December 23, 2004
Christmas Eve of Destruction
In Iraq, as Yogi Berra would say, the future ain't what it used to be.
Now that the election's over, our leaders think it's safe to experiment with a little candor.
President Bush has finally acknowledged that the Iraqis can't hack it as far as securing their own country, which means, of course, that America has no exit strategy for its troops, who will soon number 150,000.
News organizations led with the story, even though the president was only saying something that everybody has known to be true for a year. The White House's policy on Iraq has gone from a total charade to a limited modified hangout. Mr. Bush is conceding the obvious, that the Iraqi security forces aren't perfect, so he doesn't have to concede the truth: that Iraq is now so dire no one knows how or when we can get out.
If this fiasco ever made sense to anybody, it doesn't any more.
John McCain, who lent his considerable credibility to Mr. Bush during the campaign and vouched for the president and his war, now concedes that he has no confidence in Donald Rumsfeld.
And Rummy admitted yesterday that his feelings got hurt when people accused him of being insensitive to the fact that he arrogantly sent his troops into a sinkhole of carnage - a vicious, persistent insurgency - without the proper armor, equipment, backup or preparation.
The subdued defense chief further admitted that despite all the American kids who gave their lives in Mosul on the cusp of Christmas, battling an enemy they can't see in a war fought over weapons that didn't exist, we're not heading toward the democratic halcyon Mr. Bush promised.
"I think looking for a peaceful Iraq after the elections would be a mistake," Mr. Rumsfeld said.
His disgraceful admission that his condolence letters to the families of soldiers killed in Iraq were signed by machine - "I have directed that in the future I sign each letter," he said in a Strangelovian statement - is redolent of the myopia that has led to the dystopia.
The Bushies are betting a lot on the January election, even though a Shiite-dominated government will further alienate the Sunnis - and even though Iraq may be run by an Iranian-influenced ayatollah. That would mean that Iraq would have a leadership legitimized by us to hate us.
International election observers say it's too dangerous to actually come in and monitor the vote in person; they're going to "assess" the vote from the safety of Amman, Jordan. Isn't that like refereeing a football game while sitting in a downtown bar?
The administration hopes that once the Iraqis understand they have their own government, that will be a turning point and they will realize their country is worth fighting for. But this is the latest in a long list of turning points that turn out to be cul-de-sacs.
From the capture of Saddam to the departure of Paul Bremer and the assault on Falluja, there have been many false horizons for peace.
The U.S. military can't even protect our troops when they're eating lunch in a supposedly secure space - even after the Mosul base commanders had been warned of a "Beirut-style" attack three weeks before - because the Iraqi security forces and support staff have been infiltrated by insurgency spies.
Each milestone, each thing that is supposed to enable us to get some traction and change the basic dynamic in Iraq, comes and goes without the security getting any better. The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that a major U.S. contractor, Contrack International Inc., had dropped out of the multibillion-dollar effort to rebuild Iraq, "raising new worries about the country's growing violence and its effect on reconstruction."
The Bush crowd thought it could get in, get out, scare the Iranians and Syrians, and remove the bulk of our forces within several months.
But now we're in, and it's the allies, contractors and election watchdogs who want out.
Aside from his scintilla of candor, Mr. Bush is still not leveling with us. As he said at his press conference on Monday, "the enemies of freedom" know that "a democratic Iraq will be a decisive blow to their ambitions because free people will never choose to live in tyranny."
They may choose to live in a theocracy, though. Americans did.
elisa2005 - 12:36 PM ET December 23, 2004 (#42882 of 42927)
Bush has no American Mandate, produced nearly 1400 Dead AmericanTroops, insoluable debt while CIA, FBI & State Dept. say Bush is losing war.
Stop plagarizing each other and report REALITY instead of trumped up 'realism.'
It never ceases to amaze me how foolish paid journalists are, especially those that get 'the bucks' in their editorialships. And believe me there is not one of you that clearly speaks for me. Not found one yet especially one I can turn my back on long enough not to pander to the Neo-Nazi in power in the Oval Office.
The USA military will continue their foolish pursuit of 'staying the course' in Iraq until they reach the number of 200 thousand troops as prescribed by the wisely retired General Shinseki. Bubba Bush is convinced the good general is right and will wait patiently while Rumsfeld finds more varied and inventive ways to enforce his 'Back Door Draft.' It is the Commander and Chief's belief that when the force is where it should be then all will be under control.
