This is the charismatic effect of Daesh. This could not happen unless there was this ideology of a caliphate among young Muslims. That is a fact. It isn't as though Daesh has a league of soldiers conquering lands across the planet. This is a charismatic movement that can be stopped and is the one reason countries have to ban together to end the ideology. It is a lie. This charismatic movement is a lie to the young people it demands to come to Syria.
No one knew how it would spin out, but, it was known it would occur. I think the link to Molenbeek is instructive. It is the impoverished and those at the extremes of society that is the greatest nightmare of France and Belgium.
Besides what is noted on this timeline there are the attacks that have occurred in Australia. I think Australia is still struggling with the idea those young Muslims will never be back. Along with young people are also grandchildren. Thirteen year olds celebrating their birthdays in Syria are becoming wives and mothers. It is a nightmare no one bargained for.
There has been a growing concern since 911 about the changing populations of cities in Europe.
Kindly be careful with maps and ideas. This map below is in Wikipedia. It discusses the percentage of population of Muslims in the cites in Europe.

The problem is this; while intelligence among the public is a good thing, it can also create increased concern and could lead to victimizing of both sides of the religious Muslim divide. If people become seriously angry with others we could end up with a snowball effect that has been noted by the example of Anwar al Awlaki. We cannot afford to allow that to happen.
I do not believe every Muslim in Europe has the capacity to kill. I absolutely don't believe that. I think Europe needs to trust it's security forces as it learns more and more about the network seeking to end the lives of innocent people.
All I ask is that media be careful about the seeds shown. It is important the media remain objective while soliciting loyalty of good people that embrace diveresity AND OPPORTUNITY.
With the US Dollar slipping a bit there has been an uptick of optimism in Europe. That is a good thing. Don't let the terrorists win. They want a snowball to end all other religions besides their own. Optimism to a better quality of life for everyone is important. Better than optimism are actual upticks in the economic stability of the citizens of every country.
The terrorists are alone in their hate. It is important THAT IS THE DIVIDING LINE and not more generalized fear of all others.
Thank you for entertaining my views.