There is a distinctive difference between corporations and human beings. Habeas corpus does not apply to corporations.
Corporations ? rights ? are limited and primarily CREATED BY THE CREATOR by contact law. A corporation has no body, can't be housed or jailed. "Lehman Brothers, Inc." could never serve prison sentences. The habeas corpus of LAW is exclusive to human beings. Corporations can never have a parole officer.
Latin for "you have the body," it is a writ (court order) which directs the law enforcement officials (prison administrators, police or sheriff) who have custody of a prisoner to appear in court with the prisoner to help the judge determine whether the prisoner is lawfully in prison or jail. The writ is obtained by petition to a judge in the county or district where the prisoner is incarcerated, and the judge sets a hearing on whether there is a legal basis for holding the prisoner. Habeas corpus is a protection against illegal confinement, such as holding a person without charges, when due process obviously has been denied, bail is excessive, parole has been granted, an accused has been improperly surrendered by the bail bondsman or probation has been summarily terminated without cause. Historically called "the great writ," the renowned scholar of the Common Law, William Blackstone, called it the "most celebrated writ in English law." It may also be used as a means to contest child custody and deportation proceedings in court. The writ of habeas corpus can be employed procedurally in federal district courts to challenge the constitutionality of a state court conviction.
Corporation do not have citizen rights and vote. The weigh in to spend cash in order to effect an election. Think about that one. There has been criminality provided by the Supreme Court to effect elections. That is not a crime? That isn't criminality? That isn't an attempt to control the country to remove the social standards of 'the people?'
Undue Influence is a VIOLATION in contract law:
In contract law, a defense that can be used by a party to argue against the formation of a binding contract between two parties. The use of undue influence by one party over another puts the free will of one of the parties entering the contract into question, and therefore leads to the contract being unenforceable and voidable by the victim party. To prove undue influence, a party must show that one party to the contract is a person with weaknesses which make him likely to be affected by such persuasion, and that the party exercising the persuasion is someone in a special relationship with the victim that makes the victim especially susceptible to such persuasion.
Plutocracy is not democracy.
Superpacs don't have a special relationship with the victim? The voter? It is a hostile relationship built completely on Undue Influence.