They are very conscientious regarding the national debt and the impacts it may have on their lives and the lives of their children. This generation has it's own confidence problems. They were dropped off in the middle of nowhere regarding their jobs post education and have had to turn to social media to build their lives. It works, by the way.
They are great people. They are accepting the student debt in their lives and seeking to overcome the drag that places on their lives in regard to the American Dream. There is nothing lazy about this generation. They have learned to believe in community, so any movement to secure their futures and the promise of their birth right is best presented in social media. It is where they found stability and movement forward. It is where they live. I don't blame them. The digital society found security there in lunch trucks rather than real estate. They are less likely to trust debt so much as secure themselves away from it. They suffered enough insecurity as it is. Group Funding was born in this generation.
They like public - private programs, so any funding considered for them should be with a consensus of approval before launched as a bill in Congress. We are seeing for the first time democracy of the masses. In the past Congress was patriarchal in nature handing down decisions they believed important. Today, this generation has a clear idea of what any government programs should look like and they should not be estranged by Democrats.
This generation knows what their future looks like and is used to finding it alone. That strategy is obviously faulty today in realizing their hard work put them in a place of prosperity, but, their impoverishment keeps them in that 'space' without the ability of upward movement. Any legislator involved with this generation will have open forums where these young adults can be found, including coffee houses, etc. There has to be a clear understanding in pamphlets and words as to the ability of a legislator to help provide upward movement without increasing the national debt that would sink the hopes of their children.
TALK TO THEM and provide solid presentation materials to prove what one is saying to them. They are bright enough and they tend to be very moral in the fairness that everyone in the community faces.
This generation also can appreciate social programs like unemployment as their lives have been rather turbulent moving forward. They also realize they may never see the wage labor income of their parents. Why is that important? They have accepted poverty as their reality with no control to change it AND they know their low income over a lifetime will not provide any significant retirement income from SSI. They will believe independent investment is best and tend to lean toward more libertarian values. Basically, they are conflicted between what they know of their parents' experience and what they see coming in the future.
At the most risk are single parent families that have known nothing but isolation and poverty. They have to be given the tools for a future of upward movement, but, also to resolve relationship dysfunction. They really need a social forum where they can resolve problems with relationships. Once burned, twice shy is more their understanding than beginning in a secure relationship in the first place.
If there is one word that explains this generation it is TRUNCATED. Their reality profoundly lies in the understanding they have been truncated from their birth right and no one cares enough to actually make a difference. They won't believe promises. They will believe in concrete reality that will move the country to a better place that provides their dreams back to them.
Truncated. They understand how they are connected to each other in a community, now they need to know the reassure of being connected back to the promise of the American Dream.