…is using funding for Israel to defund the USA government (click here).
There is no room for an insurgency in the US House when allies and those nations facing genocide are experiencing some of their most difficult days in their history.
Israel has no time or need for such political gamesmanship. Lives hang in the balance and a simple up and down vote is necessary.
Ukraine needs its funding to continue to wage war against genocide of its people.
Insurgent Johnson is seeking to defund the USA IRS and weaken the USA, it’s readiness and strength. This is foolish and childish at a time when the USA must maintain it’s military strength.
Insurgent Johnson should face an ethics review for his role in promoting fraud in regard to the 2020 election.
The funding for Israel and Ukraine is above question and an affirmative vote must go forward without an attack on the USA Treasury. There is no time for such politics when Israelis have died. This is outrageous!
Anytime the funding to the IRS is cut it weakens the USA. The IRS returns far more income to the US Treasury than it ever costs in operating budgets. Cutting the budget to the IRS is corruption of government and the private sector as well. When Republicans cut the budget to the IRS it is a signal to their cronies they can do as they like when it comes to tax fraud or tax collection.