Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Ho, hum.

The Republicans are mindless without Trump. 

They want to eliminate “Democratic giveaways.”

Like the funds to complete the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The lawsuit proceedings are slated to have returns deposited into the USA Treasury, so the funding will be returned. 

Like allowing Haitian imports that are duty free. 

Has the provision to pay our soldiers their increase already been passed? It’s Christmas. Our soldier families need cheer this holiday season. 

Come on, the Democrats need a megaphone louder than anyone else. Let’s go. Fight back. This is nothing but propaganda nonsense.

I just love how the politically corrupt run around ranting and raving about how unfair the spending is.  OMG the sending is so unfair. 


They can’t tell anyone exactly where the cuts need to occur. By all means, Trump and Musk should point out exactly where the pork is.  Besides Grassley’s congressional pay raise, where is all the pork?

Farmers are getting stiffed. Musk can’t keep promises like bring the astronauts back from the ISS, but, he can run around all over Washington ranting on about politics. Whom is running the SpaceX store? 

Where is Former Vice President Mike Pence when you need him?

The primary difference this term with “The Don,” is the magnificent patriot by the name of Mike Pence, the guiding light of the USA Constitution. Instead, the country faces intimidation and oppression. Intimidation and oppression is NOT a democracy, freedom, liberty, or a reflection of the power of the USA Constitution.

To quote Firmer President George W. Bush, “We are a nation of laws, not men.” In the case of Trump, we are not a nation of laws, but, if one man’s revenge authority. 

I might add, Mike Pence is a devout Christian who stood his ground with Trump at a time a noose was waiting for him with his family to witness. That is called a reality check. Waving the POLITICAL Bible does not make one an authority of the Bible, the Second Coming of Christ, or less of a criminal and corrupt authority.

This is from a subscription of Robert Reich.

These CEOs are very accustom to dealing with communists. They are doing with Trump the same thing they do with communists in China and at one time Russia. They will NOT turn the USA into a communist stronghold. I do believe they had to “pay up.” One million, wasn’t it? That is intimidation and corruption as if there is not daylight between Trump and them. Shame on every one of them.