Beginning in September 2014, the Trump Organization stopped responding in a timely fashion to correspondence and proposals from the Crocus Group.302 Communications between the two groups continued through November 2014 with decreasing frequency; what appears to be the last communication is dated November 24, 2014.303 The project appears not to have developed past the planning stage, and no construction occurred.
So, the 2013-14 project was ended for the most part. It would start up again in 2015.
Footnote 294 Grand Jury
Footnote 295 OSC-KA V _00452 (12/23/13 Email, Trmnp Jr. to Kaveladze & E. Agalarov).
Footnote 296 See, e.g., OSC-KAV _011 58 (Letter agreement signed by Trump Jr. & E. Agalarov); OSCKAV _01147 (1/20/14 Email, Kaveladze to Trump Jr. et al.).
Footnote 297 See, e.g., OSC-KA V _00972 (10/14/ 14 Email, McGee to Khoo et al.) (email from Crocus Group contractor about specifications); OSC-KA V _00540 (1/24/14 Email, McGee to Trump Jr. et al.).
Footnote 298 See OSC-KA V 00631 (2/5/14 Email, E. A~alarov to Ivanka Tn~ump Jr. & Kaveladze ); Goldstone Facebook post, 2/4/14 (8:01 a.m.) Investigative Technique
Footnote 299 See, e.g., OSC-KAV_00791 (6/3/14 Email, Kaveladze to Trump Jr. et al.; OSC-KAV_00799 (6/10/14 Email, Trump Jr. to Kaveladze et al.); OSC-KA V _0081 7 (6/16/14 Email, Trump Jr. to Kaveladze et al.).
Footnote 300 OSC-KAV 00870 (7/17/14 Email, Khoo to McGee et al.).
Footnote 301 OSC-KA V _00855 (8/4/14 Email, Khoo to McGee et al.).
Footnote 302 OSC-KA V _ 00903 (9/29/14 Email, Tropea to McGee & Kaveladze (noting last response was on August 26, 2014)); OSC-KAV _00906 (9/29/14 Email, Kaveladze to Tropea & McGee (suggesting silence "proves my fear that those guys are bailing out of the project")); OSC-KA V _00972 (10/14/14 Email, McGee to Khoo et al.) (email from Crocus Group contractor about development specifications)).
Footnote 303 OSC-KA V _ 01140 ( 11/24/14 Email, Khoo to McGee et al.).
b. Communications with I.C. Expert Investment Company and Giorgi Rtskhiladze (Summer and Fall 2015)
I can't find a reference online IC Expert Investment as an official website. Giorgi Rtskhiladze is the Russian with lawyers that were arguing about a footnote to the Special Counsel report. (click here) The footnote 112 was at issue according to the article.
Giorgi Rtskhiladze made a testimony to Congress. The picture on right.
Footnote 112 - Volume I - A spearphishing email is designed to appear as though it originates from a trusted source, and solicits information to enable the sender to gain access to an account or network, or causes the recipient to download malware that enables the sender to gain access to an account or network. Netyksho Indictment ~ 10.
Unless that is Volume II
Footnote 112 - Volume II - Comey 1/7/17 Memorandum, at 1-2; Comey 11/15/17 302, at 3. Comey’s briefing included the Steele reporting’s unverified allegation that the Russians had compromising tapes of the President involving conduct when he was a private citizen during a 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant. During the 2016 presidential campaign, a similar claim may have reached candidate Trump.

There are several dates in that footnote. Below is from the article.
...In his texts, Rtskhiladze tells Cohen: “Stopped flow of some tapes from Russia.” But in the footnote, Mueller dropped “some” from the text, which is a “crucial” word because “it establishes the fact that Mr. Rtskhiladze had no knowledge of the tapes’ content,” according to the letter to Barr. Mueller didn’t disclose the rest of the text exchange, which shows Rtskhiladze didn’t have direct knowledge of the rumor involving the tapes, the letter says...
That is a lot of baloney. The word "some" in the text does not refer to the subject of the tape, so much as it refers to a number of tapes. In other words, there is more than one or two tapes and some of them were stopped. I think the letter is to CYA the Rtskhiladze so he can state something to Putin.
What is important is that Rtskhiladze knew of tapes about Trump during his time in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant. This is the pee tape.
In the late summer of 2015, the Trump Organization received a new inquiry about pursuing a Trump Tower project in Moscow. In approximately September 2015, Felix Sater, a New York based real estate advisor, contacted Michael Cohen, then-executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald J. Trump.304 Sater had previously worked with the Trump Organization and advised it on a number of domestic and international projects. Sater had explored the possibility of a Trump Tower project in Moscow while working with the Trump Organization and therefore knew of the organization's general interest in completing a deal there. 305 Sater had also served as an informal agent of the Trump Organization in Moscow previously and had accompanied lvanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. to Moscow in the mid-2000s.306
March 4, 2019
By Dareh Gregorian
A TV producer is suing Felix Sater, (click here) a former business associate of President Donald Trump, for more than $1 million, alleging he hacked into her computers while staying at her home.
Sater, a convicted felon who served as an FBI informant into the world of Russian organized crime and was involved in an effort to secure a Trump Tower in Moscow, is a former childhood friend of Stella Bulochnikov Stolper, according to Stolper's lawsuit in Brooklyn federal court....
