The deadly twister was one of more than 30 that roared through four U.S. Midwestern states on Wednesday....
...The tornado was one of more than 30 reported late Wednesday moving across eastern Kansas into Nebraska, Iowa and into Minnesota, according to Storm Prediction Center.
The tornadoes were accompanied by baseball-sized hail and vicious winds, and came in addition to rampant flooding that has forced hundreds from their homes in Iowa....

June 12, 2008
Water Vapor Satellite of North and West Hemisphere of Earth ( 12 hour loop click here)

June 12,2008
Enhanced Infrared USA

June 11, 2008
0431z on 06.12.08 (1130 PM CDT)
Enhanced Infrared Satellite of Central Plains
INDEED, gas prices are just the beginning. The responsiblity for widespread tropospheric demise of life and property has to be assigned and I can't think of better people to assign it to.
Protesters Gather Outside Exxon Mobile Shareholders Meeting (click here)
POSTED: 6:49 pm CDT May 28, 2008
DALLAS -- High gasoline prices was just one of the reasons protesters lined up Wednesday outside of the Exxon shareholders meeting in Dallas, NBC 5 reported.
While record profits for Exxon Mobil do not sit well with drivers with gas is nearing $4 a gallon, the protesters said gas prices were just the beginning...

Earning a "Wilderness Survival" Badge was never defined as staring down a tornado !
Yesterday under a THICK 'cloud' of Carbon Dioxide still another tornado was spawned. In Iowa which is suffering, along with Wisconson, some of the most devastating biotic effects of a hostile troposphere due to the lack of "Global Warming" policy of the USA. Bush, Cheney, their administration, including Kempthorne along with the Republicans of the House and Senate may as well have killed those young men, because a tornado was their proxy !

Four boy scouts killed in Iowa tornado identified (click title to entry)
The Gazette
DES MOINES - Iowa authorities today identified the four teenaged Boy Scouts who were killed last night when a tornado ripped through the Little Sioux Scout Ranch in western Iowa.
DES MOINES - Iowa authorities today identified the four teenaged Boy Scouts who were killed last night when a tornado ripped through the Little Sioux Scout Ranch in western Iowa.
The victims were Aaron Eilerts, 14, of Eagle Grove, Iowa; and Josh Fennen, 13, Sam Thomsen, 13, and Ben Petrzilka, 14, all of Omaha, Neb.
Iowa public safety commissioner Eugene Meyer told a press briefing today that another 35 people were transported to hospitals in western Iowa and Omaha for treatment of injuries – including three individuals with serious skull, pelvis and spinal injuries. More than 20 of the injured victims were treated for injuries and released.
Iowa Gov. Chet Culver called the deadly incident “a blow right to the gut,” while Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman called the scene at the 1,800-acre Boy Scout ranch “total devastation” after tour the damage....
Last night on CNN, for as good a weather forecast it could have been, I witnessed some of the most ludicrous reporting in my entire life. Chad the Weather Man was covering up 'The Truth' by stating all the tornado activity was due to El Nino. Do you know LONG this news netework has been saying that Human Induced Global Warming Troposphere is actually El Nino? How about the ENTIRE time George Walker Bush has been in office?
Last night I heard about young men cut down in the wilderness of Iowa in a place where tornadoes should NEVER have occurred and certainly not been on the ground for 20 minutes.
During every hour of reporting of dead children what was interlaced with the broadcast were 'PR' plugs for the OIL INDUSTRY !!!!! We were supposed to be grateful for excellant returns on our investment strategies at our place of work, at least for the people who still work and still have investment portfolios in their 401Ks. We were told we needed to be grateful to the investment managers that they included oil stocks among the choices they made !
Fear tactics were laid out well in advance of the impending disaster for people that might have to spend a lot of money on oil for heating this winter and how we, as a nation, HAVE TO drill for domestic oil including places like ANWR. Did I hear how people that STILL heat their homes with oil should be converting to ALTERNATIVE methods? No. Did I hear an apology from George Walker Bush or Richard Cheney for artifically inflating the price of oil by maintaining hideously high levels of 'Reserve' for the nation? No.
What I did hear was how a retired man should 'learn to cope' and GET A JOB and stop his whining over the fact that he is on a fixed income, with higher and higher costs for fuel for his car, utility payments and food costs. That is an answer? That might be a John McCain answer, but, it is NOT the answer to the dilemmas the people of the USA face !
Deepest sympathies to all the victims of 'so called' natural disasters. It's time to have a government that sincerely cares about the people of the USA reflected in policy and in that policy expresses compassion to a global community attempting to 'Tame the Troposphere' alone, in the face of ever escalating USA emissions of CO2.