September 22, 2019 (updated)
A new report (click here) published ahead of key UN climate talks has warned the world is falling drastically behind in the race to avert climate disaster, with the five-year period ending in 2019 the hottest on record.
The data, compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), says climate change is accelerating, with sea levels rising, carbon dioxide levels increasing and ice sheets melting faster than ever before.
It warned that carbon-cutting efforts have to be intensified immediately and comes ahead of a major UN climate summit in New York on Monday that will be attended by more than 60 world leaders, as secretary-general Antonio Guterres pushes for countries to increase their greenhouse gas reduction targets.
The report "highlights the urgent need for the development of concrete actions that halt global warming and the worst effects of climate change," said its authors, the Science Advisory Group to the summit.
Average global temperatures between 2015-2019 were on track to be the hottest of any five years on record, according to the report....
Is the climate crisis urgent? What do you think?
CO2 (click here)
September 20, 2019
408.08 ppm
September 20, 2018
405.64 ppm
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, September 22, 2019
I am certain the UK has an incredible history that leads to deeper understanding of climate.
September 22, 2019
By Stefan Messenger
Studying the rings inside oak trees (click here) has allowed scientists to produce one of the most detailed records yet of how the UK's climate has changed over the last millennium.
It reveals a picture of summer rainfall stretching back more than 800 years.
Periods of prolonged extreme weather coincided with historical accounts of famines and droughts.
The researchers said the data presented "huge lessons" about the potential impacts of climate change on society.
Core samples were taken from hundreds of oak trees across the UK, in a project led by the University of Oxford and Swansea University.
The trees grow a new ring each year and are particularly sensitive to how wet it has been during the summer months.
The widths of the rings were studied, as well as the chemistry of the wood.
It allowed the researchers to access what they describe as a natural archive of climate information, going way beyond the records held by the Met Office - which only cover a few hundred years.
The research also supported the Met Office's findings that British summers had become 13% wetter since the last century.
"We need that long-term picture to understand how unusual that is, and to try and figure out what might happen to our climate in future," explained Mary Gagen of Swansea University's tree ring research group....
By Stefan Messenger
Studying the rings inside oak trees (click here) has allowed scientists to produce one of the most detailed records yet of how the UK's climate has changed over the last millennium.
It reveals a picture of summer rainfall stretching back more than 800 years.
Periods of prolonged extreme weather coincided with historical accounts of famines and droughts.
The researchers said the data presented "huge lessons" about the potential impacts of climate change on society.
Core samples were taken from hundreds of oak trees across the UK, in a project led by the University of Oxford and Swansea University.
The trees grow a new ring each year and are particularly sensitive to how wet it has been during the summer months.
The widths of the rings were studied, as well as the chemistry of the wood.
It allowed the researchers to access what they describe as a natural archive of climate information, going way beyond the records held by the Met Office - which only cover a few hundred years.
The research also supported the Met Office's findings that British summers had become 13% wetter since the last century.
"We need that long-term picture to understand how unusual that is, and to try and figure out what might happen to our climate in future," explained Mary Gagen of Swansea University's tree ring research group....
The Pitch Pine needle is 3 to 5 inches long. Yellow green, three in a bundle, often twisted and stiff evergreens.
Gucker, Corey L. 2007.
Pinus rigida.
In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online].
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
[ 2019, September 22 ].
To the left a picture from the US Forest Service 10 weeks after a fire in April. The trees are alive and the forest flood already began to regenerate itself.
Pitch pine often survives fire, but trees may be top-killed or killed.
Pitch pine survival may be affected by tree size, bark thickness, time since last fire, surface soil conditions, fire severity, and/or fire season. Fires first produce damage to pitch pine foliage and well-developed buds; additional heat is required to damage or kill the cambium. If dormant buds along the trunk and within the crown survive, pitch pine survives through crown regrowth and/or epicormic sprouting. Fires that kill dormant buds in the crown or along the trunk may still not produce sufficient temperatures to damage basal buds and kill the tree. Large trees are often less susceptible to fire damage than small trees because of thicker bark and higher crowns. However, old trees with low "vigor" are more likely to be fire killed than younger, more vigorous trees. Fire severity also affects survival and postfire regeneration. "Large head fires" killed 68% of 5- to 8-inch (13-20 cm) DBH pitch pines. "Slow-burning side fires" rarely killed trees of that size class. Fire season may also affect pitch pine survival and regeneration method. Fire damage is typically less when air temperatures are low than when temperatures are high and fuels are dry....
Gucker, Corey L. 2007.
Pinus rigida.
In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online].
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
[ 2019, September 22 ].
To the left a picture from the US Forest Service 10 weeks after a fire in April. The trees are alive and the forest flood already began to regenerate itself.
Pitch pine often survives fire, but trees may be top-killed or killed.
Pitch pine survival may be affected by tree size, bark thickness, time since last fire, surface soil conditions, fire severity, and/or fire season. Fires first produce damage to pitch pine foliage and well-developed buds; additional heat is required to damage or kill the cambium. If dormant buds along the trunk and within the crown survive, pitch pine survives through crown regrowth and/or epicormic sprouting. Fires that kill dormant buds in the crown or along the trunk may still not produce sufficient temperatures to damage basal buds and kill the tree. Large trees are often less susceptible to fire damage than small trees because of thicker bark and higher crowns. However, old trees with low "vigor" are more likely to be fire killed than younger, more vigorous trees. Fire severity also affects survival and postfire regeneration. "Large head fires" killed 68% of 5- to 8-inch (13-20 cm) DBH pitch pines. "Slow-burning side fires" rarely killed trees of that size class. Fire season may also affect pitch pine survival and regeneration method. Fire damage is typically less when air temperatures are low than when temperatures are high and fuels are dry....
This is a good review of "monoculture" in forests.
It is no different than an economy on Wall Street, the best are diversified. In the case of Pitch Forest monocultures, it is interesting.
DE Redden State Forest: Georgetown Tract, 5 Mile Loop (click here)
DE Redden State Forest: Georgetown Tract, 5 Mile Loop (click here)
In forestry circles, (click here) monocultures don’t get high marks. Most planted forests have just one kind of tree, and because of this they are often looked down upon as biological Levittowns: boring forests that are of little interest to other species.
Sometimes, however, nature does a pretty good imitation of a plantation, even if she does a poor job at keeping the trees in rows.