December 4, 2017
By Scot Stedman
Andrey Rozov, right, the Chairman of IC Expert
In the lead (click here) up to Donald Trump’s announcement of his presidential bid in Spring 2015, the Russian Government granted amnesty to Andrey Rozov, the Chairman of IC Expert, who four months later would sign a Letter of Intent (LOI) to build Trump Tower in Moscow City. Rozov was accused of negligent homicide in the death of a 19-year-old man....
...The intervention of the Russian government in a case where the defendant was facing years in prison raises new questions about the extent of Putin’s involvement in the proposed Trump Tower Moscow deal. Previously, Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen suggested that he emailed Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov in order to seek the Russian government’s help to move the project along....
...Last week it was discovered that in November of 2015 Russia’s largest state-owned bank, Sberbank, approved a loan to IC Expert just three weeks after signing an LOI with Trump Organization for a luxury hi-rise tower in Moscow City....
Interesting. A dead man. And lots of money transferring to the killer's investment company so that it can, in turn, go to Trump who was campaigning for President.
Sater contacted Cohen on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (click here) (LC. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov. 307 Sater had known Rozov since approximately 2007 and, in 2014, had served as an agent on behalf of Rozov during Rozov's purchase of a building in New York City.308 Sater later contacted Rozov and proposed that I.C. Expert pursue a Trump Tower Moscow project in which l.C. Expert would license the name and brand from the Trump Organization but construct the building on its own. Sater worked on the deal with Rozov and another.employee of l.C. Expert. 309
Cohen was the only Trump Organization representative to negotiate directly with l.C. Expert or its agents. In approximately September 2015, Cohen obtained approval to negotiate with I.C. Expert from candidate Trump, who was then president of the Trump Organization. Cohen provided updates directly to Trump about the project throughout 2015 and into 2016, assuring him the project was continuing. 310 Cohen also discussed the Trump Moscow project with Ivanka Trump as to design elements (such as possible architects to use for the project 311) and Donald J. Trump Jr. (about his experience in Moscow and possible involvement in the project 312 ) during the fall of 2015....
The USA must back it's allies in all respects. Why was Trump and his company were violating sanctions while his candidacy for president was ongoing. There was a transfer of money.
Donald J. Trump and his company, including his family, is the very nightmare many Americans believe he is. There is proof. He can't earn respect with such overt friendliness and favor to Russia with any of our allies. He is a sincere problem that must be addressed by Congress.
Russian and Ukraine Sanctions State Department (click here)
Archived Russian and Ukraine Sanctions State Department from 2000 - 2017 (click here)
Russian and Ukraine Sanctions Treasury Department (click here)
"EU Extends Economic Sanctions on Russia until 2020 (click here)
June 21, 2019
European Union leaders agreed on Thursday to prolong until the end of January 2020 economic sanctions against Russia over the turmoil in Ukraine, a spokesman for the bloc said.
The EU first slapped sanctions on Russia after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in March 2014 and supported rebels fighting Kiev troops in the east of the country. That conflict, which killed 13,000 people, is still simmering.
"Russia sanctions unanimously extended for another six months because of a lack of Minsk Agreements implementation," said the spokesman, Preben Aman, referring to a stalled peace accord for east Ukraine.
The downing in east Ukraine in July 2014 of a Malaysian passenger plane led to a toughening of the EU's response to the crisis. All 298 people aboard, many of them Dutch, perished....
The excuse Trump and his lawyers use to justify violations of sanctions is a pursuit of world peace. That is such nonsense.
September 8, 2017
By Natasha Bertrand
A letter of intent forwarded by Russian-born businessman Felix Sater to the Trump Organization's lawyer at the time, Michael Cohen, outlines the terms of a licensing agreement to purchase property to build a "Trump World Tower Moscow."
Sater sent the letter of intent — dated October 13, 2015, and signed by a Russian investor named Andrey Rozov — to Cohen for then-candidate Donald Trump's signature.
Sater included a personal note along with the letter, which was shared on Twitter by the New York Times' Maggie Haberman.
"Dear Michael, Attached is the signed LOI (Letter of Intent) by Andrey Rozov. Please have Mr. Trump counter-sign, signed and sent back," Sater wrote. "Lets make this happen and build a Trump Moscow. And possibly fix relations between the countries by showing everyone that commerce & business are much better and more practical than politics. That should be Putins message as well, and we will help him agree on that message. Help world peace and make a lot of money, I would say thats a great lifetime goal for us to go after. Sincerely, Felix Sater."...
That is called a conspiracy with a foreign and hostile power.
There is far too much appeasement by the US Senate with this president. This is not politics. This is a US Senate in betrayal of the country to maintain the power that will corrupt and negate the democracy of the USA.
Footnote 304 Sater provided information to our Office in two 2017 interviews conducted under a proffer agreement Grand Jury
Footnote 305 Grand Jury
Footnote 306 Sater9/19/17 302, at 1-2, 5.
Footnote 307 Sater 9/19/17 302, at 3.
Footnote 308 Rozov 1 /25/18 3 02, at 1.
Footnote 309 Rozov 1/25/18 302, at I; see also 11 /2/15 Email, Cohen to Rozov et al. (sending letter of intent). 310 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 1-2, 4-6.
Footnote 311 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 5.
Footnote 312 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 4-5.
continued in a later entry