Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Scott Pruitt's sound proof booth. Who is he calling, Russia?

April 16, 2018

An internal government (click here) watchdog says the Environmental Protection Agency violated federal spending laws when purchasing a $43,000 soundproof privacy booth for Administrator Scott Pruitt to make private phone calls in his office.

The Government Accountability Office issued its findings Monday in a letter to Senate Democrats who had requested a review of Pruitt's spending.

GAO General Counsel Thomas Armstrong determined that EPA's purchase of the booth violated federal law prohibiting agencies from spending more than $5,000 for redecorating, furnishings or other improvements to the offices of presidential appointees without informing Congress. Because EPA used federal money in a manner specifically prohibited by law, Armstrong said the agency also violated the Antideficiency Act, and is legally obligated to report that violation to Congress....

My opinion is this:

It is going to sound way off the map, but, here it goes.

The mainstream media needs to be very dense on facts when reporting the news. If it is irrefutable all the better.

I had watched Hannity for a week or so a few months ago. There was not a truth spoken. Not one. It is my belief Hannity was testing the waters to provide an alternate reality to the American people at Trump's guidance. 

The mainstream media was on his case for a few days and believe it or not his ratings improved. So the idea, Hannity could go his own way and bring most of the people along with him is an incorrect assessment. I strongly believe Hannity's ratings suffered because of the chronic lies he was telling on his show. It is anyone's guess as to why he was telling them, too.

Lies are the stock and trade of this president and the only way anyone can be sure the American people are receiving the best information is to validate it over and over and over. Even as breaking news becomes apparent it has to be plain to everyone watching, "These are the early facts as we know them and it could change as the story unfolds."

When realizing the impact something like "InforWars" has on the naive American with little interest in reading so much as listening to fear mongering about conspiratorial government and political parties, there is a chance the lies Trump tells on a regular basis is part of that culture.

Please think about promoting the use of actual newspapers and their websites and rebuild the financial stability that a newspaper needs. Russia can't hack print or solid facts.

Elections are not about culture, it is about the country. Our laws brought about by elections ensure the people of the USA are provided the greatest freedom possible. It is the laws of the USA that provide freedom and cultural diversity. The elections are important and have to be based strongly in facts rather than political ideologies and myths.

I think Donald Trump has a network of powerful people working for him and his agenda and it was not completely an American agenda. I think when all this shakes out, we are going to be surprised at the depth of what seems like frivolous gossip at this point.

This is about the country. The country I know the mainstream media loves.

I consider articles like the one at this link very patriotic. The mainstream media and local media are loyalists to this country and the best kind of loyalists.

This is an example: From "The Journal Times" in Wisconsin. It is understandable why George H. W. Bush was taken by her.

August 15, 2018

Former first lady Barbara Bush, (click here) who was reported in "failing health" over the weekend, is in "great spirits" and the family is grateful for "everybody's prayers and thoughts," her granddaughter said Monday. Here's a look at Barbara Bush's life as a mother, first lady, philanthropist and more:

1943: Barbara Pierce...

Did I hear what I just heard?

There is a publicity nexus between Donald Trump and Sean Hannity guided by lawyers?

How long has this existed? Lawyers have been employed by Donald Trump and appeared on the Sean Hannity show to promote the same ideology? 

This is plot to steer the people viewing FOX News. It has dearly nothing to do with reality. This is an appalling revelation. It is a plot to move Donald Trump's agenda forward. I hate to bring someone else into this circle, but, where is Murdoch on this.

See, there is this silly idea that when a candidate appears on a news program or otherwise the other candidate is eligible for equal time. But, if Trump was allowing his lawyers to act as a surrogate to his political agenda without the knowledge of the people, this is propaganda that has steered the thinking of the viewership of Hannity in the favor of Donald Trump.

This is a billionaire employing lawyers to mesh his agenda into Hannity's show. The USA has trouble. Lots of it. It revolves around the corruption housed at FOX News.

How long has Trump been taking lessons from Putin?
18 April 2018

Hartford, Conn. (AP) — The families of two children slain (click here) in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre have filed lawsuits against right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for claiming the shooting did not happen.

The defamation lawsuits were filed in Texas. That's the home state of Jones' media company, Infowars.

Neil Heslin, the father of Jesse Lewis, and Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, the parents of Noah Pozner, filed separate lawsuits seeking more than $1 in damages.

Jesse and Noah were among the 20 first-grade students gunned down inside the school in Connecticut on Dec. 14, 2012. Six educators were also killed.

The lawsuits allege that Jones' insistence that the shooting was staged led others to make death threats against the victims' families.

Syria is of no consequence to USA national security. It poses no threat. I would think that obvious.

Destroying the chemical weapon capacity of Assad was sanctioned by a UN resolution. The USA, France and the UK took on the responsibility of enforcing the chemical weapons agreement in Syria. It could have been any other country that came forward to enforce the chemical weapons ban in Syria, but, it was three allies prepared to do the work.

There is no reason for the USA to consider any movement into Syria. It has no national security consequences. There are much bigger problems at hand and it includes the return of humanitarian assistance to the people.

Now, if killing people is all the people of the USA are interested in, they need to take a look at the death rate of gun violence in their own streets.

Many are asking what is next for Syria?

This is a regional map which includes Syria.

Does anyone actually think the killing should continue in Syria?

People talk as if there is some great option for killing more people. As if they have a right to make such decisions.

There are approximately 18.5 million people in Syria. Or at least that what it was in 2016,

Below is an illustration of a study regarding the future of croplands effected by the climate crisis. Syria entered into a civil war because the croplands dried up and farmers moved into the city. This map shows it is not just Syria that will experience a significant loss of cropland, but, most of the world due to the climate crisis.

What is next for Syria? Whether or not it can feed it's people. That is what is next for Syria.