Pitch pine forests, like those that make up the New Jersey Pine Barrens, are a good example of a natural monoculture. The New Jersey forest is roughly 30 by 80 miles and has been dominated by pitch pine since the retreat of the last glacier.
How can one species dominate for so long? In this case, fire, and pitch pine’s adaptations to fire, have kept the forest in a state of ecological inertia. Continuous cycles of burning and re-sprouting prevent the progression of what would normally be considered a pioneer forest to one with more typical climax species.
Even when all of the needles on a pitch pine are burned, the crown can recover and be almost back to normal in just a few years. If the leader is killed, a new one may grow, and if most of the tree is killed, new sprouts will emerge from the trunk or the base of the trunk. The ability to sprout from the trunk is common in hardwoods but rare in a conifer. Dormant buds buried deep in the thick bark of a pitch pine come to life after a fire or other injury to the crown....
Junko Tabei
The first woman to climb Mt. Everest (click here)
The first woman to climb Mt. Everest (click here)
Japanese climber Junko Tabei during a 2003 procession celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ascent of the world's highest mountain.
Ironically, (click here) the tree that served humans as a source of fire is also one of the most highly evolved to survive it. The thick bark, for example, (as much as 2 inches thick on a mature tree), insulates the trunk against fire damage. The bark has another secret too, for underneath the bark lies dormant, epicormic buds which can sprout should a fire burn away all its needles. The tree can also regenerate from its basal roots which sink deep into the soil. And finally, pitch pine’s cones provide what writer Charles Fergus describes as the tree’s “ace in the hole.” The tree produces some cones that are serotinous — sealed from the inside with resin that require heat to open them. Should a fire kill the tree and its roots, it will also cause the serotinous cones to split open, scattering the seeds on freshly fire cleared soil....
The bark is dark grey, thick, rought and deeply furrowed with broad scaley ridges. These ridges will expose a brown underlayer.
The pine cones are 1-1/4 to 2-3/4 inches long, egg shaped, yellow-brown. At maturity the cones will open to free their seeds, but, they remain attached to the tree.
The illustration below shows and eipcormic bud.

The bark is dark grey, thick, rought and deeply furrowed with broad scaley ridges. These ridges will expose a brown underlayer.

The illustration below shows and eipcormic bud.

17 September 2019
The relationship between climate and dust storms is not well understood, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The word below is decade, ten years; not 2050.
A decade from now, (click here) up to 700 million people will be compelled to leave their homes because they will not have enough water, the United Nations estimates. This is a staggering figure. And yet, as Nature reports, drought is relatively under-researched.
The area is so neglected that scientists from Africa last week urged the UN to provide more support for early-warning systems to improve predictions of when a drought might be imminent. This call must be heeded. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned last month that the number of droughts in dryland regions has been increasing since 1961. Two years ago, a drought across Africa and the Middle East brought 20 million people close to starvation....
The relationship between climate and dust storms is not well understood, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The word below is decade, ten years; not 2050.
A decade from now, (click here) up to 700 million people will be compelled to leave their homes because they will not have enough water, the United Nations estimates. This is a staggering figure. And yet, as Nature reports, drought is relatively under-researched.
The area is so neglected that scientists from Africa last week urged the UN to provide more support for early-warning systems to improve predictions of when a drought might be imminent. This call must be heeded. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned last month that the number of droughts in dryland regions has been increasing since 1961. Two years ago, a drought across Africa and the Middle East brought 20 million people close to starvation....
The Pitch Pine
Pinus rigida Mill.
The height of the Pitch Pine can reach 50 to 60 feet at maturity. It's diameter is one to two feet. That was diameter and not circumference.
This pine is very flexible in it's habitat, from shallow sands and gravels on steep slopes and ridges to river valleys and swamps. Rarely is there a pure stand of these trees. While the young can be isolated somewhat, the hardwoods eventually created a mixed forest of both pine and hardwoods. The Pitch Pines may also be replaced completely by hardwoods as well as a mixed forest.
The Pitch Pine was vital to Colonial America.
"Tar Production in Colonial North America" (click here)
Above is the full article.
The online reference page is at this link (click here)
In the picture to the right is a hole. That is probably home to an owl, specifically, Eastern Screech Owl. This owl is not an indicator species for this forest, however, there is an owl that is, the Great Horned Owl.
The height of the Pitch Pine can reach 50 to 60 feet at maturity. It's diameter is one to two feet. That was diameter and not circumference.
This pine is very flexible in it's habitat, from shallow sands and gravels on steep slopes and ridges to river valleys and swamps. Rarely is there a pure stand of these trees. While the young can be isolated somewhat, the hardwoods eventually created a mixed forest of both pine and hardwoods. The Pitch Pines may also be replaced completely by hardwoods as well as a mixed forest.
The Pitch Pine was vital to Colonial America.
"Tar Production in Colonial North America" (click here)

The online reference page is at this link (click here)
In the picture to the right is a hole. That is probably home to an owl, specifically, Eastern Screech Owl. This owl is not an indicator species for this forest, however, there is an owl that is, the Great Horned Owl.
Large swaths of Texas land are uninhabitable, killing people and animals and will cause more land to be inhabitable because of methane leaks.
Energy Policy Act of 2005
ACEEE's comments (click here)
The Energy Policy Act (EPA) addresses energy production in the United States, (click here) including: (1) energy efficiency; (2) renewable energy; (3) oil and gas; (4) coal; (5) Tribal energy; (6) nuclear matters and security; (7) vehicles and motor fuels, including ethanol; (8) hydrogen; (9) electricity; (10) energy tax incentives; (11) hydropower and geothermal energy; and (12) climate change technology. For example, the Act provides loan guarantees for entities that develop or use innovative technologies that avoid the by-production of greenhouse gases. Another provision of the Act increases the amount of biofuel that must be mixed with gasoline sold in the United States.
They do not care. Got that yet. The people in power only care about money and not people.
2050 is too late!
August 28, 2019
By Luke Metzger and Emma Pabst
Don’t believe the hype (click here) — producing natural gas is producing enormous problems for Texas.
The huge amount of water required for gas extraction, the frequent and damaging wastewater spills and earthquakes linked to disposal, the family farms and ranches seized for pipelines, and the air pollution, fires and explosions at petrochemical plants all add up to significant damage to our air, water and land. And a growing amount of gas is going to produce plastics, much of which wind up clogging our oceans.
