Even allowing drilling 42 miles offshore is asking for disaster. It needs to be moved at least 150 miles away from the USA mainland!
'Controlled burn' of oil slick coming from exploded rig in Gulf is possibleSalazar and ...Napolitano signed an order Tuesday establishing the next steps for a joint investigation that began last week into the causes of the explosion of the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf. The U.S. Coast Guard and the Minerals Management Service share jurisdiction for the investigation.... (click title to entry - thank you)
By Chris Kirkham, The Times-Picayune
April 27, 2010, 3:57PM
Underwater vehicles have not been able to stop the flow of oil from a damaged pipe more than a mile below the surface of the Guilf of Mexico after the explosion of an oil rig.. U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said today that authorities are considering a controlled burn of the oil floating on the Gulf's surface.The oil is coming from two damaged sections of pipe from the Deepwater Horizon rig which exploded and collapsed into the Gulf last week. The damaged pipe is more than 5,000 feet under water. The underwater vehicles have been trying to trigger the well's blowout preventer, a 450-ton device resting on the seabed that is intended to prevent such leaks.
But so far efforts to trip the blowout preventer have been a bust.
Landry and other officials who spoke during a Tuesday news conference said the controlled burn has been used before on spills. Crews would light the oil on fire within containment booms....
This slick is over 20 miles long and originated 42 miles offshore. I dare anyone to control that. The winds will take control and there will be a 20 mile long fire in the Gulf of Mexico that will make in to shore.
NO !!!!
Besides that there is already another oil spill. What is the Coast Guard going to do, let the two meet and really burn up the coast? It would seem as though less and less of the 3% of the world's oil supply is actually making it to a refinery.
NO !!!!
Besides that there is already another oil spill. What is the Coast Guard going to do, let the two meet and really burn up the coast? It would seem as though less and less of the 3% of the world's oil supply is actually making it to a refinery.
Crude oil spill fouls about a fifth of Delta National Wildlife Refuge
By The Associated Press
April 07, 2010, 10:50PM
...Nutting said the slick covered 16 square miles of the refuge, which comprises about 76 square miles of marshland between the Mississippi River and Breton Sound and the Gulf of Mexico. A 12-mile-wide slick stretched 10 miles into the Gulf of Mexico, he said.
Crews put 5,000 feet of containment boom around the slick and were putting out another 2,000 feet of boom around the environmentally sensitive area near Breton Island, Nutting said. He said skimmer boats had sucked up 600 gallons of oil.
A Berry Brothers General Contractors barge dredging for ExxonMobil U.S. Production Co. in the area notified the Coast Guard Tuesday about 1 a.m. that oil was spilling into a canal about 10 miles southeast of Venice, according to a news release.
About 18,000 gallons of oil spilled before Cypress could close the broken section.
The news release was distributed jointly by the Coast Guard, the state of Louisiana and the pipeline operator, Cypress Pipe Line Co. -- a joint venture between BP PLC and Chevron Pipe Line Co.
If these companies are this irresponsible what are they doing holding leases?
I want answers !!!!!!!
So much for the tourist industry.
"Gee my bed and breakfast overlooks the oil spill."
Wow, what a thrill.