Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Climate Crisis requires leaders to have a world view in their political sphere.

Democrats might want to ask Republicans what their world view of the country is. Seriously. Republicans are strong proponents of "World New." Most of the time it is about the theological world view, but, with the Tea Party the theological world view is now part of the World View of where the country fits into a larger "Kingdom."

The Democrats need to adopt a "World View" in their platform.

When that happens, the way forward becomes obvious. Democrats can't be simply putting out domestic fires, they have to be planners and builders. They should have their own agenda.

Here is one question to be asked. "How do the Undocumented help satisfy the World View of the Democrats?"

The world view that President Obama has is interesting when the pieces to the puzzle come together. It is one of the reasons he went to China to develop a relationship to promote a safer world defined by a benevolent climate.
Ah, Boner is actually leading the US House today. It is comical to see him enter the House. There are servants holding both doors open for him. He must have a disability of weak arms. Golf isn't about building muscles. If he really wants to make cuts, the Speaker can start by relieving the House servants of door duties.

Well, that is unfortunate. Boner passed on the House duties to an underling. 

I didn't know Steven Spielberg was an eagle scout. 

Rep. Janice Hahn from California is making the point the current bill regarding infrastructure is insufficient and provides absolutely no long term assurances. I don't know any significant infrastructure project that can be funded year by year. That is not good governance by the Republican majority. It costs more to find an infrastructure project from year to year. It's nonsense. Whatever happened to the Infrastructure Bank that President Obama had in his jobs bill? 

President Barack Obama backed the " National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank" first proposed by former Senators Dodd and Hagel. President Obama brought his support to the proposed legislation in February 2008 and repeated his call in September 2010.

This is what killed the bill.

President Obama wanted $60 billion of federal funding for investment in the country for ten years. It didn't matter to Republicans this would bring the private sector to assist in the funding of the projects approved by this bank.

Isn't China now providing an infrastructure bank that President Obama is opposed to? 

Yeah, China has one. 

May 19, 2015
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Founding members of the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will hold a three-day meeting in Singapore, starting Wednesday, to discuss operational policies for the establishment of the institution.
The gathering, called the 5th chief negotiators' meeting, will also discuss the draft articles of agreement for the AIIB, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced on Tuesday.
The meeting will be co-chaired by Shi Yaobin, vice minister of China's Ministry of Finance, and MOF deputy secretary Yee Ping Yi.
A total of 57 countries have joined AIIB as its founding members, China has said, throwing together countries as diverse as Iran, Israel, Britain and Laos.
- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/business/more-business-stories/story/founding-members-china-led-asian-infrastructure-bank-meet-#sthash.qppCTtXM.dpufSINGAPORE (Reuters) - Founding members of the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will hold a three-day meeting in Singapore, starting Wednesday, to discuss operational policies for the establishment of the institution.
The gathering, (click here) called the 5th chief negotiators' meeting, will also discuss the draft articles of agreement for the AIIB, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced on Tuesday.
The meeting will be co-chaired by Shi Yaobin, vice minister of China's Ministry of Finance, and MOF deputy secretary Yee Ping Yi.
A total of 57 countries have joined AIIB as its founding members, China has said, throwing together countries as diverse as Iran, Israel, Britain and Laos....

So, all the US allies are investing in China, but, don't really have the chance to do it in the USA.

Let's just say this fact brings even more objection to the trade agreements. You'll excuse me, but, how are cities and towns suppose to build infrastruture to provide services to an expanding economy. The trade agreements are never going to develop markets or jobs in the USA because the states, cities and towns do not have BUDGETS that accommodate the expense of an expanding economy.

We are witnessing the police administrator in Milwaukee County filing lawsuits against the State to provide more police and sheriff officers. Police are infrastructure as are their cars and stations and software, etc. The USA can't compete successfully, so the trade agreements cannot be entertained as a potential to new jobs and an expanding economy. It can't be done.

The reason everyone points to China as the power that will dictate the trade environment in the Pacific is because the USA doesn't have the ability to do it. A signed agreement does not mean the USA will actually be able to move forward with necessary infrastructure to accommodate a growing economy. That is HOW the USA people end up working for poverty wages. There are no jobs other than the service economy. 


The Republicans are ruining the country. The more impoverished the country the less taxes paid, upward movement is sacrificed. So, the Republicans throw money into the military and nowhere else because the USA has only one purpose in the world besides poverty level labor and that is being the world's police. 

President Obama knows what he is doing in leading the country into the future. The Republicans are writing the country off because they are morons, too. That is what the Republicans believe of Americans. The Republicans think we are morons. We can't improve our own circumstances. They know there will be no manufacturing except in China.

Then there is the exception to the moron crowd in the Republicans such as Joe Wilson.

Rep. Joe Wilson is an amazing orator. He is able to bring Iran and Daesh under one umbrella. Well, there are a few seconds of paranoia for the next Koch Brother's ad campaign.

Joe Wilson is seeking to build fear in the USA to build 'the spirit' of war in the people. "Kill, kill, kill." Joe Wilson delivers the USA to it's only real purpose.