A decade ago, the call to switch from dirty coal, a notorious pollutant, to “cleaner” natural gas might have at-least seemed like a no-brainer for the climate. Today, though, that’s far from clear. Gas is not a “bridge” to a cleaner future, as industry professionals would like you to believe, but a path back to the same fossil-fuel-burning, dead-ended energy system that we need to leave behind.
We’ve come to learn more about the ways that gas — which is mostly made of methane, a powerful pollutant that has 84 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period — can leak into the atmosphere. From drilling to delivery to our homes and businesses, methane escapes at every stage. A 2018 study published in the journal Science estimated that methane leaks from the oil and gas supply chain is as much as 60 percent higher than the EPA estimates. Other research shows that methane levels in the atmosphere have spiked, rising unmistakably and consistently since 2007 — about when fracking began to take off in Texas and around the country....
ACEEE's comments (click here)
The Energy Policy Act (EPA) addresses energy production in the United States, (click here) including: (1) energy efficiency; (2) renewable energy; (3) oil and gas; (4) coal; (5) Tribal energy; (6) nuclear matters and security; (7) vehicles and motor fuels, including ethanol; (8) hydrogen; (9) electricity; (10) energy tax incentives; (11) hydropower and geothermal energy; and (12) climate change technology. For example, the Act provides loan guarantees for entities that develop or use innovative technologies that avoid the by-production of greenhouse gases. Another provision of the Act increases the amount of biofuel that must be mixed with gasoline sold in the United States.
They do not care. Got that yet. The people in power only care about money and not people.
2050 is too late!
August 28, 2019
By Luke Metzger and Emma Pabst
Don’t believe the hype (click here) — producing natural gas is producing enormous problems for Texas.
The huge amount of water required for gas extraction, the frequent and damaging wastewater spills and earthquakes linked to disposal, the family farms and ranches seized for pipelines, and the air pollution, fires and explosions at petrochemical plants all add up to significant damage to our air, water and land. And a growing amount of gas is going to produce plastics, much of which wind up clogging our oceans.
A decade ago, the call to switch from dirty coal, a notorious pollutant, to “cleaner” natural gas might have at-least seemed like a no-brainer for the climate. Today, though, that’s far from clear. Gas is not a “bridge” to a cleaner future, as industry professionals would like you to believe, but a path back to the same fossil-fuel-burning, dead-ended energy system that we need to leave behind.
We’ve come to learn more about the ways that gas — which is mostly made of methane, a powerful pollutant that has 84 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period — can leak into the atmosphere. From drilling to delivery to our homes and businesses, methane escapes at every stage. A 2018 study published in the journal Science estimated that methane leaks from the oil and gas supply chain is as much as 60 percent higher than the EPA estimates. Other research shows that methane levels in the atmosphere have spiked, rising unmistakably and consistently since 2007 — about when fracking began to take off in Texas and around the country....
New Yorkers will be happy to know this land is already protected for them to enjoy.
The Northern Pine Oak Forest is also known as The Pine Barrens along the New York Coastal Plain.
This picture is from the Nature Conservancy, so I will let their webpage make the introduction.
This large tract (click here) of preserved land (53,000-acre core area; 50,000-acre Compatible Growth Area) is a diverse mosaic of pitch pine woodlands, pitch pine-oak forests, coastal plain ponds, swamps, marshes, grasslandsand streams. The Pine Barrens overlies Long Island’s freshwater aquifer and helps to purify Long Island's treasured drinking water.
The Pine Barrens is a large, contiguous, ecologically functional landscape in the midst of a heavily urbanized area. It is The Nature Conservancy's challenge to protect the hydrological and ecological integrity of the Long Island Pine Barrens while recognizing human needs and accommodating development in the adjacent compatible growth area (Long Island Pine Barrens Protection Area). For a wealth of information, visit the Central Pine Barrens Commission website....
This picture is from the Nature Conservancy, so I will let their webpage make the introduction.
This large tract (click here) of preserved land (53,000-acre core area; 50,000-acre Compatible Growth Area) is a diverse mosaic of pitch pine woodlands, pitch pine-oak forests, coastal plain ponds, swamps, marshes, grasslands
The Pine Barrens is a large, contiguous, ecologically functional landscape in the midst of a heavily urbanized area. It is The Nature Conservancy's challenge to protect the hydrological and ecological integrity of the Long Island Pine Barrens while recognizing human needs and accommodating development in the adjacent compatible growth area (Long Island Pine Barrens Protection Area). For a wealth of information, visit the Central Pine Barrens Commission website....
It has been the plight of children since the beginning of time, "Who listens?"
September 21, 2019
By Grace Hauck
Millions of people (click here) around the world took part in Friday's climate strike, and estimates of total crowd sizes are still rolling in — some as high as 4 million.
From New Delhi to Antarctica, protesters marched to draw attention to the climate crisis ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit, which kicks off Monday.
In New York City, where schools excused the city's 1.1 million students from class to participate, Mayor Bill de Blasio put preliminary crowd estimates at 60,000. Organizers, however, have pegged that number at closer to 250,000, making it the largest protest that day.
Local officials and protest organizers offered varying crowd size estimates. According to organizers, some of the other largest demonstrations took place in Berlin (270,000), London (100,000) and across Australia (about 100,000 protesting in Melbourne, organizers say)....
By Grace Hauck
Millions of people (click here) around the world took part in Friday's climate strike, and estimates of total crowd sizes are still rolling in — some as high as 4 million.
From New Delhi to Antarctica, protesters marched to draw attention to the climate crisis ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit, which kicks off Monday.
In New York City, where schools excused the city's 1.1 million students from class to participate, Mayor Bill de Blasio put preliminary crowd estimates at 60,000. Organizers, however, have pegged that number at closer to 250,000, making it the largest protest that day.
Local officials and protest organizers offered varying crowd size estimates. According to organizers, some of the other largest demonstrations took place in Berlin (270,000), London (100,000) and across Australia (about 100,000 protesting in Melbourne, organizers say)....
Indicator tree species for the Northern Pine Oak Forest
Pitch Pine and there is indicator bird species that accompanies this pine, the Pine Warbler
Virginia Pine
Bear Oak
Blackjack Oak
Chickapin Oak
Scarlet Oak
Post Oak
Eastern Red Cedar
Virginia Pine
Bear Oak
Blackjack Oak
Chickapin Oak
Scarlet Oak
Post Oak
Eastern Red Cedar
It's Sunday Night
It is still Sunday Night, isn't it? Just checking. I thought the Chosen One may have rewritten the calendar.
