This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status. I celebrated mothers on Mother's Day. Today is Father's Day and it is only right to celebrate Fathers as well. I hope it has been a day of great joy with your children. It is not every day when children are able to love their fathers in such magnanimous ways. To children without their fathers today, the USA embraces them and holds them tight. Happy Father's Day to all.
The idea of dangerous rhetoric is not an irrational or political thought. There is still no real indication why the killings in Las Vegas occurred. To exempt ETHICS from the political speech is to allow the kind of dangerous rhetoric witnessed today in the USA.
The Mueller investigation is on firm and solid ground. There is no need for a congressional approval of such an appointee, as was the same for the Star investigation under AG Janet Reno. To make clear, the Star investigation did not start with Lewinski, but, White Water. There was never any impeachment based in the original subject of the Star investigation. There was believed to be some high reaching criminal activity when Star was brought into the Office of Independent Counsel. The Office of Special Counsel is an office of the United States Department of Justice. It assumed the functions of the former Office of the Independent Counsel in 1999 (under Department of Justice regulation 28 CFR Part 600 (click here)). The current regulations governing the office were drafted by former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal. May 17, 2017 By Jessic Taylor and Carrie Johnson The Justice Department (click here) is appointing former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special counsel to oversee the growing probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible ties to associates of President Trump. "In my capacity as acting Attorney General, I determined that it is in the public interest for me to exercise my authority and appoint a Special Counsel to assume responsibility for this matter," Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in a statement. "My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that any prosecution is warranted. I have made no such determination," Rosenstein continued. "What I have determined is that based upon the unique circumstances, the public interest requires me to place this investigation under the authority of a person who exercises a degree of independence from the normal chain of command." "I accept this responsibility and will discharge it to the best of my ability," Mueller said Wednesday evening.... To be clear, the office Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is holding is well-established law and process. Only a month or so ago Paul Manafort's attorneys ask the judge to dismiss the case. After examining the briefs, statutes and legal arguments, the judge refused dismissal. If there was any way to send this investigation I am confident every defense lawyer would have brought it forward by now. The constitutional basis of this office within the Justice Department was established to prevent imperial power by the Executive Branch. The reason I believe this rhetoric is dangerous is that there are far too many guns on the streets of the USA and hatred as thick as pea soup. If the American people believed the investigation was based solely in political impetus the country could be seeing some very upsetting and widespread violence. I don't want Americans at risk for assault by other Americans, nor in prisons for life or on death row if in Texas for widespread violence and deaths. I think any political rhetoric this dense in hatred is dangerous to the people.
It is very sad to see an intelligent man sell his soul to the extremist right wing of the Republican Party simply because Jeb Bush wasn't nominated. If anything Republicans needed a better anchor to their party and that was lost when George Will went belly up. He doesn't love the USA, he raises a flag with far few stars in hopes that everything Trump and the Republican elite are trying to pull off is actually going to be held as a truth to the USA. I don't know how many stars in the field of blue exactly George Will adheres to, but, it was before Woodrow Wilson won the first world war. I could not believe Wilson was ridiculed as the First Progressive president by Mr. Will. President Woodrow Wilson stands among the greats and I am quite confident he had a higher IQ than the brut i the White House who most experts state is approximately 120 at best. I know this will make Trump jealous, but, President Barak Obama is stated to be the highest IQ of any US president at 146. The reason President Woodrow Wilson is considered among the best US presidents is that he saw the enormity of world war and sought to bring the world together in peace with what was coined at the time "The League of Nations," which was part of the Treaty of Versailles. Woodrow Wilson was a gentleman and a scholar. That counts. He was a learned man with a PhD. and went onto teach college. He would become President of Princeton University where he taught law. Eventually, he was elected Governor of New Jersey, then President of the United States of America. For all his genuine brilliance as a leader in every capacity he filled, he had come from a Confederate family. President Wilson was born in 1856 and the Civil War was 1861 - 1865. Wilson's father was a chaplain in the Confederate Army. As a matter of fact, there is a really good chance the strong call of serving in the ministry with both his parents lead him to realize peace is God's best tool for an Earth that flourished with abundance. And Mr. George Will really went off the rails with the Climate Crisis. "Of course the climate is changing, it has always been changing." Directly out of the Rubio rhetoric. It is obvious George Will and most of the Republican Party are so arrogant they have no need for scientists, they know it all. Earth is 4.543 billion years old. At that time Earth was very hot and the land mass was found in one place. It was as Earth cooled that the landmass broke apart and moved on plates on top of the layer of magma. The first ice ages didn't begin until 2.4 million years ago. So, this idea that climate is always changing is incorrect. The climate has been ADJUSTING to Earth's changing status. Earth has, in the past, controlled the climate, but, in the year 2018, the climate is controlling the outcomes on Earth. Why? Because of the overabundance of greenhouse gases. But, there is another issue at hand, in that this is no ordinary climate change. As a matter of fact, it isn't climate change at all, that was the name given by Congress to iron out issues that presented to the petroleum industry as tragic to their profitably. This is a climate crisis. Why? Because there are 7.6 billion human beings on Earth and they are dying of catastrophic events of climate. Even The West is not immune. This is ABRUPT climate change. It is a climate crisis. It is not simply climate change that takes place over a longer period of time. This is ABRUPT climate change. It is happening in less than 150 years. George Will mentioned the "Little Ice Age." The Little Ice Age was over 500 years in duration and if one counts both stages it can be discerned it was at work just short of 1000 years. The Little Ice Age never had the catastrophic events as this episode of ABRUPT climate change. What is happening now is abrupt climate change and it is killing people. I won't even talk about the Sixth Extinction as it is ongoing. Forget all the rest of the world if necessary to make a point, but, Katrina killed 1833 people, primarily poor and minority. The death toll of Hurricane Maria will far exceed that of Katrina. There are no tornadoes anymore; there are tornado outbreaks or enormous wedge cloud tornadoes like that of the 2013 Moore tornado killing 26 people of which two were indirectly related, 212 injuries and it did over $2 billion in damages. To look to other regions of the world, the deaths are high and storms incredible. The Super Typhoon that hit the Philippines caused innumerable deaths with winds as high as 260 mph. Those wind speeds have been unheard of until recent years. 50 thousand Russians dead due to fires, the bushfires of Australia and just the last few years the devastating fires of France. France also suffered a heat wave that killed 10,000 people. These are all climate events unlike any others are known to history and they are all happening in a very short period of time. The monstrous storms and fires only started in the past 15 years. The current climate crisis has been warned by scientists since the 1960s and it is upon us. No one can deny the catastrophic events of Earth's climate today. The mass extinction event of corals alone defines an alert to irreparable damage that has dropped PLANETARY oxygen levels. The idea all these issues, including mischaracterizing Woodrow Wilson, is allowable in the year 2018 is nothing but propaganda. That may be the height of George Wills journalism career, but, it is absolutely devastating to the rest of the world and most of the population of the USA. Just stop it. Stop writing and spewing such idiocy. It does not belong anywhere in a civilized society with a conscience. Those that do should be fully ashamed of themselves. The Frist Amendment provides for freedom of speech, which is where the power of the Press can be found. But, the freedom of speech is not freedom for propaganda that lies, destroys and kills. That is not freedom of speech, it is malicious speech and should never be tolerated. Go ahead, Mr. Will, you explain this one since you've become so good at creating excuses for the petroleum industry and wayward billionaires.