"W"rong. Those estimates by Shinseki were made prior to the invasion in anticipation of securing all the ammo bunkers as well as the towns of Fallujah and Baghdad. Those estimates were made while there still was no organized militias that now dominate the military scene in Iraq. The Iraqis will win. They are determined to rid themselves of 'infidels.'
Oh, there will be an election but that will mean just as much as when sovereignty changed to Iraq's governing council. If there is leadership pleasing to the 'theocratic' Iraq such as al Sadr the elections might mean something but if the government looks like 'The West' when all is said and done it won't mean a darn thing. That 'illusion' of success is what the people of Iraq are counting on as the first set of elections for 100 representatives turned out to be an election of 82 or so as there were pre-appointed candidates from Georgie's Iraq Governing Council that were needed to maintain HIS interests in Iraq.
"Mr. Bush is conceding the obvious, that the Iraqi security forces aren't perfect, so he doesn't have to concede the truth: that Iraq is now so dire no one knows how or when we can get out."
elisa2005 - 12:38 PM ET December 23, 2004 (#42884 of 42927)
Bush has no American Mandate, produced nearly 1400 Dead AmericanTroops, insoluable debt while CIA, FBI & State Dept. say Bush is losing war.
continued from 42882
Ms. Dowd, were the Iraqi forces under Saddam Hussein ever sufficient to keep order in that country? No. They never were. The Iraqi military was out gunned and out missiled in Gulf War I. There were stories that came back from that ? Conflict ? Stating Iraqi forces were dressed in their best 'Sunday Go to Meetin' clothes as they were hauled off the Saturday Night dance floor, handed a gun and told to go protect Saddam. The Iraqi military marched into the 'waiting arms' of the USA with their hands in the air longing for a good meal. Now, did you research that and bring that to your editiorial for perspective? No. I didn't think so. Now, what were you saying then about a NEW IRAQI force is the 'dreamscape' of the propagandist George Walker Bush. IN other words the NEW IRAQI military will forego the prayers five times a day to rigorously train and stand by the nation of their birth to defend it from any and all foreign invaders with life and limb?
Oh, you didn't say Iraq was being invaded from the outside except for the USA Coalition. Oh, I see. Your assertion was that the Iraqi military needed to protect and defend the returning exiles from the rebel force that was the former citizens of Fallujah where Saddam housed his military and intelligence network. Oh. Is that the issue?
Well. You know civil war is civil war, babe and if the majority of the people of Iraq back the rebels there ain't nothing a million soldiers are going to do to stop them. The people of Iraq has already made their investments. There are over 100,000 dead of which are primarily women and children. That is quite an investment into overtaking the government to instill an Iraqi government to their liking. See, if you remember, Maureen, the west has tried this before. The Brits are real comfortable with the idea of 'colonialism' and that is what Iraq is all about. The colonialization of Iraq to benefit USA fiscal policies through whatever benefit the people of this country might derive from ? Taxes ? Of Halliburton, Bechtel and the like.
Carnage, get used to it. That's all there is in Iraq.
McCain? Criticizing Rumsfeld is the same as criticizing Bush as Georgie came out to back Don over and over again. Heck, according to what I am reading he signed the papers on approving torture methods. Why decent on Rumsfeld when it can be proven Rummy was just carrying the Comander and Chief's orders?
FBI email embroils Bush in jail abuse
Correspondents in Washington
December 23, 2004
THE White House says it expects new documented accounts of torture at Guantanamo Bay to be "fully investigated", but has denied claims George W. Bush personally approved the use of abusive methods against detainees at the US prison camp. [...]
elisa2005 - 12:39 PM ET December 23, 2004 (#42886 of 42927)
Bush has no American Mandate, produced nearly 1400 Dead AmericanTroops, insoluable debt while CIA, FBI & State Dept. say Bush is losing war.
continued from 42884
There ya go, "I think looking for a peaceful Iraq after the elections would be a mistake," Mr. Rumsfeld said. That's right. But, because we are not seeing Iraq as a colony we are not conceding we will never be removed from Iraq. Never. Either we get out alive or spend our entire future as a country in conflict with generation after generation of Iraqi, killing until the average citizen is either 'Western Cookie Cutter' or to young to bear children.
Sinkhole is a good word. Black hole is another. Void is even better and less conflict of interest with other words in the journalistic rhelm already in use.
What makes you think anyone is signing letters to the family of dead people if they won't let the press into Dover?
