Or did they more intend the right to be a powerful person without consent by government authority but as a patriot understanding the brevity of decisons to kill.
The basic question to responsibility by the individual to keep their military and it's financial resources in check is a form of exerting power to inhibit misuse of the most powerful military on Earth. We have witnessed twice the abuse of the USA Military, the deaths of individual soldiers, the hardship of war on the USA's fiscal health affecting a peacetime indulgence to help apply 'influence' over might, both in Vietnam (which was never a danger to the USA) and in Iraq (which was never a danger to the USA).
Where then does the exacerbated state of our military take form? How did the daughting might of the USA military come to dominate the understanding of our lives as patriots? Did we consent to killing? Did we consent to the wars we are now engaged in or was that right of personal militia taken from us in deceit and leveled by injustice upon peoples not even linked to our nation by means of harm or intent. Have we allowed through unreasonable and irrational fear the leveling of power against peoples meaning no harm? In that being the case, as patriots to our Consitution is it now our responsibility to repeal that power?
This past week we have witnessed an increase in threat level against the safety of people. It occurred in London, not the USA. The London authorities have been on the trail of the 'potential' of terrorists to carry out violence ever since the bombing of their 'underground'/subway.
We have also witnessed the reversal of fortune of a long standing Democratic Senator.
Both these events speak to 'taking back' the fear that resulted in exerting militia power against networks of international criminals that would come be manipulated into a war against people not at all involved in those acts against civilization.
The threat of terrorists lies not in mass invasion. It lies in their ability to use a civilization's infrastructure to kill it's own citizens in venues of life usually considered benign. Their methods are extremely dangerous with ambitions of even nuclear capacity and chemical or biological weapons. Not to be dismissed as insignificant. It is however the last bastion of the potential of war the people of Earth have left to conquer.
We are only moments, in the history of civilization, from complete peace. Moments. On Monday, Israel will begin a ceasefire that will ultimately lead to it's security in The Middle East. With that, the 'rant' of hate filled leaders such as Hezbollah's Nasrallah will be meaningless. Hence begins the 'disarming' of ill gotten influence over innocent people that are united in false campaign of war rather than peace. The average Middle East citizen and their governments will be safer once the ability of Anti-Semitic leaders such as Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (click on) are disarmed of their ability to scapegoat Israel for the power that hate translates into through ancient religious dogma.The global 'struggle' on 'terrorism' is at our doorstep. Through powerful 'agency' such as Interpol we can secure our infrastructure against any attempt by terrorists both domestic and foreign. And yes, it is a struggle and NOT a war. There is no war that will roust out Osama bin Laden. George Bush and Richard Cheney has proven that already.
In eliminating elected leadership to the USA that will view war as an answer against terrorist networks we will be exerting our right to return to 'influence' rather than 'power' in transforming economies of poverty to economies of function abroad. By responsible citizenship and assessing our right to control the 'power' the USA has to do harm to innocent civilians in a world made much smaller by hate, we will win 'influence' among peoples we don't know nor will ever know us personally. The 'influence' of economy to bring about change through humanitarian efforts will provide not a forum of hate but that of sustainable peace. When the weapons of hate are removed from the legions of soldiers of al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Tamali Tigers and all the brands of terrorists the world has to offer; it will be a far better world we live when to continue to war only provides more imputus for it.
If one wants peace then one has to practice peace. That occurs with 'influence' and not the 'power' of a military.
We are no longer wanted in Iraq. The highest level of religious authority has spoken in recent months that Iraq would be better without the presence of the USA. I agree. With the Ameican military in Iraq it becomes a target of Shia anger at times when Israel is taking on Shia terrorists. Hezbollah is a Shi'ite organization within the Middle East. Most of the Middle East media see Nasrallah as the problem that caused the invasion by Israel and while the Grand Ayatollah al Sistani advises financial assistance to Hezbollah, as a humanitarian agency and not a military one to the people of Southern Lebanon; he also will not authorize his holy consent to war by Hezbollah with Israel (Kindly click on.)The USA in recent moves, as Rumsfeld has increased the troop numbers in Iraq (click on), has ramped up aggressions against districts in Iraq now engaged in Civil War. The USA is trying to break up the civil war. There are daily deaths of Iraqis, Shia against Sunni and vice versa. The reason for the civil war? The presence of USA forces and it's availablity to the new government to enforce majority Shia law. It's a never ending cycle so long as the most powerful military in the world is fighting a war FOR the Shia rather than them living within the limits of it's ability to conduct war.
The USA military is turning the streets of Iraq into war zones where electorates virtually are the targets. Although voting on election days hoping to turn the corner on violence, the fact of the matter is there is increased deaths with every action to back a government of exiles. The American 'influence' in Iraq has become it's nemesis. We are viewed as aggressors rather than a benevolent influence in reconstruction of Iraq. Reconstruction of Iraq cannot take place in a war zone. The sooner American forces are removed from Iraq the sooner the hate will stop. The Civil War will find an end as leaders grapple with each other and not the 'idea' of oppressing it's electorate through military actions against them. The killing within the Civil War is occuring anyway. It will stop when there is no more reason to fear each other and there is an equity of power within it's militias as The Coalition has never been able to establish stability within Iraq.
