July 11, 2019
By CBS Austin
This Saturday, July 13, (click here) has been declared Sandra Bland Day, for the city of Austin.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler made the proclamation.
In July 2015, DPS trooper Brian Encinia stopped Bland in Waller County for not using her turn signal when changing lanes while she was driving. The interaction escalated quickly, with Encinia pulling Bland out of the car and arresting her for assaulting a public servant.
The 28-year-old black woman from Illinois was found dead in her Waller County jail cell three days later. Her death was ruled a suicide by hanging....
This type of commemoration just might work. It is unusual, but, if a city is to change it's ways this is one way to make an impression on the people and their officers.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Continued from previous entry.
b. Contacts with the Campaign about WikiLeaks
Harm of Ongoing Matter 193
On June 12, 2016, Assange claimed in a televised interview to "have emails relating to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,"194 but provided no additional context.
I have to wonder how much in donations Wikileaks made while all those stolen emails were on the web. The right wing media has demonized Hillary Clinton so terribly, I imagine whenever her name turns up there are throngs of people racing to read it. If Assange was making empty statements to get attention, there were probably plenty of dollars behind it.
In debriefings with the Office, former deputy campaign chairman, Rick Gates said that, Harm to Ongoing Matter 195
Gates recalled candidate Trump being generally frustrated that the Clinton emails had not been found. 196
July 10, 2019
By Kyle Cheney
Former Trump campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates (click here) — one of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s crucial cooperators — has begun providing documents to the House Intelligence Committee, Chairman Adam Schiff said Tuesday night.
The California Democrat said Gates and his attorney have been negotiating with the committee about the former campaign aide testifying in person, as well, “and we believe we’re making progress.”...
That is interesting that Rick Gates had enough interaction with Trump to know he was frustrated with Clinton emails. I was under the impression Trump didn't have much contact with Gates and Manafort. That would be a lie. Trump seems to have regular contact with Rick Gates and trusted him with his frustrations.
Paul Manafort, who would later become campaign chairman Harm to Ongoing Matter 197
Footnote 193 Harm of Ongoing Matter
Footnote 194 See Mahita Gajanan, Julian Assange Timed DNC Email Release for Democratic Convention, Time (July 27, 2016) (quoting the June 12, 2016 television interview).
If Wikileaks doesn't have an agenda, certainly Assange did.
Footnote 195 In February 2018, Gates pleaded guilty, pursuant to a plea agreement, to a superseding criminal information charging him with conspiring to defraud and commit multiple offenses (i.e., tax fraud, failure to report foreign bank accounts, and acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal) against the United States, as well as making false statements to our Office. Superseding Criminal Information, UnitedStates v. Richard W Gates III, l: 17-cr-201 (click here) (D.D.C. Feb. 23, 2018), Doc. 195 ("Gates Superseding Criminal Information"); Plea Agreement, United States v. Richard W Gates III, 1: 17-cr-201 (D.D.C. Feb. 23, 2018), Doc. 205 ("Gates Plea Agreement"). Gates has provided information and in-comt testimony that the Office has deemed to be reliable.
196 Gates I0/25/18 302, at 1-2.
197 As explained further in Volume I, Section IV.A.8, infra, Manafort entered into a plea agreement with our Office. We determined that he breached the agreement by being untruthful in proffer sessions and before the grand jury. We have generally recounted his version of events in this report only when his statements are sufficiently corroborated to be trustworthy; to identify issues on which Manafort's untruthful responses may themselves be of evidentiary value; or to provide Manafort's explanations for certain events, even when we were unable to determine whether that explanation was credible. His account appears here principally because it aligns with those of other witnesses.