You are probably correct about the Shi'ites as they have one heck of religious leader who fears no one and everyone fears him. Allawi kissed al Sistani's surgical wounds as soon as he arrived to stop the slaughter at Najaf. The man is somebody. The Shi'ites will find good representation. But. What does that do to the rest of the ethnicity in Iraq? Does it bond them together in common good? No. Without adequate representation it places groups like the Sunnis in conflict with those that did well in their representation. Hence, a still greater burgeoning civil war. Except. The Grand Ayatollah is a devoutly peaceful leader who is responsible for keeping many, many of his flock alive under Saddam including the much endangered Cleric al Sadr who is the last of his lineage. I am pleased the Grand Ayatollah has been the 'fortress' of protection for his younger cleric. Al Sadr has a place in Islam as well as Iraq, his heritage demands expression. So, if the Grand Ayatollah al Sistani can achieve 'peace' after the elections it will a remarkable feat that will completely justify the expulsion of the USA Coalition from Iraq. Iraq will then no longer need a huge and strong military as the area nations have little to regard as important to invade as the old regime of death has been removed from the threat to their countries. "Pie in the Sky, Ms. Dowd?" I thought the same thing when I pleaded with the Grand Ayatollah for the lives of the people and militia of Najaf. It came to pass didn't it?
What bothers me about 'journalists' is that none of you are willing to call a Spade a Spade but pander to approval in a way that is supposed to win support among somebody, perhaps the opposition. You see, if journalists reported 'the truth' of the situation you would all sound like Michael Moore, but, then where would Mike be?
The TRUTH, Ms. Dowd, is that the USA is looking at the 'Grand Scheme' of a pathetic man that never was successful in his life until he was able to corral the Evangelical Christians into believing the Second Coming was coming and He would bring it to him.
In the case of Iraq, most definitely there is a theocracy. In the case of the USA? A Theocracy? I guess. It seems more a dictatorship with the real will of the people diverted to those that serve the financial ends of the ruling class. It is not so much a theocracy, in fact, as it is in faux. If in fact it was a theocracy we won't be pretending there was no such thing as Global Warming and you all would never know who I was.
Relish that thought.
Relish that thought.
Relish that thought.
Let there be no doubt !!
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Earth's Enemy - The Neocons
The Neocons, or Neo-Conservatives, is a poltical designation of the Repug(b)lican Party of the United States of America. In the recent year, 2004, it has come to represent a majority of that party in elected officials. The Neocons are repugnant people.
The leadership in the White House are all Neocons. They practice Christian Humanism ( but are not Chrisitans ( ).
Neocons share a strong identity with the Ku Klux Klan ( also known as the KKK. Neocons are White Supremists and Segregationists as demonstrated by George Walker Bush's affiliation with Bob Jones University (, where is appeared with his spouse, his Vice Presidential Candidate, Dick Cheney and Cheney's spouse.
The writings of Bob Jones University significantly indicate hatred and bias to Neocons ( In the case of the candidacy of George Walker Bush there is significant manipulation of images to achieve the goal to President of the USA ( as engineered by Karl (Marx) Rove through a concept called "Jesus-baiting." After taking office Reverend Bob Jones wrote a letter to George Walker Bush and in it is stated:
..."God has graciously granted America -- though she doesn't deserve it -- a reprieve from the agenda of paganism. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ." (
To further validate the racism affiliated with Neocons one needs only to reflect on Bush's choices of minority such as Colin Powell and then to realize he was never respected by the power brokers of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Neocons such as Gale Norton ( have no regard for the natural world except what can be exploited for wealth. She has opened the doors of The Interior Department to business interests with little regard for legislative documents protecting our heritage suchas The Endangered Species Act, The Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Her record of destruction is significant (
The other aspect of any self respecting Neocon is the manipulative hatred of Israel. Bush has an agenda for Israel that includes taking apart some of the finest Jewish Charities this country has to offer. It isn't as though the Ashcroft State Department came with specific warrants so much as fact finding warrants to 'find' something wrong rather than 'proving' something wrong.
Over a period of time Bush's Anti-semitism has taken shape.
First he denied Israel loan guarantees granted and agreed to years ago, however, the administration suggests $20 million in aid will help Palestinian reformers. Supposedly Israel is to forgive the matter of loan guarantees because a portion of the $20 million will be paid to Israel by Palestine for services over the years. That is still penalizing Israel when the loan guarantees were a separate issue to the payment of Palestinian debt.
Administration suggests $20 million in aid will help Palestinian reformers
By Matthew E. Berger
WASHINGTON Nov. 23 (JTA) — The Bush administration is lobbying Congress to approve a plan to give $20 million to the Palestinian Authority ahead of Palestinian presidential elections — or at least, not to oppose the aid. [...]
