mouth To Mouth Resus - Citation
Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK Annie?
(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)
(Annie Are You OK?)
(So, Annie Are You OK?)
(Are You OK Annie?)
(You've Been Hit By)
(You've Been Struck By -
A Smooth Criminal)
Okay, I Want Everybody To Clear The Area Right Now!
(Annie Are You OK?)
I Don't Know!
(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
I Don't Know!
(There's A Sign In The Window)
I Don't Know!
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
I Don't Know!
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
I Don't Know!
(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
I Don't Know Why Baby!
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
I Don't Know!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom - Annie!)
(Annie Are You OK?)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(There's A Sign In The Window)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
Hoo! Hoo!
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
Dad Gone It!
(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
Dad Gone It!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom-Annie!)
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK, Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie?
(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
You've Been Hit By
You've Been Hit By -v A Smooth Criminal
So They Came Into The Outway
It Was Sunday - What A Black Day
Mouth To Mouth Resus - Citation
Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK Annie?
(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)
(Annie Are You OK?)
(So, Annie Are You OK?)
(Are You OK Annie?)
(You've Been Hit By)
(You've Been Struck By -
A Smooth Criminal)
Okay, I Want Everybody To Clear The Area Right Now!
(Annie Are You OK?)
I Don't Know!
(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
I Don't Know!
(There's A Sign In The Window)
I Don't Know!
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
I Don't Know!
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
I Don't Know!
(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
I Don't Know Why Baby!
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
I Don't Know!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom - Annie!)
(Annie Are You OK?)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(There's A Sign In The Window)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
Hoo! Hoo!
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
Dad Gone It!
(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
Dad Gone It!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom-Annie!)
The most stupid and victimizing oppostiional argument to date from the Right Wing Extremists regarding airplane travel security comes from a woman.

...Airport security (click title to entry - thank you) began confiscating little old ladies' knitting needles and breaking the mouse-sized nail files off of passengers' nail clippers. Surprisingly, no decrease in the number of hijacking attempts by little old ladies and manicurists was noted.
After another Muslim terrorist, Richard Reid, AKA Tariq Raja, AKA Abdel Rahim, AKA Abdul Raheem, AKA Abu Ibrahim, AKA Sammy Cohen (which was only his eHarmony alias), tried to blow up a commercial aircraft with explosive-laden sneakers, the government prohibited more than 3 ounces of liquid from being carried on airplanes....
After another Muslim terrorist, Richard Reid, AKA Tariq Raja, AKA Abdel Rahim, AKA Abdul Raheem, AKA Abu Ibrahim, AKA Sammy Cohen (which was only his eHarmony alias), tried to blow up a commercial aircraft with explosive-laden sneakers, the government prohibited more than 3 ounces of liquid from being carried on airplanes....
Airport security on September 11, 2010 was not completely inept. If one notes the time of day, Atta was there in plenty of time for the flight. What the airlines neglected to realize is that one than one terrorist could be involved in hijacking airplanes and to protect from it. At no point in time was airplane hijacking a new concept on September 11, 2001. It was happening all over the world and it was always a band of men. I don't recall off hand if here were women involved before this point, I don't recall any. But, there were women involved in these acivities after this point, both in Russia and Jordan.
So, on September 11, 2010 it is completely obvious the airlines were not protecting their crews, passengers or airplanes with THE REALITY that such an attack was possible. Hence, enters the TSA. End of disucssion as to whether the TSA is necessary or not. It definately is.
So, now in the year 2010 people are angry, primarily instigated by the economic collapse of 2010 and a deficit driven by that economic collapse in more ways then one. These same citizens are now victim to any entity in the 'media marketplace' to exploit for a listener or viewer nework. Now, frequent flyers want to eliminate the TSA from their venue of flying AS IF there were no danger at all to them PER commentators that seek to victimize for their own benefit 'the angry.'
Why is Coulter's commentary stupid and victimizing? I mean I actually have to point this out. Come on people it is time to 'come home' already.