198 Grand Jury
Michael Cohen, former executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald J. Trump, 199 told the Office that he recalled an incident in which he was in candidate Trump's office in Trump Tower Harm to Ongoing Matter
Cohen further told the Office that, after WikiLeaks's subsequent release of stolen DNC emails in July 2016, candidate Trump said to Cohen something to the effect of HOM
Harm of Ongoing Matter
According to Gates, Manafort expressed excitement about the release. HOM
203 Manafort, for his part, told the Office that, shortly after Wikileaks July 22 release, Manafort spoke with candidate Trump Harm of Ongoing Matter
Harm of Ongoing Matter 204 Harm of Ongoing Matter 205
Manafort also HOM wanted to be kept appraised of any developments with WikiLeaks and separately told Gates to keep in touch HOM about future WikiLeaks releases.206
There is a lot of material missing to draw any conclusion, except, there was communication between Trump, Cohen, Manafort and Gates.
Footnote 199 In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty pursuant to a plea agreement to a single-count information charging him with making false statements to Congress, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § l00l(a) & (c). He had previously pleaded guilty to several other criminal charges brought by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York, after a referral from this Office. In the months leading up to his false-statements guilty plea, Cohen met with our Office on multiple occasions for interviews and provided information that the Office has generally assessed to be reliable and that is included in this report.
Footnote 200 Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 201 Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 202 Cohen 9/18/18 302, at I0 Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 203 Gates 10/25/18 302 (serial 241), at 4.
Footnote 204 Grand Jury
Footnote 205 Grand Jury
Footnote 206 Grand Jury
According to Gates, by the late summer of 2016, the Trump Campaign was planning a press strategy, a communications campaign and messaging based on the possible release of Clinton emails by Wikileaks. 207
Trump was counting on Russia to deliver Clinton emails as a primary strategy for his campaign. Got that?
Harm to Ongoing Matter 208
While Trump and Gates were driving to LaGuardia Airport Harm of Ongoing Matter . shortly after the call candidate Trump told Gates that more releases of damaging information was coming. 209
How did Trump know? Who was he talking to? We know that Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Trump were all talking to each other. How did Trump know there would be more emails released?
Robert Mueller stated there was no solid evidence of a conspiracy. Is he sure about that, because the candidate himself knew in advance there was going to be another release of emails. Advanced knowledge is a whole lot more than a symbiotic relationship.
Harm of Ongoing Matter
c. Harm of Ongoing Matter
Corsi is an author who holds a doctorate in political science. 212 Corsi also worked for a media outlet WorldNetDaily (WND). Harm of Ongoing Matter 213
Photo to left is Dr. Jerome Corsi. My understanding is that Dr. Corsi had one count of perjury and they offered him a plea deal. But, he never agreed to it and he beat the charges and is today a free man.
The article below from "Vox" simply states his relationship to this investigation. It would appear Dr. Corsi indicted himself when he claimed to have insider information on Wikileaks. So, he doesn't have room to complain if he is lying to his audience and the FBI believed him.
November 28, 2018
By Jane Coaston and Andrew Prokop
Gates 4/10/18 302, at 3;
Gates 4/11/18 302, at 1-2 (SM-2180998);
Gates 10/25/18 302, at 2.
Footnote 208 HOM
Footnote 209 Gates 10/25/18 302 (serial 241), at 4.
Footnote 210 HOM
Footnote 211 HOM
Footnote 212 Corsi first rose to public prominence in August 2004 when he published his book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. In the 2008 election cycle, Corsi gained prominence for being a leading proponent of the allegation that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Corsi told the Office that Donald Trump expressed interest in his writings, and that he spoke with Trump on the phone on at least six occasions. Corsi 9/6/18 302, at 3.
Footnote 213 Corsi 10/31/18 302, at 2; Grand Jury Corsi was first interviewed on September 6, 2018 at the Special Counsel's offices in Washington, D.C. He was accompanied by counsel throughout the interview. Corsi was subsequently interviewed on September 17, 2018; September 21, 2018; October 31, 2018; November I, 2018; and November 2, 2018. Counsel was present for all interviews, and the interviews beginning on September 21, 2018 were conducted pursuant to a proffer agreement that precluded affirmative use of his statements against him in limited circumstances.
