February 5, 2007 at 6:00 PM
Noted are the different colors of 'cold' over Canada. The color guide to the left indicates clearly the 'lightest' shade of blue/aquamarine is 'temperate/zero.' To realize the position of the heat transfer vortex in the UNISYS satellite and to realize the 'temperate' region of southern Greenland is to realize the amount of heat that the Arctic Ice can stand upto, however, that will not last forever. We need to realize there is a point of no return whereby there is still ice apparent but the level of 'sustained' carbon dioxide in the troposphere will demise every aspect of it.
That is vitally important and why the USA has to take responsiblities for it's negligence for so long. We need to act now to begin an economy of carbon dioxide emission free products.
The Arctic Ocean along with The Greenland Ice and Antarctica serve as ice cubes to maintain biotic balance on Earth. If there is little buffer to this heat and the troposphere continues to 'build' carbon dioxide levels, life on Earth will become unbearable. As long as the USA continues to pump willingly carbon dioxide into the troposphere these levels will continue to build.
The Greenland Ice is melting as I write this in the face of solar radiation that is still directed over the Southern Hemisphere.