I have some news which will change the course of my interest in the coastal areas of New York State. While I was traveling lately I took a quick trip to Virginia. Virginia and New York State have the same type of forest. I had my suspicions from the start of the Basswood/Maple forest and I was correct.
While New York State has the occasional Basswood-Maple Forest, it is not the best description of the coastal forest. The best description is Northern Pine Oak Forest. This forest stretches from Virginia coastal area in the south to the Massachusetts coastal area in the north.
There are definite indicator animal species for the Northern Pine Oak Forest. It is far more interesting than any Basswood Maple Forest in it's diversity. It is this forest type I will discuss from here forward. Sorry if increased number and variety of indicator species has disappointed anyone, but, I rather all whom reads this gets it absolutely correct. New York citizens would not want it any other way. Thank you.
It is still Sunday Night, isn't it? Just checking. I thought the Chosen One may have rewritten the calendar.
I have some news which will change the course of my interest in the coastal areas of New York State. While I was traveling lately I took a quick trip to Virginia. Virginia and New York State have the same type of forest. I had my suspicions from the start of the Basswood/Maple forest and I was correct.
While New York State has the occasional Basswood-Maple Forest, it is not the best description of the coastal forest. The best description is Northern Pine Oak Forest. This forest stretches from Virginia coastal area in the south to the Massachusetts coastal area in the north.
There are definite indicator animal species for the Northern Pine Oak Forest. It is far more interesting than any Basswood Maple Forest in it's diversity. It is this forest type I will discuss from here forward. Sorry if increased number and variety of indicator species has disappointed anyone, but, I rather all whom reads this gets it absolutely correct. New York citizens would not want it any other way. Thank you.
Prologue: Into the Woods
Once upon a time
I wish...
in a far-off kingdom
More than anything...
lived a fair maiden,
More than jewels...
a sad young lad
I wish...
and a childless baker
More than life...
I wish...
with his wife.
More than anything...
More than the moon...
I wish.
Once upon a time
I wish...
in a far-off kingdom
More than anything...
lived a fair maiden,
More than jewels...
a sad young lad
I wish...
and a childless baker
More than life...
I wish...
with his wife.
More than anything...
More than the moon...
I wish.
The King is giving a Festival.
More than life...
I wish...
I wish to go to the Festival.
More than riches...
I wish my cow would
give us some milk.
More than anything...
And the Ball...
Please, pal-
I wish we had a child.
I want a child...
I wish to go to the Festival.
Squeeze, pal...
I wish you'd give us some
milk or even cheese...
I wish...
I wish we might have a child.
I wish...
I wish...
You wish to go to the Festival?
The poor girl's mother had died,
You, Cinderella, the Festival?
You wish to go to the Festival?
What, you, Cinderella, the Festival?
The Festival?!
What, you wish to go to the Festival?
The Festival?
The King's Festival?
And her father had taken for his new wife
The Festival...
a woman with two daughters of her own.
Look at you nails!
Look at your dress!
People would laugh at you-
I still want to go to the Festival
And dance before the Prince.
She still wants to go to the Festival
And dance before the Prince?!
All three were beautiful of face, but vile and balck of heart.
Jack, on the other hand, had no father, and his mother-
I wish...
Well, she was not quite beautiful-
I wish my son were not a fool.
I wish my house was not a mess.
I wish the cow was full of milk.
I wish the house was full of gold-
I wish a lot of things...
Why, come in, little girl.
I wish...
It's not for me,
It's for my Granny in the woods.
A loaf of bread, please-
To bring my poor old hungry
Granny in the woods...
Just a loaf of bread, please...
Cinderella's Stepmother had a surprise for her.
I have emptied a pot of lentils into the ashes for you.
If you have picked them out again in two hours' time,
you shall go to the ball with us.
And perhaps a sticky bun?...
Or four?...
Birds in the sky,
Birds in the eaves,
I the leaves,
In the fields,
In the castles and ponds...
And a few of those pies... please...
Come, little birds,
Down from the eaves
And the leaves,
Over fields,
Out of castles and ponds...
No, squeeze, pal...
Quick, little birds,
Flick through the ashes.
Pick and peck, but swiftly,
Sift through the ashes,
Into the pot...
Listen well, son. Milky-White must be taken to market.
But, mother, no- he's the best cow-
look at her.
There are bugs on her dugs.
There are flies in her eyes.
There's a lump on her rump
Big enough to be a hump-
We've no time to sit and dither,
While her wither's wither with her-
And no one keeps a cow for a friend!
Sometimes I fear your touched.
Into the woods,
It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods-
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.
Into the woods
And through the trees
To where I am
Expected ma'am,
Into the woods
To Grandmother's house-
Into the woods
To Grandmother's house-
You're certain of your way?
The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
Nor no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
I sort of hate to ask it,
But do you have a basket?
Into the woods
And down the dell,
The path is straight,
I know it well.
Into the woods,
And who can tell
What's waiting on the journey?
Into the woods
To bring some bread
To Granny who
Is sick in bed.
Never can tell
What lies ahead.
For all that I know,
She's already dead.
But into the woods,
Into the woods,
Into the woods
To Grandmother's house
And home before dark.
Fly, birds,
Back to the sky,
Back to the eaves
And the leaves
And the fields
And the-
Hurry up and do my hair, Cinderella!
Are you really wearing that?
Here, I found a little tear, Cinderella.
Can't you hide it with a hat?
You look beautiful.
I know.
She means me.
Put ut in a twist.
Who will be there?...
Mother said be good,
Father siad be nice,
That was always their advice.
So be nice, Cinderella,
Good, Cinderella,
Nice good good nice-
What's the good of being good
If everyone is blind
And you're always left behind?
Never mind, Cinderella,
Kind Cinderella-
Nice good nice kind good nice-
Not that tight!
Who minght that be?
It's the witch from next door.
The old enchantress told the couple she had
placed a spell on their house.
What spell?
In the past, when your mother was with child, she developed
an unusual appetite. SHe took one look at my beautiful garden
and told your father that what she wanted more than
anything in the world was
Greens, greens and nothing but greens:
Parsley, peppers, cabbages and celery,
Asparagus and watercress and
Fiddleferns and lettuce-!
He said, "All right,"
But it wasn't, quite,
'Cause I caught him in the autumn
In my garden one night!
He was robbing me,
Raping me,
Rooting through my rutabaga,
Raiding my arugula and
Ripping up my rampion
(My champion! My favorite!)-
I should have laid a spell on him
Right there,
Could have changed him into stone
Or a dog or a chair...