Harm of Ongoing Matter 214
Corsi to the Office during interviews that he "must have" previously discussed Assange with Malloch 215
28 November 2018
By Jon Swaine
Ted Malloch in London on 9 February 2017
An ally of Nigel Farage (click here) was asked to obtain secret information from WikiLeaks for Donald Trump’s team during the 2016 election campaign, according to US investigators.
Ted Malloch a London-based academic close to Farage, was allegedly passed a request from a longtime Trump adviser to get advance copies of emails stolen from Trump’s opponents by Russian hackers and later published by WikiLeaks.
The allegation emerged in a draft legal document drawn up by Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any collusion with Trump’s campaign team.
In response to a series of questions from the Guardian, including whether he had acted on the request to make contact with WikiLeaks, Malloch said in an email: “No and no comment.”...
10 July 2019
By Charles Hymas
Nigel Farage is responsible for the Brexit Party and claims he will stop a second referendum.
Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party vote (click here) would collapse and switch back to the Tories if Boris Johnson succeeded in taking the UK out of the EU by October 31, a poll of Tory party members shows.
The vast majority of Conservative switchers to the Brexit Party would come back to the Tories in a subsequent general election, leaving Mr Farage with a tiny rump, according to the survey by pollsters Orb International for the Telegraph.
The findings demonstrate how far the Tories’ fortunes at the next general election depend on the next Prime Minister delivering on Brexit by the October 31 deadline.
It appears to support the hardline “do or die” approach of Tory leadership frontrunner and former foreign secretary...
Harm of Ongoing Matter
Grand Jury
According to Malloch, Corsi asked him to put Corsi in touch with Assange, whom Corsi wished to interview. Malloch recalled that Corsi also suggested that individuals in the "orbit" of U.K. politician Nigel Farage might be able to contact Assange and asked if Malloch knew them. Malloch told Corsi that he would think about the request but made no actual attempt to connect Corsi with Assange.218
Basically, Corsi wanted to interview Assange for his radio program. Malloch found himself in the middle of it all along with Nigel Farage. Well, there was a lot of name dropping, but, the FBI would want to understand the relationships and any possible connection to Wikileaks and the Clinton/DNC/DCCC emails.
Harm of Ongoing Matter
Footnote 214 HOM
Footnote 215 Corsi 10/31/18 302, at 4.
Footnote 216 HOM
Footnote 217 HOM
Footnote 218 Grand Jury Malloch denied ever communicating with Assange or Wikileaks stating that he did not pursue the request to contract Assange because he believed he had no connections to Assange. Grand Jury
Footnote 219 HOM
Footnote 220 Harm of Ongoing Matter
Malloch stated to investigators that beginning in or around August 2016, he and Corsi had multiple "Face Time" discussions about WikiLeaks Harm of Onging Matter had made a connection to Assange and that the hacked emails of John Podesta would be released prior to Election Day and would be helpful to the Trump Campaign. In one conversation in or around August or September 2016, Corsi told Malloch that the release of the Podesta emails was coming, after which "we" were going to be in the driver's seat. 221
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 221 Grand Jury
Footnotes 222 through 229 Harm of Ongoing Matter
Page 57 is completely redacted and has footnotes 230 through 238
continued in later entry - thank you
Harm of Ongoing Matter 193
On June 12, 2016, Assange claimed in a televised interview to "have emails relating to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,"194 but provided no additional context.
I have to wonder how much in donations Wikileaks made while all those stolen emails were on the web. The right wing media has demonized Hillary Clinton so terribly, I imagine whenever her name turns up there are throngs of people racing to read it. If Assange was making empty statements to get attention, there were probably plenty of dollars behind it.
In debriefings with the Office, former deputy campaign chairman, Rick Gates said that, Harm to Ongoing Matter 195
Gates recalled candidate Trump being generally frustrated that the Clinton emails had not been found. 196
July 10, 2019
By Kyle Cheney
Former Trump campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates (click here) — one of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s crucial cooperators — has begun providing documents to the House Intelligence Committee, Chairman Adam Schiff said Tuesday night.