I have other things to do beside listening to morons that are incapable of governing. 
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Founding members of the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will hold a three-day meeting in Singapore, starting Wednesday, to discuss operational policies for the establishment of the institution.
The gathering, called the 5th chief negotiators' meeting, will also discuss the draft articles of agreement for the AIIB, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced on Tuesday.
The meeting will be co-chaired by Shi Yaobin, vice minister of China's Ministry of Finance, and MOF deputy secretary Yee Ping Yi.
A total of 57 countries have joined AIIB as its founding members, China has said, throwing together countries as diverse as Iran, Israel, Britain and Laos.
- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/business/more-business-stories/story/founding-members-china-led-asian-infrastructure-bank-meet-#sthash.qppCTtXM.dpuf
It is interesting the SUPPOSITIONS even police chiefs make when it comes to Baltimore. There is obviously "astigmatic" arrogance in all those focusing on Baltimore as the ultimate study of 'the black man.'

The black man that caused the fires in Baltimore is the TRUE black man. That statement was by an African American police chief.  

The statement went like this, "The fires in Baltimore proves what Baltimore would be like if the police weren't there." 

So, in the eyes of African American police chiefs, (David Clarke) there are profoundly good people and profoundly bad people. Therefore, the methods applied by police officers of any ethnicity upon unarmed black men are deserved and unquestionable. 

Representative Hank Johnson points to the fact there are police officers suffering from PTSD.

Oh, I didn't know police were perfect and their 'early warning' systems of mental health problems is perfect. 

Milwaukee County has a lawsuit with the state to provide more money to hire much needed police and sheriff officers. 

Rep. Mario Deborah Ramirez states the US Attorneys didn't prosecute police and is not allowed to fully answer the questions before her. One of the most important problems addressed in Boston was having witnesses come forward. The city appealed to organizations in the communities, including faith based groups. The city of Boston now works with the communities to provide safety and security to witnesses.


There is a difference between Positive Train Control and Automatic Train Control.

Positive Train Control is far better for managing train safety than automatic train control. With a Congress that continually lacks funding for the best system for our rail systems, the PTC never gets priority. 

PTC is an unprecedented technical and operational challenge. (click here) Since enactment of RSIA, railroads have devoted enormous human and financial resources to develop a fully functioning PTC system over the 60,000 miles that are subject to the PTC mandate. Progress to date has been substantial. Railroads have retained more than 2,400 signal system personnel to implement PTC and has already spent $5 billion on PTC development and deployment. Railroads expect to spend more than $9 billion before development and installation is complete....

Automatic Train Control is a simple method to control speed and not the operation of the train.

ATC solves only one of the concerns of railroads.

If a CEO is attempting to solve the demands of the USA Congress every penny counts and explains why ATC is not installed at every curve of the rails of Amtrak. 

The CEOs of Amtrak and the US Post Office have a unique set of circumstances that most other CEOs don't have; the Congress regulates their activities and takes a controlling role in the outcome of these public service companies. 

...The diagram shows (click here) the basic architecture of a fixed block automatic train control (ATC) system with its three main components - ATP (Automatic Train Protection), ATO (Automatic Train Operation) and ATS (Automatic Train Supervision).  The basic safety requirement, to keep trains a safe distance apart, is performed by the ATP, which has a control unit for each block.  This control unit receives the data from the blocks ahead, converts that into a speed limit for the block it controls and  sends the speed limit data to the track.  The train picks up the data using the codes transmitted along the track.  The transmission system can be track circuits, loops or beacons (balises) located along the track.  For more details see ATP Code Transmission....

The FACT of the matter is that Amtrak rails should have been fitted across the board a long time ago. The CEO should not have to pick and choose where safety is applied throughout the country. The FUNDING should have been there, but, the reason it hasn't is because Republicans seek to bankrupt Amtrak. In that reality of Republican politics lies the danger to the passenger and to the economy of the USA.

I mean let's face it, when Republicans want to promote war for "The USA Interests" which is the same as The Wall Street Interests, the money has to come from somewhere. The place war promotion finds it's funding is in domestic programs including the very food in the mouths of the poor. Realizing that Food Stamps turn into bullets and bombs did Amtrak funding ever have a chance? 

There is still the OPPORTUNITY for derailments with ATC. It has it's limits. The 'station to station' length of track can easily lend itself to the same exact thing that happened in Baltimore. Whatever caused the increase of speed occurred in seconds and not minutes or hours. It would have happened even if ATC was in effect.

I congratulate the LA Times for actually doing research before they declared the trains the problem and not the Congress.

May 18, 2015

...The biggest holdup for Tri-Rail (click here) is securing airwaves or radio spectrum. Positive train control systems rely on wireless signals that transmit information about the location, speed and direction of trains.

If an engineer fails to stop at a red signal, exceeds the speed limit or ends up on the wrong track, the system is designed to stop the train.

"That's the beauty of it. The human being is still there but there's also technology to provide a backstop," said Tri-Rail executive director Jack Stephens....

