The thing is this. With Russia seeking to advocate for small ethnicities and seeking to support everything from Indian nuclear plants to protection of Cuba and Venezuela with the assistance of China; is the world's biggest brother over extending itself as it is not immune completely to the global economic dynamics as well.
I state this in support of the Russian President and his ambitions for peace and prosperity and to insure that the agenda will occur without paranoid fear of the USA. The agenda of Bush will be put to rest in January. Russia should anticipate peace. Medvedev should be preparing the next ABM Treaty and economic agreements with the USA. Perhaps we have to start over with cultural exchanges.

A woman attended to a child as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of Russia took questions during a nationally televised town hall style session in Moscow on Thursday.
While there is nothing wrong with preparing for global control of any possible threat to Russia and its allies, there may be estimations about USA aggressions that will find itself poorly considered that could sap Russia of its current military agility. I sincerely believe there is nothing about the Black Sea the USA will be actively seeking as a place for war. It will be a place where peace should be a high priority to improve the quality of lives of that region. I would hope Russia's Medvedev would view that same reality as attainable within the Obama administration. I do believe natural gas supplies to Europe are reassuring measures of codependencies that provide paths to peace a higher priority than any war. Quite frankly, I don't know why those realities haven't presented in dialogues over unnecessary Missile Shields.
The Black Sea? The likelihood of Turkey being more a destabilizing entity when chasing down preceived regional terrorist groups, poses a greater threat than anything the USA wants to see happen. The USA under Obama will return to a nation of Defensive measures in cooperation will expanding allies, not aggressive measures that are unattainable.
Obama's possible wars (click here)
...The United States is also likely to concentrate on the former Soviet Union, especially the Black Sea area. It is going all-out to get Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, but in Europe this position is unreservedly backed only by Poland and the Baltic nations. NATO's old members are either adamantly against this, or believe that this step would be premature....
It would be premature for Russia to rachet up the rhetoric to attempt intimidation of a new administration in DC. Gates will not have the same directive as under Bush. Both Gates and the General are there more so for 'transition of national security' of terrorist networks, anticipating a Russia just as concerned as the USA.