The California Democrat said Gates and his attorney have been negotiating with the committee about the former campaign aide testifying in person, as well, “and we believe we’re making progress.”...
That is interesting that Rick Gates had enough interaction with Trump to know he was frustrated with Clinton emails. I was under the impression Trump didn't have much contact with Gates and Manafort. That would be a lie. Trump seems to have regular contact with Rick Gates and trusted him with his frustrations.
Paul Manafort, who would later become campaign chairman Harm to Ongoing Matter 197
Footnote 193 Harm of Ongoing Matter
Footnote 194 See Mahita Gajanan, Julian Assange Timed DNC Email Release for Democratic Convention, Time (July 27, 2016) (quoting the June 12, 2016 television interview).
If Wikileaks doesn't have an agenda, certainly Assange did.
Footnote 195 In February 2018, Gates pleaded guilty, pursuant to a plea agreement, to a superseding criminal information charging him with conspiring to defraud and commit multiple offenses (i.e., tax fraud, failure to report foreign bank accounts, and acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal) against the United States, as well as making false statements to our Office. Superseding Criminal Information, UnitedStates v. Richard W Gates III, l: 17-cr-201 (click here) (D.D.C. Feb. 23, 2018), Doc. 195 ("Gates Superseding Criminal Information"); Plea Agreement, United States v. Richard W Gates III, 1: 17-cr-201 (D.D.C. Feb. 23, 2018), Doc. 205 ("Gates Plea Agreement"). Gates has provided information and in-comt testimony that the Office has deemed to be reliable.
196 Gates I0/25/18 302, at 1-2.
197 As explained further in Volume I, Section IV.A.8, infra, Manafort entered into a plea agreement with our Office. We determined that he breached the agreement by being untruthful in proffer sessions and before the grand jury. We have generally recounted his version of events in this report only when his statements are sufficiently corroborated to be trustworthy; to identify issues on which Manafort's untruthful responses may themselves be of evidentiary value; or to provide Manafort's explanations for certain events, even when we were unable to determine whether that explanation was credible. His account appears here principally because it aligns with those of other witnesses.
198 Grand Jury
Michael Cohen, former executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald J. Trump, 199 told the Office that he recalled an incident in which he was in candidate Trump's office in Trump Tower Harm to Ongoing Matter
Cohen further told the Office that, after WikiLeaks's subsequent release of stolen DNC emails in July 2016, candidate Trump said to Cohen something to the effect of HOM
Harm of Ongoing Matter
According to Gates, Manafort expressed excitement about the release. HOM
203 Manafort, for his part, told the Office that, shortly after Wikileaks July 22 release, Manafort spoke with candidate Trump Harm of Ongoing Matter
Harm of Ongoing Matter 204 Harm of Ongoing Matter 205
Manafort also HOM wanted to be kept appraised of any developments with WikiLeaks and separately told Gates to keep in touch HOM about future WikiLeaks releases.206
There is a lot of material missing to draw any conclusion, except, there was communication between Trump, Cohen, Manafort and Gates.
Footnote 199 In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty pursuant to a plea agreement to a single-count information charging him with making false statements to Congress, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § l00l(a) & (c). He had previously pleaded guilty to several other criminal charges brought by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York, after a referral from this Office. In the months leading up to his false-statements guilty plea, Cohen met with our Office on multiple occasions for interviews and provided information that the Office has generally assessed to be reliable and that is included in this report.
Footnote 200 Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 201 Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 202 Cohen 9/18/18 302, at I0 Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 203 Gates 10/25/18 302 (serial 241), at 4.