But I let him have the rampion-
I'd lots to spare.
In return, however,
I said, "Fair is fair:
You can let me have the baby
That your wife will bear.
And we'll call it square."
I had a brother?
No. But you had a sisiter.
But the witch refused to tell him anymore of his sister.
Not even that her name was Rapunzel.
I though I had been more than reasonable.
But how was I to know what your father
had also hidden in his pocket?!
The special beans.
I let him go,
I didn't know
He'd stolen my beans!
I was watching him crawl,
Back over the wall-!
Then bang! Crash!
And the lightning flash!
And- well, that's another story,
Never mind-
Anyway, at last
The big day came,
And I made my claim.
"Oh, don't take away the baby,"
They shrieked and screeched,
But I did,
And I hid her
Where she'll never be reached.
And your father cried,
And your mother died
When for extra measure-
I admit it was a pleasure-
I said, "Sorry,
I'm still not mollified."
And I laid little spell on them-
You, too, son-
That your family tree
Would always be a barren one...
So there's no more fuss
And there's no more scenes
And my garden thrives-
You should see my nectarines!
But I'm tellling you the same
I tell kings and queens:
Don't ever never ever
Mess around with my greens!
Especially the beans.
Now closely to me, Jack. Lead Milky-White to market and
fetch the best price you can. Are you listening to me?
Jack Jack Jack,
Head in a sack,
The house is getting colder,
This is not the time for dreaming.
Chimney stack
Starting to crack,
The mice are getting bolder,
The floor's gone slack,
Your mother's getting older,
Your father's not back,
And you can't just sit here dreaming pretty dreams.
To wish and wait
From day to day
Will never keep
The wolves away.
So into the woods
The time is now.
We have to live,
I don't care how.
Into the woods
To sell the cow,
You must begin the journey.
Straight to the woods
and don't delay-
You have to face
The marketplace.
Into the woods to journey's end-
Into the woods to sell a friend-
Meanwhile, the Witch, for purposes of her own,
explained how the Baker might lift the spell;
You wish to have
The curse reversed?
I'll need a certain
Potion first.
Go to the woods and bring me back
One: the cow as white as milk,
Two: the cape as red as blood,
Three: the hair as yellow as corn,
Four: the slipper as pure as gold.
Bring me these
Before the chime
Of midnight,
In three day's time,
And you shall have,
I guarantee,
A child as perfect
As child can be.
Go to the wood!
Our carriage waits.
Now may I go to the Festival?
The Festival-!
Darling, those nails!
Darling, those clothes!
Lentils are one thing but
Darling, with those,
You'd make us the fools of the Festival
And mortify the Prince!
Our carriage is waiting.
We must be gone.
Good night, Father.
I wish...
Look what I found in father's hunting jacket.
Six beans. We'll take them with us.
The spell is on my house.
Only I can lift the spell,
The spell is on my house.
No, no, the spell is on our house.
We must lift the spel.
No. You are not to come and that is final.
Now what am I to return with?
You don't remember?
The cow as white as milk,
The cape as red as blood,
The hair as yellow as corn,
The slipper as pure as gold-
The cow as white as milk,
The cape as red as blood,
The hair as yellow as corn,
The slipper as pure as gold...
And so the Baker, reluctantly, set off to meet the
enchantress' demands.
As for Cinderella:
I still wish to go to the Festival,
But how am I ever to get to the Festival?
The cow as white as milk,
The cape as red as blood,
The hair as yellow as corn-
I know!
I'll visit Mother's grave,
The grave at the hazel tree,
And tell her I just want to
Go to the King's Festival...
The slipper as pure as gold...
The cow, the cape,
The slipper as pure as gold-
The hair-!
Into the woods,
It's time to go,
It may be all
In vain, you/I know.
Into the woods-
But even so,
I have to take the journey.
Into the woods,
The path is straight,
You know it well,
But who can tell-
Into the woods to lift the spell-
Into the woods to visit Mother-
Into the woods to fetch the things-
To make the potion-
To got to the Festival-
Into the woods
Without regret,
The choice is made,
The task is set.
Into the woods,
But not forget-
Ting why I'm on the journey.
(Little Red Riding hood Joins)
Into the woods
to get my wish,
I don't care how,
The time is now.
Into the woods to sell the cow-
Into the woods to get the money-
Into the woods to lift the spell-
To make the potion-
To go to the Festival-
Into the woods to Grandmother's house...
Into the woods to Grandmother's house...
The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
No no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
No need to be afraid there-
There's something in the glade there...
Into the woods,
Without delay,
But careful no
To lose the way.
Into the woods,
Who knows what may
Be lurking on the journey?
Into the woods
To get the thing
That makes it worth
The lourneying.
into the owwds-
To see the King-
To sell the cow-
To make the potion-
To see-
To sell-
To get-
To bring-
To make-
To lift-
To go to the Festival-!
Into the woods!
Into the woods!
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods,
And home before dark!
The King is giving a Festival.
More than life...
I wish...
I wish to go to the Festival.
More than riches...
I wish my cow would
give us some milk.
More than anything...
And the Ball...
Please, pal-
I wish we had a child.
I want a child...
I wish to go to the Festival.
Squeeze, pal...
I wish you'd give us some
milk or even cheese...
I wish...
I wish we might have a child.
I wish...
I wish...
You wish to go to the Festival?
The poor girl's mother had died,
You, Cinderella, the Festival?
You wish to go to the Festival?
What, you, Cinderella, the Festival?
The Festival?!
What, you wish to go to the Festival?
The Festival?
The King's Festival?
And her father had taken for his new wife
The Festival...
a woman with two daughters of her own.
Look at you nails!
Look at your dress!
People would laugh at you-
I still want to go to the Festival
And dance before the Prince.
She still wants to go to the Festival
And dance before the Prince?!
All three were beautiful of face, but vile and balck of heart.
Jack, on the other hand, had no father, and his mother-
I wish...
Well, she was not quite beautiful-
I wish my son were not a fool.
I wish my house was not a mess.
I wish the cow was full of milk.
I wish the house was full of gold-
I wish a lot of things...
Why, come in, little girl.
I wish...
It's not for me,
It's for my Granny in the woods.
A loaf of bread, please-
To bring my poor old hungry
Granny in the woods...
Just a loaf of bread, please...
Cinderella's Stepmother had a surprise for her.
I have emptied a pot of lentils into the ashes for you.
If you have picked them out again in two hours' time,
you shall go to the ball with us.
