As the Arctic Ocean continues to absorb heat from the troposphere the 'swing' that allows freezing into the colder and darker months will become less and less and less. It is why there is no aged ice in the Arctic Ocean anymore.

...graph ... the figures illustrates how the length of the melt season varies significantly from year to year, but the long-term trend is clear...
Forgive them they know not what they do. This is NOT the jet stream, this is NOT global cooling. The HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEMS come from the Equator carrying heat to the Arctic because of air pressure shifts due to TEMPERATURE change in the troposphere. The heat transfer systems drop the hot air over the Arctic Circle OR over the ice continent of Antarctica and the ice that is millenia years old MELTS.
This IS Human Induced Global Warming and the cold over the lower latitudes is DISPLACED Arctic air.

Melt Season in the Arctic Getting Longer (click here)
...According to this analysis, the average length of the continuous melt season in the Arctic increased by 6.4 days per decade between 1979 and 2007. In some places, however, the trends were far larger than the average, espcially around the lower-latitude edges of the ice pack....
If you live nearly anywhere in North America, Europe, or Asia, it’s no news that December 2009 and early January 2010 were cold. This image illustrates how cold December was compared to the average of temperatures recorded in December between 2000 and 2008. Blue points to colder than average land surface temperatures, while red indicates warmer temperatures. Much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced cold land surface temperatures, but the Arctic was exceptionally warm. This weather pattern is a tale-tell sign of the Arctic Oscillation....
...It is defined by the pressure difference between air at mid-latitudes (around 45 degrees North, about the latitude of Montreal, Canada or Bordeaux, France) and air over the Arctic. A low-pressure air mass usually dominates the Arctic, and while higher pressure air sits over the mid-latitudes. This pressure difference generates winds that confine extremely cold air to the Arctic. Sometimes, the pressure systems weaken, decreasing the pressure difference between the Arctic and midlatitudes and allowing chilly Arctic air to slide south while warmer air creeps north....
...Cold Arctic air chilled the land surface at midlatitudes, while Arctic land, such as Greenland and Alaska, was much warmer than usual.
The IMBALANCE in the Midlatitudes of Earth has CAUSED the vortexes to manifest. Vortexes are 'heat driven' systems. The increased temperatures of Earth are strongly noted in the troposphere, especially over the poles where it is as much as 5 degree centigrade higher and in the oceans where the Pacific has been measured to at least 0.5 degrees C to 1.0 degrees C.
This NOT El Nino, it is Global Warming as Induced by Humans leading to Climate Change. This is simply a natural pattern. It has been consistent since 2002 and it will not stop until Greenhouse Gas Emissions come under control.
Ocean Temperatures And Sea Level Increases 50 Percent Higher Than Previously Estimated (click here)
ScienceDaily (June 19, 2008) — New research suggests that ocean temperature and associated sea level increases between 1961 and 2003 were 50 percent larger than estimated in the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.An international team of researchers, including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory climate scientist Peter Gleckler, compared climate models with improved observations that show sea levels rose by 1.5 millimeters per year in the period from 1961-2003. That equates to an approximately 2½-inch increase in ocean levels in a 42-year span.
The ocean warming and thermal expansion rates are more than 50 percent larger than previous estimates for the upper 300 meters of oceans.
The research corrected for small but systematic biases recently discovered in the global ocean observing system, and uses statistical techniques that “infill” information in data-sparse regions. The results increase scientists’ confidence in ocean observations and further demonstrate that climate models simulate ocean temperature variability more realistically than previously thought....

February 4, 2010
22:30:15 z
UNISYS Infrared Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)
Classic heat transfer systems that have been in control of the climate and weather patterns since October 4, 2010.