The more the words Climate, Human Induced Global Warming and Climate Crisis are used in the media, the more people begin to realize it is important. That is a fact.
The United States of America has FAILED to meet the challenge of the Climate Crisis. It has failed for nearly a century if one measures the warnings of Alexander Graham Bell.
An entire century of notable Americans stating this was coming. An entire half century since scientists in the 1960s were able to harness the attention of the citizens of the USA.
Is the only thing the USA 'good at' war? I want to know. I want to know if the only thing the USA is 'good at' is war. It would seem to be the case.
War is not going to stop the Climate Crisis. I don't fault the military, they are seeking to protect the national security of the USA with 50/50 mixtures of bio fuel for jets. I am sure they do the same thing with many other aspects of their forces.
It was the USA military that stated Human Induced Global Warming WOULD CAUSE disruptions of nations globally and be the single most important challenge the USA has to face. The USA military stated that. They stated that a long time ago.
The United States of America is not a successful country. It has been lead by primarily men that do not have ideas as to how to build a sustainable future for generations to come. These same men have sought to destroy forests, increase offshore oil drilling and introduced Hydraulic Fracturing without regulation to water, land or air after Cheney's Energy Committee met.
The United States of America has failed to lead when it comes to Human Induced Global Warming. It has failed to secure the future for it's children. It has actively lied to the citizens and people of the nation while 150,000 human beings die every year from the egregious sins of this country.
The USA is the primary driver to human induced global warming. It and The West. Europe at least has entered what was the Kyoto Protocol. But, the USA has done nothing, continues to do nothing and seeks to do nothing.
The United States of America is corrupt from sea to shining sea with Wall Street interests that can't even fathom they are destroying the very ice roads they seek to transport materials to the arctic to drill for more oil.
It is immoral. The United States of America is immoral. It was immoral in entering into a war in Iraq. It is immoral in ignoring the scientists well invested in good outcomes for this nation. It is immoral for every death it's greenhouse gas emissions causes globally.
If abortion is immoral to many in the Political Right Wing, then they haven't even begun to please god in stemming the immorality before them.
The United State of America is not a global leader, not even close. It is a global pain in the ass and it thinks nothing of death or killing. I defy American to PROVE otherwise.
When will the USA take responsibility for it's indulgences, neglect and hostile political ambitions that cause such suffering among allies and nations across this planet? When will the USA ever be worthy of the title leader?
Right now, I'd be asking whom exactly is leading on the way out of the Climate Crisis?
A good place to begin to look for the answer to that question is here:
Stanford University
Carnegie Institution for Science
Department of Global Ecology
The United States of America has FAILED to meet the challenge of the Climate Crisis. It has failed for nearly a century if one measures the warnings of Alexander Graham Bell.
An entire century of notable Americans stating this was coming. An entire half century since scientists in the 1960s were able to harness the attention of the citizens of the USA.
Is the only thing the USA 'good at' war? I want to know. I want to know if the only thing the USA is 'good at' is war. It would seem to be the case.
War is not going to stop the Climate Crisis. I don't fault the military, they are seeking to protect the national security of the USA with 50/50 mixtures of bio fuel for jets. I am sure they do the same thing with many other aspects of their forces.
It was the USA military that stated Human Induced Global Warming WOULD CAUSE disruptions of nations globally and be the single most important challenge the USA has to face. The USA military stated that. They stated that a long time ago.
The United States of America is not a successful country. It has been lead by primarily men that do not have ideas as to how to build a sustainable future for generations to come. These same men have sought to destroy forests, increase offshore oil drilling and introduced Hydraulic Fracturing without regulation to water, land or air after Cheney's Energy Committee met.
The United States of America has failed to lead when it comes to Human Induced Global Warming. It has failed to secure the future for it's children. It has actively lied to the citizens and people of the nation while 150,000 human beings die every year from the egregious sins of this country.
The USA is the primary driver to human induced global warming. It and The West. Europe at least has entered what was the Kyoto Protocol. But, the USA has done nothing, continues to do nothing and seeks to do nothing.
The United States of America is corrupt from sea to shining sea with Wall Street interests that can't even fathom they are destroying the very ice roads they seek to transport materials to the arctic to drill for more oil.
It is immoral. The United States of America is immoral. It was immoral in entering into a war in Iraq. It is immoral in ignoring the scientists well invested in good outcomes for this nation. It is immoral for every death it's greenhouse gas emissions causes globally.
If abortion is immoral to many in the Political Right Wing, then they haven't even begun to please god in stemming the immorality before them.
The United State of America is not a global leader, not even close. It is a global pain in the ass and it thinks nothing of death or killing. I defy American to PROVE otherwise.
When will the USA take responsibility for it's indulgences, neglect and hostile political ambitions that cause such suffering among allies and nations across this planet? When will the USA ever be worthy of the title leader?
Right now, I'd be asking whom exactly is leading on the way out of the Climate Crisis?
Stanford University
Carnegie Institution for Science
Department of Global Ecology
Christopher B. Field, PhD (click here)
Good luck, the sooner everyone gets started in this mission to save a planet, the better the outcome.