And perhaps a sticky bun?...
Or four?...
Birds in the sky,
Birds in the eaves,
I the leaves,
In the fields,
In the castles and ponds...
And a few of those pies... please...
Come, little birds,
Down from the eaves
And the leaves,
Over fields,
Out of castles and ponds...
No, squeeze, pal...
Quick, little birds,
Flick through the ashes.
Pick and peck, but swiftly,
Sift through the ashes,
Into the pot...
Listen well, son. Milky-White must be taken to market.
But, mother, no- he's the best cow-
look at her.
There are bugs on her dugs.
There are flies in her eyes.
There's a lump on her rump
Big enough to be a hump-
We've no time to sit and dither,
While her wither's wither with her-
And no one keeps a cow for a friend!
Sometimes I fear your touched.
Into the woods,
It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods-
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.
Into the woods
And through the trees
To where I am
Expected ma'am,
Into the woods
To Grandmother's house-
Into the woods
To Grandmother's house-
You're certain of your way?
The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
Nor no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
I sort of hate to ask it,
But do you have a basket?
Into the woods
And down the dell,
The path is straight,
I know it well.
Into the woods,
And who can tell
What's waiting on the journey?
Into the woods
To bring some bread
To Granny who
Is sick in bed.
Never can tell
What lies ahead.
For all that I know,
She's already dead.
But into the woods,
Into the woods,
Into the woods
To Grandmother's house
And home before dark.
Fly, birds,
Back to the sky,
Back to the eaves
And the leaves
And the fields
And the-
Hurry up and do my hair, Cinderella!
Are you really wearing that?
Here, I found a little tear, Cinderella.
Can't you hide it with a hat?
You look beautiful.
I know.
She means me.
Put ut in a twist.
Who will be there?...
Mother said be good,
Father siad be nice,
That was always their advice.
So be nice, Cinderella,
Good, Cinderella,
Nice good good nice-
What's the good of being good
If everyone is blind
And you're always left behind?
Never mind, Cinderella,
Kind Cinderella-
Nice good nice kind good nice-
Not that tight!
Who minght that be?
It's the witch from next door.
The old enchantress told the couple she had
placed a spell on their house.
What spell?
In the past, when your mother was with child, she developed
an unusual appetite. SHe took one look at my beautiful garden
and told your father that what she wanted more than
anything in the world was
Greens, greens and nothing but greens:
Parsley, peppers, cabbages and celery,
Asparagus and watercress and
Fiddleferns and lettuce-!
He said, "All right,"
But it wasn't, quite,
'Cause I caught him in the autumn
In my garden one night!
He was robbing me,
Raping me,
Rooting through my rutabaga,
Raiding my arugula and
Ripping up my rampion
(My champion! My favorite!)-
I should have laid a spell on him
Right there,
Could have changed him into stone
Or a dog or a chair...
But I let him have the rampion-
I'd lots to spare.
In return, however,
I said, "Fair is fair:
You can let me have the baby
That your wife will bear.
And we'll call it square."
I had a brother?
No. But you had a sisiter.
But the witch refused to tell him anymore of his sister.
Not even that her name was Rapunzel.
I though I had been more than reasonable.
But how was I to know what your father
had also hidden in his pocket?!
The special beans.
I let him go,
I didn't know
He'd stolen my beans!
I was watching him crawl,
Back over the wall-!
Then bang! Crash!
And the lightning flash!
And- well, that's another story,
Never mind-
Anyway, at last
The big day came,
And I made my claim.
"Oh, don't take away the baby,"
They shrieked and screeched,
But I did,
And I hid her
Where she'll never be reached.
And your father cried,
And your mother died
When for extra measure-
I admit it was a pleasure-
I said, "Sorry,
I'm still not mollified."
And I laid little spell on them-
You, too, son-
That your family tree
Would always be a barren one...
So there's no more fuss
And there's no more scenes
And my garden thrives-
You should see my nectarines!
But I'm tellling you the same
I tell kings and queens:
Don't ever never ever
Mess around with my greens!
Especially the beans.
Now closely to me, Jack. Lead Milky-White to market and
fetch the best price you can. Are you listening to me?
Jack Jack Jack,
Head in a sack,
The house is getting colder,
This is not the time for dreaming.
Chimney stack
Starting to crack,
The mice are getting bolder,
The floor's gone slack,
Your mother's getting older,
Your father's not back,
And you can't just sit here dreaming pretty dreams.
To wish and wait
From day to day
Will never keep
The wolves away.
So into the woods
The time is now.
We have to live,
I don't care how.
Into the woods
To sell the cow,
You must begin the journey.
Straight to the woods
and don't delay-
You have to face
The marketplace.
Into the woods to journey's end-
Into the woods to sell a friend-
Meanwhile, the Witch, for purposes of her own,
explained how the Baker might lift the spell;
You wish to have
The curse reversed?
I'll need a certain
Potion first.
Go to the woods and bring me back
One: the cow as white as milk,
Two: the cape as red as blood,
Three: the hair as yellow as corn,
Four: the slipper as pure as gold.
Bring me these
Before the chime
Of midnight,
In three day's time,
And you shall have,
I guarantee,
A child as perfect
As child can be.
Go to the wood!
Our carriage waits.
Now may I go to the Festival?
The Festival-!
Darling, those nails!
Darling, those clothes!
Lentils are one thing but
Darling, with those,
You'd make us the fools of the Festival
And mortify the Prince!
Our carriage is waiting.
We must be gone.
Good night, Father.
I wish...
Look what I found in father's hunting jacket.
Six beans. We'll take them with us.
The spell is on my house.
Only I can lift the spell,
The spell is on my house.
No, no, the spell is on our house.
We must lift the spel.
No. You are not to come and that is final.
Now what am I to return with?
You don't remember?
The cow as white as milk,
The cape as red as blood,
The hair as yellow as corn,
The slipper as pure as gold-
The cow as white as milk,
The cape as red as blood,
The hair as yellow as corn,
The slipper as pure as gold...
And so the Baker, reluctantly, set off to meet the
enchantress' demands.
As for Cinderella:
I still wish to go to the Festival,
But how am I ever to get to the Festival?
The cow as white as milk,
The cape as red as blood,
The hair as yellow as corn-
I know!
I'll visit Mother's grave,
The grave at the hazel tree,
And tell her I just want to
Go to the King's Festival...
The slipper as pure as gold...
The cow, the cape,
The slipper as pure as gold-
The hair-!
