Friday, November 19, 2010

This is a very sweet entry.

This picture is from Representative John Lewis's Online Office.

Representative Lewis is to receive the Metal of Freedom.

He is a living legend.

The men that line the halls of the Congressional Black Caucus have never had 'normal' lives or legislative experiences.

Their dedication to the cause of Freedom is remarkable.  It is why they are dignified beyond their years.

To depart from admiring Rep. Lewis, there was an article in The New York Times earlier this year that outlined the extent the African American Legislators were able to raise money and secure their community's hopes and dreams.  (click here)

The African American Community has had simply great leaders.  They also were oppressed and were working for a community of people oppressed and impoverished.  Even today the African American community in the USA is well below the average 'wealth' of most of their White peers.  Even after 2008's global economic collapse.

Why do I point to this?  Because men and women with 'character enough' to act in the community's best interest did so at every turn.  They moved as one and they supported each other when others chose to destroy them.

I point to this to give HONOR of the pettiness of the charges brought to Representative Charles Rangel.  A man Representative Lewis found time and patience to speak on behalf of to the House Ethics Committee.

When it has come to the MINORITY Civil Rights Movement in the USA, EVERYTHING without exception is viewed ON BALANCE.  EVERYTHING.  The House of Representatives need to realize that reality when they take up the matter in the next session.  I hope Representative Lewis intends to speak one more time to set the record straight forever.

I find the actions against Representative Rangel an action against the community.  YES.  Even today. 

All matters in regard to securing Civil Rights when individuals are 'pushed to the wall' to protect their lives and rights has to be viewed through a microscope well tuned to the reality of which life exists, not, the hideous reality of the priviledged majority that judges all persons in the same 'board room' light.


Congratulations to Representative John Lewis, it is long overdue.