Bush Gives $20 Mln to Palestinians for Israeli Bills
Wed Dec 8, 2004 02:59 PM ET
By Adam Entous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush on Wednesday approved $20 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority to help pay its Israeli utility bills after key lawmakers objected to plans to use the money for presidential elections in January and to pay Palestinian salaries.
Mounting Scandal at Aipac Prompts Talk of Lobbying Powerhouse's Demise
Officials Called By Grand Jury
By Ori Nir
December 10, 2004
WASHINGTON — With senior officials at America's top pro-Israel organization facing the specter of federal indictments, staffers at other groups are beginning to waver in their support and are warning that the mounting legal scandal could damage the political credibility of the entire Jewish community.
The doubts were prompted by last week's FBI raid of the offices of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and by news that four of its top officials had been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury. In particular, the doubters said, the decision of a federal prosecutor to turn to a grand jury on a matter involving Aipac was ominous and severely undermined the organization's claim that it was the victim of a few rogue investigators.
..."This is not a fishing expedition," he said. "It's clear to me they have some specific information which is leading them in a specific direction."
The leadership in the White House are all Neocons. They practice Christian Humanism ( but are not Chrisitans ( ).
Neocons share a strong identity with the Ku Klux Klan ( also known as the KKK. Neocons are White Supremists and Segregationists as demonstrated by George Walker Bush's affiliation with Bob Jones University (, where is appeared with his spouse, his Vice Presidential Candidate, Dick Cheney and Cheney's spouse.
The writings of Bob Jones University significantly indicate hatred and bias to Neocons ( In the case of the candidacy of George Walker Bush there is significant manipulation of images to achieve the goal to President of the USA ( as engineered by Karl (Marx) Rove through a concept called "Jesus-baiting." After taking office Reverend Bob Jones wrote a letter to George Walker Bush and in it is stated:
..."God has graciously granted America -- though she doesn't deserve it -- a reprieve from the agenda of paganism. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ." (
To further validate the racism affiliated with Neocons one needs only to reflect on Bush's choices of minority such as Colin Powell and then to realize he was never respected by the power brokers of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Neocons such as Gale Norton ( have no regard for the natural world except what can be exploited for wealth. She has opened the doors of The Interior Department to business interests with little regard for legislative documents protecting our heritage suchas The Endangered Species Act, The Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Her record of destruction is significant (
The other aspect of any self respecting Neocon is the manipulative hatred of Israel. Bush has an agenda for Israel that includes taking apart some of the finest Jewish Charities this country has to offer. It isn't as though the Ashcroft State Department came with specific warrants so much as fact finding warrants to 'find' something wrong rather than 'proving' something wrong.
Over a period of time Bush's Anti-semitism has taken shape.
First he denied Israel loan guarantees granted and agreed to years ago, however, the administration suggests $20 million in aid will help Palestinian reformers. Supposedly Israel is to forgive the matter of loan guarantees because a portion of the $20 million will be paid to Israel by Palestine for services over the years. That is still penalizing Israel when the loan guarantees were a separate issue to the payment of Palestinian debt.
Administration suggests $20 million in aid will help Palestinian reformers
By Matthew E. Berger
WASHINGTON Nov. 23 (JTA) — The Bush administration is lobbying Congress to approve a plan to give $20 million to the Palestinian Authority ahead of Palestinian presidential elections — or at least, not to oppose the aid. [...]
Bush Gives $20 Mln to Palestinians for Israeli Bills
Wed Dec 8, 2004 02:59 PM ET
By Adam Entous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush on Wednesday approved $20 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority to help pay its Israeli utility bills after key lawmakers objected to plans to use the money for presidential elections in January and to pay Palestinian salaries.
Mounting Scandal at Aipac Prompts Talk of Lobbying Powerhouse's Demise
Officials Called By Grand Jury
By Ori Nir
December 10, 2004
WASHINGTON — With senior officials at America's top pro-Israel organization facing the specter of federal indictments, staffers at other groups are beginning to waver in their support and are warning that the mounting legal scandal could damage the political credibility of the entire Jewish community.
The doubts were prompted by last week's FBI raid of the offices of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and by news that four of its top officials had been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury. In particular, the doubters said, the decision of a federal prosecutor to turn to a grand jury on a matter involving Aipac was ominous and severely undermined the organization's claim that it was the victim of a few rogue investigators.
..."This is not a fishing expedition," he said. "It's clear to me they have some specific information which is leading them in a specific direction."
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