Footnote 204 Grand Jury
Footnote 205 Grand Jury
Footnote 206 Grand Jury
According to Gates, by the late summer of 2016, the Trump Campaign was planning a press strategy, a communications campaign and messaging based on the possible release of Clinton emails by Wikileaks. 207
Trump was counting on Russia to deliver Clinton emails as a primary strategy for his campaign. Got that?
Harm to Ongoing Matter 208
While Trump and Gates were driving to LaGuardia Airport Harm of Ongoing Matter . shortly after the call candidate Trump told Gates that more releases of damaging information was coming. 209
How did Trump know? Who was he talking to? We know that Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Trump were all talking to each other. How did Trump know there would be more emails released?
Robert Mueller stated there was no solid evidence of a conspiracy. Is he sure about that, because the candidate himself knew in advance there was going to be another release of emails. Advanced knowledge is a whole lot more than a symbiotic relationship.
Harm of Ongoing Matter
c. Harm of Ongoing Matter
Corsi is an author who holds a doctorate in political science. 212 Corsi also worked for a media outlet WorldNetDaily (WND). Harm of Ongoing Matter 213
Photo to left is Dr. Jerome Corsi. My understanding is that Dr. Corsi had one count of perjury and they offered him a plea deal. But, he never agreed to it and he beat the charges and is today a free man.

November 28, 2018
By Jane Coaston and Andrew Prokop
On Monday, (click here) Jerome Corsi, a birther conspiracy theorist and occasional conservative pundit, announced that he had refused a plea deal from special counsel Robert Mueller. “They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie,” he said to CNN, explaining he’d been offered a deal on a single count of perjury.
And now it appears that Corsi shares a joint defense agreement with the president, a relatively common agreement in criminal cases that would allow Corsi to share information about the case with Donald Trump.
Over the past two decades, Corsi has been deeply enmeshed in the conspiratorial wing of the far-right — from John Kerry’s military service to President Barack Obama’s birth certificate to QAnon, the conspiracy theory that says Mueller and Trump are secretly working together to expose pedophiles nationwide.
But now, his all-too-real associations with right-leaning figures, most notably former Trump advisor Roger Stone and even Trump himself, could land the conspiracy-weaving author in federal prison....
Footnote 207Gates 4/10/18 302, at 3;
Gates 4/11/18 302, at 1-2 (SM-2180998);
Gates 10/25/18 302, at 2.
Footnote 208 HOM
Footnote 209 Gates 10/25/18 302 (serial 241), at 4.
Footnote 210 HOM
Footnote 211 HOM
Footnote 212 Corsi first rose to public prominence in August 2004 when he published his book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. In the 2008 election cycle, Corsi gained prominence for being a leading proponent of the allegation that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Corsi told the Office that Donald Trump expressed interest in his writings, and that he spoke with Trump on the phone on at least six occasions. Corsi 9/6/18 302, at 3.
Footnote 213 Corsi 10/31/18 302, at 2; Grand Jury Corsi was first interviewed on September 6, 2018 at the Special Counsel's offices in Washington, D.C. He was accompanied by counsel throughout the interview. Corsi was subsequently interviewed on September 17, 2018; September 21, 2018; October 31, 2018; November I, 2018; and November 2, 2018. Counsel was present for all interviews, and the interviews beginning on September 21, 2018 were conducted pursuant to a proffer agreement that precluded affirmative use of his statements against him in limited circumstances.
Harm of Ongoing Matter 214
Corsi to the Office during interviews that he "must have" previously discussed Assange with Malloch 215
28 November 2018
By Jon Swaine
Ted Malloch in London on 9 February 2017
An ally of Nigel Farage (click here) was asked to obtain secret information from WikiLeaks for Donald Trump’s team during the 2016 election campaign, according to US investigators.
Ted Malloch a London-based academic close to Farage, was allegedly passed a request from a longtime Trump adviser to get advance copies of emails stolen from Trump’s opponents by Russian hackers and later published by WikiLeaks.
The allegation emerged in a draft legal document drawn up by Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any collusion with Trump’s campaign team.
