Monday, September 17, 2012

Marriage is a sacred trust. If Great Britain wants an heir to the throne I strongly suggest the Royal Couple be left alone.

Basically, Mr. O'Kane is an arrogant jerk.

The Duchess of Cambridge is married to a Prince to the throne of England. There is a profound understanding that married women and men share intimacy in any way they like. It is one of the joys of marriage.

People pay real money to go to resorts around the world to do EXACTLY what William and Kate did in their own private estate. They never should be ashamed of who they are or how wonderful their marriage is for the world to witness. They are dynamic, they are changing the face of the royals to be more human and more accessible.

I find the moral content to marriage, any marriage to be above exploitation. A couple's intimacy is a comfort in a marriage. It is shelter from the world. It is a real place in someone else's heart and is a strength without compromise to see each through the worst of times and joy through the best of times. 

Have they celebrated their first anniversary yet? Okay, April 29, 2011. Newlyweds still. 

I find the press stupid in their attempts to win monies from readers. There needs to be an understanding that married couples are above exploitation. Not just when they are royal, but, always. I've had enough of the trash, especially when it hacks away at some of the most decent acts of intimacy of a married couple.

Does the assault on decency never stop? Hacked emails and not this trash rag.

Monday September 17 2012

The editor of the Irish Daily Star (click title to entry - thank you) has been suspended from his role at the newspaper over the publication of topless photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge.
Publishers revealed the decision to stand down Michael O'Kane while an internal investigation is carried out into the editorial decision to re-run the images.
The newspaper, co-owned by media baron Richard Desmond's Northern and Shell group and the Irish-based Independent News and Media, has been under threat of closure since publishing the pictures.
Mr O'Kane's suspension was announced n a statement by the company behind the Dublin operation, Independent Star, just hours after Ireland's Justice Minister Alan Shatter said he was reviving abandoned privacy laws on the back of the scandal.
The Irish Daily Star ran with the pictures in Saturday's edition. The decision was robustly defended by Mr O'Kane in a radio interview where he claimed Kate was a celebrity like singer Rihanna, that the photos were taken from a public road and that it also highlighted a royal security issue....

All the people in the USA 'with him' are not poor or struggling, but, trying to achieve. (click title for link to video - thank you)

As a matter of fact, WOMEN, have depended on government for many aspects of their lives. Women have sought government intervention for as long as I can remember. I have as well. It wasn't about dependency. It was about independence and obtaining it.

Turning to government agencies to leverage equity and opportunity is common place with women and their achievements in their lives. Seeking higher education when one is unable to achieve that goal alone is reliant on government providing a safety net. A safety net not just for women, but, for their children. 

Seeking the intervention of government for women is about security, the future and equitable opportunity. It is not dependence women seek for themselves or their children, but, independence through enforcement of equal opportunities in work and education.

Mr. Romney is getting to be a really terrible person regardless of his moralizing in regard to religion. Regardless of playing the hero. Regardless of his generosity to his church. He sincerely distains Americans. He especially distains vulnerable Americans. 

He can't stand up for himself before his donors to prove he is deserving of monies for his positions on policy? He has to defame half the people of the USA to do it, huh? Well, I never consented to have my life as part of the Romney dialogue with donors.

Link to Politico as well (click here).

He is terrible. He will take people's money dishonestly without actually portraying facts and his merit for even seeking the nomination for the GOP. Romney lies, he has always lied and he always will lie. He is not trustworthy.

Dozens Arrested at Occupy Protest in NY

More Photos (click here)

The 99% still exists and if we don't #Occupy Romney he will single handedly turn one generation of Americans into two generations of unemployed Americans.

Romney and his band of thieves want to promise all these jobs in drilling for gas and destroying the country's land. He doesn't believe in moral jobs and a sustainable environment.

Romney expects Americans to grovel for every crumb of food. Take what you get or you get NOTHING! Make profits for the 1 percent, damn you!

I remember when Bush was elected and the economy went sour in more ways than one. There were Right Wing commentators and legislators absolutely astonished at the 'will' of Americans to stand against them, as they put it "In their own self interest."

What they meant was Americans stood for a moral America, not a groveling America willing to bend to the first crumb tossed at them!

NO MORE POSTPONEMENT of our moral country, where generations of Americans and their need for jobs are NOT set aside for Wall Street profits!

Republicans believe beggars can't be choosers. Well, they can and they will! They will be beggars no more and will have their dignity besides!