There is no sound science that points to 2050 as the decade to seek for climate safety.
The REAL science states 2030 and quite frankly the foot dragging of those focused on two decades later is obvious.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
There is no sound science that points to 2050 as the decade to seek for climate safety.
The REAL science states 2030 and quite frankly the foot dragging of those focused on two decades later is obvious.
...The relationship between Thomas and the Koch Network (click here) is as straightforward as it comes. Thomas serves as encouragement for donors to funnel more money into the lean, anti-green machine in exchange for lavish gifts such as trips and private jet rides.
This affair started in 2010, where attendees of the summit received an invitation that boasted about Thomas’s presence at a previous summit.
So, Thomas has a little political sugar momma. So what?
What makes this issue so important to the American judicial system is the political influence and potential corruption that it raises.
The Koch Network has brought many cases before the Supreme Court, including Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Rodriquez in 2021, a case that debated the rights of organizations to keep the names of their donors a secret.
In this case, Thomas sided with the majority conservative vote, and the case was thrown out in favor of the Koch network on a 6-3 majority.
The plot thickens.
The Koch Network stands as one of the most significant and influential political entities of the past fifty years, actively supporting an extensive campaign to shape the direction of American legislation.
For this term, the Supreme Court’s docket features several cases where the justices have the potential to grant the network a monumental win, curbing the authority of federal agencies to enact regulations across various domains, including environmental regulations, labor rights and consumer protection....
The fact that Thomas, a justice with so much influential power within the court, has been exposed for having personal ties to the Koch Network is extremely troubling....
Recusals aren't supposed to be a selective process to satisfy a political agenda. An insurgent is an insurgent no matter what form it takes.
October 2, 2023Ukraine is experiencing low amounts of ammunition. It will be overrun by Russia and the genocide will be complete. Then next is NATO and the US will no longer have the luxury of not producing and sending munitions.
The Republicans are conducting a slow motion destruction of democracy to benefit Russia. It sounds like Trump is in charge and the secret agenda of Helsinki is still alive.
If any American believes elections are about economics, they are bartering away their democracy and those of our allies.
Trump is a traitor and always has been. He needs to be treated like one.
Ukraine needs ammunition and that should be a stand alone bill and a priority.
Last time Trump tried to stop Ukraine from receiving shoulder mounted rockets. It would seem as though that obstruction is still alive and well. What would Vindman say?