In response to a series of questions from the Guardian, including whether he had acted on the request to make contact with WikiLeaks, Malloch said in an email: “No and no comment.”...
10 July 2019
By Charles Hymas
Nigel Farage is responsible for the Brexit Party and claims he will stop a second referendum.
Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party vote (click here) would collapse and switch back to the Tories if Boris Johnson succeeded in taking the UK out of the EU by October 31, a poll of Tory party members shows.
The vast majority of Conservative switchers to the Brexit Party would come back to the Tories in a subsequent general election, leaving Mr Farage with a tiny rump, according to the survey by pollsters Orb International for the Telegraph.
The findings demonstrate how far the Tories’ fortunes at the next general election depend on the next Prime Minister delivering on Brexit by the October 31 deadline.
It appears to support the hardline “do or die” approach of Tory leadership frontrunner and former foreign secretary...
Harm of Ongoing Matter
Grand Jury
According to Malloch, Corsi asked him to put Corsi in touch with Assange, whom Corsi wished to interview. Malloch recalled that Corsi also suggested that individuals in the "orbit" of U.K. politician Nigel Farage might be able to contact Assange and asked if Malloch knew them. Malloch told Corsi that he would think about the request but made no actual attempt to connect Corsi with Assange.218
Basically, Corsi wanted to interview Assange for his radio program. Malloch found himself in the middle of it all along with Nigel Farage. Well, there was a lot of name dropping, but, the FBI would want to understand the relationships and any possible connection to Wikileaks and the Clinton/DNC/DCCC emails.
Harm of Ongoing Matter
Footnote 214 HOM
Footnote 215 Corsi 10/31/18 302, at 4.
Footnote 216 HOM
Footnote 217 HOM
Footnote 218 Grand Jury Malloch denied ever communicating with Assange or Wikileaks stating that he did not pursue the request to contract Assange because he believed he had no connections to Assange. Grand Jury
Footnote 219 HOM
Footnote 220 Harm of Ongoing Matter
Malloch stated to investigators that beginning in or around August 2016, he and Corsi had multiple "Face Time" discussions about WikiLeaks Harm of Onging Matter had made a connection to Assange and that the hacked emails of John Podesta would be released prior to Election Day and would be helpful to the Trump Campaign. In one conversation in or around August or September 2016, Corsi told Malloch that the release of the Podesta emails was coming, after which "we" were going to be in the driver's seat. 221
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Harm to Ongoing Matter
Footnote 221 Grand Jury
Footnotes 222 through 229 Harm of Ongoing Matter
Page 57 is completely redacted and has footnotes 230 through 238
continued in later entry - thank you
What is this now? A gold dome and a gold girl goddess. What next?
Billionaires. So, tell me, what drip trickle economy comes from this?
$77 million mortgage on the New York City mansion will only result in Epstein leaving for some place where his bad habits are respected. Like, Cambodia.
Any human sacrifices at the temple?
July 11, 2019
By J. K. Trotter
The federal charges (click here) against Jeffrey Epstein, unsealed on Monday morning in New York City, open the latest chapter in the very public campaign to bring the financier to justice. They also underscore how little is known about his life, including the source of his wealth, and how what is known doesn't quite add up. For instance: Is that really a temple on his private island? And to what?
$77 million mortgage on the New York City mansion will only result in Epstein leaving for some place where his bad habits are respected. Like, Cambodia.
Any human sacrifices at the temple?

By J. K. Trotter
The federal charges (click here) against Jeffrey Epstein, unsealed on Monday morning in New York City, open the latest chapter in the very public campaign to bring the financier to justice. They also underscore how little is known about his life, including the source of his wealth, and how what is known doesn't quite add up. For instance: Is that really a temple on his private island? And to what?
Epstein's island, officially known as Little Saint James, is situated between St. Thomas and St. John, two of the largest islands of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Its 78 acres resemble a bird in flight, with its head, tail, and two wings corresponding to the intercardinal directions:...
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