I'd like to think when I express an opinion on this blog it isn't a waste of time by the reader and is an informed opinion and not one that is biased for any reason. Politics can be benign and a real horse race if there wasn't so much hanging in the balance of American politics since "W." The USA has never faced such a vicious and dangerous political paradigm ever before. 

Populous politics can breed danger, especially in 2015. It breeds danger because it doesn't call up expertise. In the year 2015 it not only doesn't call up experts in the real world, but, substitutes God as a ruler and sovereign.

God as defined by populous politics with the right wing as a replacement and controlling entity based in 'earned blessing; ie: "God is on our side." Therefore, the people that want to spend money on domestic programs, even the farm bill, isn't in step with god and become 'the underdeserving.' After all, abortion is the work of the devil, which brings into play the opposite God and the overall element of CONTROL. 

Alas, children are so susceptible it is difficult to understand why anyone resists the ultimate government of a Christian theocracy. But, but, but, it is a benevolent Christian theocracy that respects other religions, but, maintains control of the best belief system for all. 

Intra-racial murder.

Rep. Gowdy is attempting to break down the language surrounding Black Lives Matter. He's racist. It's easy to see.

He is stating 'all lives matter.' That is an attempt to say the Black Lives Matter movement is racist and doesn't care about the "Intra-racial Deaths" in police enforcement. 

Mr. Gowdy is stating every unarmed black man that has died at the hand of police deserve it. Has Mr. Gowdy noted there were real problems in Ferguson? Any interest in that at all?

Mr. Gowdy is not interested in democracy, he is interested in prosecuting opposition to racism and hate. He hasn't used the word "thug," but, it is hanging in the air.

The oppositional force of "Black Lives Matter" is the "KKK." The words of hate and discrimination are not on the tip of Mr. Gowdy's tongue at all regarding the KKK. Mr. Gowdy is not interested in democracy, he is interested in making a political case to end such movements  so the extremist element he is involved with can have their 'hateful feel good feeling.'

Mr. Gowdy doesn't really belong in a democratic process, he only understands prosecution. He is interested in 'ENDING' a discussion and not carrying out to solve problems. Isn't Gowdy from Alabama? Nope, South Carolina, the same state that believes men that have affairs in Argentina are a good idea. You wonder sometimes where the Secret Service receives their permission.

Gowdy is backed by Speaker Boner by stating former Secretary of State Clinton is avoiding transparency. Speaker Boner is including President Obama in that 'idea' of resistance.

If the Executive Branch agencies carried out every request from Congress as a priority, they couldn't get their REAL WORK done.

Shi'ties militias will not be siding with Daesh. That is propaganda. I'd like to see the proof to the statement the Shi'ites will join Daesh. That is a lie.

See, I have proof they won't.

The statement by the so called professional talking head is Islamophobia at the very least and more likely hate speech. 

It was obvious the so called expert talking head doesn't know anything about the region where there are many ethnicities and/or religious groups.

If people leading a conversation can't discern hate speech from the truth, the conversation needs to be lead by someone else. 

Why is it hate speech, because the WORDS are suppose to support the idea of the USA killing people that are simply living their lives. Lives quite alien to most people in the USA. If the USA doesn't understand what it is doing except control of the region to make 'the wife' feel secure, there is fear backing the invasion and will be 'the forever war.' 


DANGER, DANGER, Will Robinson:

Since the "W" White House, war comes in "The Third Person."
It's a turf war. The Bandidtos and the Cossacks are the two well known gangs, but, there were two others as well.

The Bandidtos found a home and evidently it is a nice home with good service. The clubs owner did a great job, but, it bit him in the butt.

Bikers have their own sense of security. Parking spaces is one of them. Whoever ruffed the feathers of the parking space was most likely aware of the rules. Bikers know they are in among the public so they make sure the offender is in full control of his (her is more a possession issue) senses and that he understands the rules. Once that is established god help you if persisting in insulting the intelligence of the Biker and his friends.

They really don't like to be involved with the general public. They realize they are their own law enforcement and most people don't understand or even know about the rules and power behind them, so they tread easily until it is obvious there is a profoundly foolish offender in their midst. 

I am a little surprised there are four gangs involved. It tells me, quite naively, the place the Bandidos were calling home was also being called home by upto three other gangs. It must be a heck of place. The owner may or may not be the power behind a real PEACE that was disturbed the other day. Interesting. Turf sharing. Now, there's a thought.
A member of the Bandidos gang inside a German courtroom in 2007. (Frank Augstein/AP)

May 19, 2015

The Bandidos motorcycle gang (click here) has a saying: “Cut one, we all bleed.”
It’s not clear who started the cutting, but there was plenty of bloodshed on Sunday when the Bandidos brutally clashed with members of several other bike gangs at a restaurant in Waco, Tex. A wild shootout in broad daylight left nine bikers dead, 18 wounded and at least 165 under arrest.
The confrontation began about noon at a Twin Peaks restaurant in a shopping center and quickly escalated from fisticuffs to all-out war, said Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, a police spokesman. At one point, as many as 30 gang members were shooting at one another in the restaurant’s parking lot. Police found more than 100 weapons and scores of shell casings....