Into the woods,
It's time to go,
It may be all
In vain, you/I know.
Into the woods-
But even so,
I have to take the journey.
Into the woods,
The path is straight,
You know it well,
But who can tell-
Into the woods to lift the spell-
Into the woods to visit Mother-
Into the woods to fetch the things-
To make the potion-
To got to the Festival-
Into the woods
Without regret,
The choice is made,
The task is set.
Into the woods,
But not forget-
Ting why I'm on the journey.
(Little Red Riding hood Joins)
Into the woods
to get my wish,
I don't care how,
The time is now.
Into the woods to sell the cow-
Into the woods to get the money-
Into the woods to lift the spell-
To make the potion-
To go to the Festival-
Into the woods to Grandmother's house...
Into the woods to Grandmother's house...
The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
No no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
No need to be afraid there-
There's something in the glade there...
Into the woods,
Without delay,
But careful no
To lose the way.
Into the woods,
Who knows what may
Be lurking on the journey?
Into the woods
To get the thing
That makes it worth
The lourneying.
into the owwds-
To see the King-
To sell the cow-
To make the potion-
To see-
To sell-
To get-
To bring-
To make-
To lift-
To go to the Festival-!
Into the woods!
Into the woods!
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods,
And home before dark!
What is "Pro-Second Amendment?"
It is not possible to be anti-Second Amendment unless someone is proposing an amendment to the USA Constitution.
The Second Amendment allows for gun ownership, it does not allow each person in the country to be their own militia and kill others at will. The Second Amendment ever allowed that, but, because of inappropriate capitalism, that is exactly Americans face every day.
Trump has instructed his staff to respond to the press in a script. I can hear it with Treasury Secretary Munchkin. "We had a dialogue." - Protected by Executive Privilege. There ya go, "These are confidential discussions." "In my discussions with the President, the issue with Ukraine never came up."
To begin that doesn't matter, the monies and timeline is all that is needed to prove that leverage took place. The Whistleblower's reporting is proof enough. There is also no way of knowing if Trump has other demands on authorizations of those monies that would prohibit a further discussion until he released the monies to be spent.
The "dialogue" is not blanketly exempt from Congress. There are too many people falling under "Executive Privilege" for it to be legitimate.
It is a scheme. The staff is stating the same words dictated by Trump all too often.
It is not possible to be anti-Second Amendment unless someone is proposing an amendment to the USA Constitution.
The Second Amendment allows for gun ownership, it does not allow each person in the country to be their own militia and kill others at will. The Second Amendment ever allowed that, but, because of inappropriate capitalism, that is exactly Americans face every day.
Trump has instructed his staff to respond to the press in a script. I can hear it with Treasury Secretary Munchkin. "We had a dialogue." - Protected by Executive Privilege. There ya go, "These are confidential discussions." "In my discussions with the President, the issue with Ukraine never came up."
To begin that doesn't matter, the monies and timeline is all that is needed to prove that leverage took place. The Whistleblower's reporting is proof enough. There is also no way of knowing if Trump has other demands on authorizations of those monies that would prohibit a further discussion until he released the monies to be spent.
The "dialogue" is not blanketly exempt from Congress. There are too many people falling under "Executive Privilege" for it to be legitimate.
It is a scheme. The staff is stating the same words dictated by Trump all too often.
Ukraine's new leaders after the revolution inherited a huge corruption network from the Former President Yanukobych.
31 May 2016
By Maxim Tucker
Ukraine’s former president (click here) paid bribes worth at least $2 billion (£1.4 billion) during his four years in office – amounting to almost $1.4 million for every day he was in power – according to evidence handed to investigators.
Viktor Yanukovych, who was toppled during Ukraine’s revolution in 2014, appears to have kept a detailed record of backhanders distributed while he was in government.
A logbook has emerged listing the bribes paid to former and serving Ukrainian officials. In particular, election commissioners were handsomely rewarded in return for guaranteeing victory for Mr Yanukovych’s Party of Regions in the parliamentary election of 2012.
“We know that it’s real because of the minutiae of the detail - that so many of the small details corroborate with events or activities that took place under Yanukovych,” said Serhiy Leshchenko, the Ukrainian investigative journalist turned MP who published the logbook....
Don't take my word for it, but, look to the Republicans in Congress clamoring for LNG ports to export USA methane to Europe.
The main goals of Gazprom in the European market (click here) are retaining its leadership position, ensuring reliable gas supplies, and improving the efficiency of its marketing activities.
European countries have been among the key consumers of Russian gas for over 50 years.
Gazprom is the largest exporter of natural gas to the European market....
There is absolutely no surprise in realizing the Obama Administration was very interested in having Ukraine remain autonomous.
April 22, 2014
By Andrew Higgins and Andrew Roth
Kiev - Vowing that the United States (click here) would never recognize Russia’s “illegal occupation” of Crimea, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday reiterated America’s support of Ukraine, declared that “no nation has the right to simply grab land from another” and called on Russia to stop supporting masked gunmen who have seized government buildings across the east of the country.
Mr. Biden’s remarks, made during a meeting with Ukraine’s interim prime minister, Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, signaled strong American backing for the shaky new government in Kiev that Moscow does not recognize and condemns as the illegitimate fruit of a putsch engineered by the West.
In recent weeks, officials in Washington, including President Obama, have issued a string of warnings to Russia threatening increasingly harsh economic sanctions if the Kremlin does not help to de-escalate the crisis in eastern Ukraine. But those seem to have gone largely unheeded.
Mr. Biden’s stern words, accompanied by a pledge of a further $50 million in American aid and help to break Ukraine’s dependency on Russian energy supplies, underscored how little trust now exists between Washington and Moscow, despite their joint role in brokering an international accord on Thursday in Geneva that sought, so far with little effect, to defuse the crisis....
Yanukovych's corruption was like a spiderweb whereby the economic platform was OWNED by Yanukovych no different than the militias throughout the country while disarming the national military. The ability to unravel that corruption has been complicated.
The new Ukrainian leadership wanted to remove corruption and pivot to an economy that included Europe as a trading partner. As a result of that huge paradigm shift in Ukraine the countries willing to be involved was demanding they remove the corruption. The World Bank was the first among those demanding the end of corruption in Ukraine. These demands against Ukraine corruption began as soon as the revolution placed in leadership. There is no way any Biden, be it Joe or Hunter, was involved in corruption. It wasn't possible.