With Israel's security there will be less measure for hate against Israel so much as acceptance. The 'hoped for' escalation by Iran will not exist and the reason for them to politically elect men that seek nuclear weapon capacity will be eliminated. The Iranians have reacted in fear of a USA invasion and I remind that Iran was on it's way to a more representative government before Bush launched his illegal war into Iraq. It was only after 'the fear' of a USA invasion manifested did Iran reverse it's trend and elected extremist leaders whom were now able to back their rhetoric about The West with fact and not lies.
The Civil War in Iraq would have happened anyway. During the years of Saddam Hussein there was found reason to kill Shi'ites in massacre due to the uprisings within that community. It is the majority community of Iraq. A Sunni leader, in Saddam Hussein, should never have been backed by Rumsfeld then representing the USA. By backing a Sunni leader as dictator of a Shi'ite majority, while making Iraq a store house of munitions, their oppression was assured. That 'permission' if you will was translated in time to mass graves of Shia at the hands of Sunnis. The impetus to a Civil War was assured no matter the opportunity.
Iraq has to find it's equalibrium and we are providing an advantage that is bringing the wrath of Iranians in sympathy of it's own ethnicity in Iraq. We need to leave. We leave and the threat to Iran leaves with us. There is no danger to Israel and any rational concept in Iran for nuclear weapon capacity will diminish in short order. With the United Nations Security Council and the European Union taking firm stands against Iran's nuclear capacity it will diminish. Where countries like China and Russia are unwilling to take economic sanctions of Iran there will be a re-evaluation when that country's sovereignty is not at risk, nor threats to theirs over the thirst for Caspian Oil.
The 'Superpower' of the USA is not in it's military, but, in it's ability to bring fiscal stability to countries in desperate need of it. The USA is a Superpower, perhaps the last left on Earth. It's 'role' globally is far different than that cast as an image today. With vast financial resources reestablished in it's treasury and policy makers that seek 'influence' over 'power' the return to global market places and 'agency' such as the World Trade Organization can begin again to invoke change by benevolence over violence.
The United States of America and it's consitution is by far the greatest democracy Earth has ever experienced. It is time to realize that greatness lies in diminished military capacity and increased economic influence. What warrior regardless of heritage, ethnicity or religious fervor would not trade their weapons for quality of life with a happy home supported by a good job in viable economies of benevolence."Influence" will over take 'power' as clear demonstration of the 'intent' for peace rather than war is realized by the world when the USA Treasury is again available to help build countries rather than destroy them. The USA Treasury has to be rebalanced to remove mass spending campaigns for military might while returning it to responsible social programs domestically and abroad bringing 'the last bastion of war,' namely terrorist networks to a end when Islamic countries have sustainable economies while disarmed of weapons domestically that can bring coup leaders to power.
The best 'global war against terrorism' is not a war but a movement of benevolence that removes populous of poverty away from the angry influence of 'basically' Anti-Semites.' Osama bin Laden may as well have been Hitler's son.
There was a USA before September 11, 2001. It's people were far more naive about National Security and the negligence of leadership to 'allow' indulgent consumerism. The security of the USA lies in it's ability to protect it's citizens above all other measures. It's economic security lies in vast relationships of benevolence between all countries. Terrorists and the fear they breed have become a global threat but not from the stand point of their actual ability to destroy so much as allowing the ability of leadership of a Superpowre to exploitation individual fear to war rather than continue to build a better world in the face of that threat.
With the confrontation by Israel of Hezbollah we have been able to come to terms with how terrorist networks work within infrastructure to destroy hope replacing it with practical ways of life while a country's leadership languishes in it's lack of capacity to provide for it's people. Allowing Hezbollah to rule 'the hearts and minds' of the Lebanese of the south, near the Israeli border, in the face of it's assassins that killed a Prime Minister is a clear demonstration of how a terrorist regime can intimidate government authority and pose a threat to sovereignty. War is a threat to sovereignty.
It's up to the USA, Britain, the EU and other countries that sees 'terrorist threats' clearly to replace the authority of Hezbollah and organizations like them with sovereign authority by governments that can provide stable economies to their populous. That is not a daughting task. We have witnessed with China the growth of a populous out of poverty to a burgeoning capitalistic society with aims on space travel and not war. China has no interest in destroying the USA or The West. Without a world war to guide it's path as Japan required, China has emerged from it's closed society to the best example of consumerism and self generated economy Earth has ever witnessed. Every country in the world can duplicate that while bringing unique opportunities for trade of products they alone can provide.
The United States of America can be 'the impetus' of peace with commitments of guaranteed sovereignty of governments when they are rid of impoverished populous pledged to terrorist networks as a means of survival. Replacing Hezbollah with education, it's opportunities, an economy claimed as success by government leaders will bring 'the close' to terrorist networks and their ability to instill hate by alliance with the poor. Without the ability to recruit Jihadists there is no terrorist network, there are a lot of clanging gones of hate. Those killers need to be remanded to the World Courts to cleans societies globally of their threat.
Influence is a far greater value than power. Embarce it. Vote for it. Take back the power the USA Consitution guaranteed the individual. Protect the populous of this country from it's ability to war, even to oppress it's own people. National Security does not interpret into international war.
Influence is power, it's just not a destructive power so much as an equitable power.