Coulter's commentary is simple, stupid and victimizing because it states 'levels of PRECAUTIONS' that have actually WORKED. That's right, the precautions the TSA have been taking all these years are based in their own research and in reaction to actual events. The shoe bomber, the underpants bomber and now the remote ink cartridge bomber.
If average citizens want to complain about inconvenience, invasion of privacy and potential harm from repeated low level radiation exposure, then blame the terrorists, not the TSA or the federal governments of any country, because, they are working as hard as they can to stop this disaster, including the miliaries. The recent interruption of explosive devices in Namibia is an example to the 'radar' airline security systems are becoming tuned. So, knock it off and stop treating every irritation of modern society as if it is appropriate to vicimtize the very people seeking to protect citizens of every nation.
Whenever I have flown, of which the most recent were in July and August of 2010; I arrive at the airport two hours before boarding. It is more than ample time to get through security and find a comfortable seat near my boarding gate while I read or use my computer 'in transit' as I am doing now. I don't travel with children anymore so it might be more tedious to do so. But, at no time would I allow 'requirements of airline security' to enter into the picture as an annoyance. Never. Those folks are sincerely tring to do good work from the leadership to the security officers themselves.
If I were traveling during this holiday season I would be reporting with my children at least three hours before the flight to insure there was plenty of time for 'bathroom breaks' and 'snack time' and simply waiting while collecting thoughts about the destination and what is expected of the children during the flight and upon arrival all the way to the 'awaiting vehicle' to reach the locaiton of the purpose of the flight.
If I were an institution such as Disney World, I would be hypersenstive to the extreme length of time people have traveled to arrive at their destination and seek to 'help' with children by providing people that handle luggage to deliver them to the room without parents being burdened by tired children as well.
Holidays in the USA are suppose to warm and fuzzy experiences at every turn. There is more reason this holiday season to 'extend comfort' in every measure to the traveler and especially where that is met with children. I would expect the highest compliance by travelers to the demands of high tech security in knowing there is 'joy' in that quoitent at the end of the day.
If I were within the infrastructure of any security firm I would be fully staffed with qualitfied people to facilitate the shortest waiting times and the highest degree of comfort.
I understand there are 'inconsistent' applicaitons of security throughout the airports of the USA. My best estimate is there are some airports more susceptible to terrorist activity than others and the application of any security measure is 'fine tuned' by the airport management themselves. So, the inconsistency is more than likely NOT the issue of the TSA so much as the application of those measures by the management at the particular airport. Passengers need to 'tune' their preparedness for travel to that reality.
I have traveled though airports in large cities and small towns. The degree to which they apply their security systems is different, however, I found more 'interaction' through conversation with security personnel at the small airports simply because there are not as many people to screen in any span of time and the officers can derive more information through conversation than through scanners. It isn't as though we are not treated as human beings when the time allows and the 'mechanics' of security can be somewhat reduced.
I believe every TSA agent all along the leadership chain, every pilot and every flight attendant are worth every penny they earn and then some. They are true professionals and I personally thank every one of them. My personal philosophy (attitude) regarding air travel in the year 2010 is one of cooperation and preparedness to provide ID and security by availing my luggage and person to whaever concern arises. Those people are there for ME. They are there to protect me and I have to cooperate 'to assist' their ability to protect me. I have no problem with any request.
It isn't as though I have had a perfect experience every time either. I once made reservations at the last minute and of all things paid cash. I was considered a 'high risk' passenger when I went to pick up my boarding pass. I was asked to step aside and at that point I was exposed to high security intervention. It was all explained to me as to why and how and I was 'fine with it.'
Get over it.
The TSA has to determine the 'danger level' of the radiation used in the scanners and educate the passengers to that reality so they can make 'good choices' about their 'security intervention.' I strongly believe OSHA and POSHA have to have a regular presence to be sure the security personnel are not over exposed to any radiation source. A combined exposure could be occurring in any part of the building and all that has to be realized and secured as well.
I hope all the travelers this season will enjoy their 'venture' from the time they pick up their luggage at home to the time they return 'in one piece.'
Happy Holidays and Peace.
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