March 30, 2019
By Kari Volokh
...Ukraine’s Institute of Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) (click here) has attempted to separate the wheat from the chaff by quantifying the effects of reforms that have been undertaken by the Ukrainian government since 2014. The report, produced by a team of Ukrainian economists and refereed by a panel of their distinguished Western peers, examines the economic consequences of key reforms to arrive at a quantifiable figure of the reduction of corruption in dollar terms.
The findings are startling. According to the study, reforms now in place in Ukraine have reduced national corruption by a staggering $6 billion per year—a figure equivalent to nearly six percent of the country’s official GDP. These reforms, and the increased effectiveness of state tax and revenue authorities have also helped to significantly reduce the size of the country’s once-formidable shadow economy....
President Trump is attempting to remove scandal from himself in regard to the Whistleblow that witnessed something untoward our democracy. He may be trying to discredit the former Vice President, but, it is more than that, he is trying to use the power within the presidency to protect himself and his own self-interests.
By Maxim Tucker
Ukraine’s former president (click here) paid bribes worth at least $2 billion (£1.4 billion) during his four years in office – amounting to almost $1.4 million for every day he was in power – according to evidence handed to investigators.
Viktor Yanukovych, who was toppled during Ukraine’s revolution in 2014, appears to have kept a detailed record of backhanders distributed while he was in government.
A logbook has emerged listing the bribes paid to former and serving Ukrainian officials. In particular, election commissioners were handsomely rewarded in return for guaranteeing victory for Mr Yanukovych’s Party of Regions in the parliamentary election of 2012.
“We know that it’s real because of the minutiae of the detail - that so many of the small details corroborate with events or activities that took place under Yanukovych,” said Serhiy Leshchenko, the Ukrainian investigative journalist turned MP who published the logbook....
Don't take my word for it, but, look to the Republicans in Congress clamoring for LNG ports to export USA methane to Europe.
The main goals of Gazprom in the European market (click here) are retaining its leadership position, ensuring reliable gas supplies, and improving the efficiency of its marketing activities.
European countries have been among the key consumers of Russian gas for over 50 years.
Gazprom is the largest exporter of natural gas to the European market....
There is absolutely no surprise in realizing the Obama Administration was very interested in having Ukraine remain autonomous.
April 22, 2014
By Andrew Higgins and Andrew Roth
Kiev - Vowing that the United States (click here) would never recognize Russia’s “illegal occupation” of Crimea, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday reiterated America’s support of Ukraine, declared that “no nation has the right to simply grab land from another” and called on Russia to stop supporting masked gunmen who have seized government buildings across the east of the country.
Mr. Biden’s remarks, made during a meeting with Ukraine’s interim prime minister, Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, signaled strong American backing for the shaky new government in Kiev that Moscow does not recognize and condemns as the illegitimate fruit of a putsch engineered by the West.
In recent weeks, officials in Washington, including President Obama, have issued a string of warnings to Russia threatening increasingly harsh economic sanctions if the Kremlin does not help to de-escalate the crisis in eastern Ukraine. But those seem to have gone largely unheeded.
Mr. Biden’s stern words, accompanied by a pledge of a further $50 million in American aid and help to break Ukraine’s dependency on Russian energy supplies, underscored how little trust now exists between Washington and Moscow, despite their joint role in brokering an international accord on Thursday in Geneva that sought, so far with little effect, to defuse the crisis....
Yanukovych's corruption was like a spiderweb whereby the economic platform was OWNED by Yanukovych no different than the militias throughout the country while disarming the national military. The ability to unravel that corruption has been complicated.
The new Ukrainian leadership wanted to remove corruption and pivot to an economy that included Europe as a trading partner. As a result of that huge paradigm shift in Ukraine the countries willing to be involved was demanding they remove the corruption. The World Bank was the first among those demanding the end of corruption in Ukraine. These demands against Ukraine corruption began as soon as the revolution placed in leadership. There is no way any Biden, be it Joe or Hunter, was involved in corruption. It wasn't possible.
March 30, 2019
By Kari Volokh
...Ukraine’s Institute of Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) (click here) has attempted to separate the wheat from the chaff by quantifying the effects of reforms that have been undertaken by the Ukrainian government since 2014. The report, produced by a team of Ukrainian economists and refereed by a panel of their distinguished Western peers, examines the economic consequences of key reforms to arrive at a quantifiable figure of the reduction of corruption in dollar terms.
The findings are startling. According to the study, reforms now in place in Ukraine have reduced national corruption by a staggering $6 billion per year—a figure equivalent to nearly six percent of the country’s official GDP. These reforms, and the increased effectiveness of state tax and revenue authorities have also helped to significantly reduce the size of the country’s once-formidable shadow economy....
President Trump is attempting to remove scandal from himself in regard to the Whistleblow that witnessed something untoward our democracy. He may be trying to discredit the former Vice President, but, it is more than that, he is trying to use the power within the presidency to protect himself and his own self-interests.
I has been my experience that whistleblowing is about safety. It is vital to everyone.
That safety extends to all aspects of life, including the well being of an American democracy, liberty and freedom.
September 18, 2019
By Julian E. Barnes, Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Matthew Rosenberg
Washington — A potentially explosive complaint (click here) by a whistle-blower in the intelligence community said to involve President Trump emerged on Thursday as the latest front in a continuing oversight dispute between administration officials and House Democrats.
While the allegation remains shrouded in mystery, it involves at least one instance of Mr. Trump making an unspecified commitment to a foreign leader and includes other actions, according to interviews. At least part of the allegation deals with Ukraine, two people familiar with it said.
The complaint, submitted by a member of the intelligence community to its inspector general, renewed questions about how the president handles delicate matters. Mr. Trump defended his actions, and allies described his style with foreign leaders as more freewheeling than typical high-level diplomacy. “I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter....
September 18, 2019
By Julian E. Barnes, Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Matthew Rosenberg
Washington — A potentially explosive complaint (click here) by a whistle-blower in the intelligence community said to involve President Trump emerged on Thursday as the latest front in a continuing oversight dispute between administration officials and House Democrats.
While the allegation remains shrouded in mystery, it involves at least one instance of Mr. Trump making an unspecified commitment to a foreign leader and includes other actions, according to interviews. At least part of the allegation deals with Ukraine, two people familiar with it said.
The complaint, submitted by a member of the intelligence community to its inspector general, renewed questions about how the president handles delicate matters. Mr. Trump defended his actions, and allies described his style with foreign leaders as more freewheeling than typical high-level diplomacy. “I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter....
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