Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton is absolutely correct when she states others before used their personal accounts."S

The reason the volume is higher with Secretary Clinton, which has no bearing on her statements about how others used personal emails, is because the Obama Administration is the first to use electronic communication as a primary means of communication; ie: President Obama's Blackberry.

"W" would not even use e-mail. I doubt he used mobile devices either. The emails that were used in that administration were from outside the Oval Office. Naturally, the Obama Administration's use of electronic communication is going to be far higher than "W." 

But, "W" did eventually use a private server. The private server he used was at the Republican Party Headquarters. It is pure unadulterated corruption. The entire electronic communication by the "W" administration was to cover up the fact "W" and his cabinet used a private server. It was the RNC that assisted in the dismissal of eight US Attorneys. I thought this was all part of the awareness of the American public.

March 15, 2015
By Lauren Carroll

First a quick refresher about what happened in the Bush administration. In March 2007, eyes were on then then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after the administration unexpectedly fired eight U.S. attorneys. Congress (recently taken over by Democrats) investigated the firings, alleging that the administration had dropped the prosecutors for political reasons.
Over the course of the investigation, it came out that some White House officials had conducted White House business over private email accounts set up on a server through the Republican National Committee. The White House later admitted that some internal White House emails conducted on the RNC server might have been lost....
FOX spews propaganda, not fair and balanced. "W" discharged fully competent US Attorneys. Not just once but eight times and it was done for political reasons which was found on a private server at the RNC headwaters. 

Hillary Clinton used her Husband's private server at their home. At least makes sense and is not involved with highly unethical practices that changed the USA's Justice Department. 

Does everyone understand that? The firing of eighth US Attorneys changed the US Justice Department. The RNC server should be turned over to the FBI, too. It didn't bother George W. Bush one bit to cooperate with the RNC's corrupt practice in the US Justice Department. He didn't lose any sleep and the USA Justice Department was being altered for political purposes. MSNBC should be demanding a full investigation of the RNC in regard to this, Lord knows FOX doesn't think twice to implicate a former Secretary of State.

February 4, 2016
By Steven Lee Myers

Washington — The State Department (click here) has discovered a dozen emails containing classified information that were sent to the personal email accounts of Colin L. Powell and close aides of Condoleezza Rice during their tenures as secretaries of state for President George W. Bush.
Two emails were sent to Mr. Powell’s personal account, and 10 to personal accounts of Ms. Rice’s senior aides. Those emails have now been classified as “confidential” or “secret” as part of a review process that has resulted in similar “upgrades” of information sent through the personal email server that Hillary Clinton used while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The State Department did not say who sent the emails to Mr. Powell or to Ms. Rice’s aides, or who received the messages.
It is against the law to have classified information outside a secure government account.
Of the nearly 30,000 emails from Mrs. Clinton’s server that have been released by the State Department under a court order, 18 emails sent to or from her have also been classified as secret, and 1,564 others have been classified at the lower level of “confidential.”...

The blow hard Republican establishment is having a very hard time adjusting to their candidate for president.

Is Donald Trump destroying the Republican Party?

No, he is getting rid of the corruption. He is bringing new voters to the party, that is the measure of his influence in building the Republican Party.

MSNBC has their own hate machine at work. The Hispanic American that is actually an American are not having problems with Donald Trump, they want the new tax structure. I think they are as worried about violence found in cities with some of the Undocumented as anyone else.

I think the media needs to discuss the issues and not attempt to be a tabloid. I am not going to watch or listen to this mess. I just turned the television on and heard that mess by Longegan. He needs to seriously realize he is trying to stay alive as a Republican in a Blue State.

MSNBC needs Ed Shultz back along with Mellissa Harris Perry. 

CNN and Democratic hubris. The new Red Hat Society is looking to art to defeat Donald Trump. What next? Hubris is not going to win the election.

FOX is trying to find the upside of Trump's candidacy. I think FOX has been embracing Donald Trump for at least the last decade. FOX is the Sarah Palin crowd. That has been the reality at FOX since "W." "The left is talking about racial discrimination for a long time." That is the FOX message. What his name just stated that. FOX is going to try to turn morality into dust. It is what they do all the time. They like Trump. It brings in ratings. People that oppose him as well as people that embrace him will watch.

It is a nice day. Time to finish my coffee and get out under the blue skies.