Saturday, July 13, 2013

It is a very strange time in the USA.

The hubris with the defense attorneys is unbelievable. They have successfully diminished the profiling of a young man and his subsequent death into some idea it was self defense. The jury didn't keep the actions of Mr. Zimmerman into context. They put themselves into Zimmerman's shoes and didn't want to admit no matter how self-righteous the act that brought the death of Mr. Martin, it would not be allowed to happen if they were George Zimmerman.

The defense attorney separated the predatory actions of Zimmerman from the death of Mr. Martin. They made the act of killing into an imagined outcome by someone terrified and defending himself from a teenage bothering no one. That is imagineering.

I expected a different demeanor from the defense team. They are very wrong about their attitudes. Mr. Zimmerman is not innocent. They may have gotten a not guilty verdict, but, Mr. Zimmerman is far from innocent in his actions. 

No one willingly enters into a patrolling of an innocent person without intent. Mr. Zimmerman never witnessed any wrong doing by Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin was profiled. There is injustice here. 

The State of Florida had a responsibility to carry out this investigation and trial. This outcome is bizarre. It exonerated a man that profiled a young man and saw his death. What? That innocent young man, teenager was scared and sought to defend himself and that turned into his death without guilt? What has happened to the laws of Florida and the USA? 

When does the death of an innocent person lose it's value? Oops. The gun wins? This is for real in the USA? Dear god what has happened here? I don't recognize my country anymore.
My deepest sympathies to the Martin family.

It should be a crime or at the very least a litigated liability to investors.

July 12,2012
By Matthew Hilburn
The number of earthquakes (click here) in the central and eastern United States has increased dramatically over the past few years, and scientists think the reason could be due to the disposal of wastewater associated with oil and gas production.

According to a report by the U.S. Geological Survey, there were more than 300 earthquakes above magnitude 3.0 from 2010 to 2012. That’s a five-fold increase from earthquakes observed from 1967 to 2000, when the average number was 21 per year.

In 2011, a 5.6 magnitude quake struck central Oklahoma, injuring several people and damaging over a dozen homes. According to the report, wastewater disposal appears to have been the cause of the temblor. Had an earthquake that size hit a more populated area, there would be the potential for severe damage and possible deaths....

Seismicity of the coterminous United States (click here) and surrounding regions, 2009–2012. Black dots denote earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 are shown; larger dots denote events with a magnitude ≥ 4.0. Background colors indicate earthquake hazard levels from the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Map (NSHM).

Scientists found that earthquakes half a world away can also set off quakes at sites of more conventional oil production. (click here)

By Todd Woody

...The paper published in the journal Science has implications beyond hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the process that injects pressurized chemical-laced water to break up subterranean rock formations that contain oil and natural gas. Scientists at Columbia University and the University of Oklahoma found that earthquakes half a world away can also set off quakes at sites of more conventional oil production.

For instance, the magnitude 9.0 quake in March 2011 that devastated Japan set off a 4.5 quake in the west Texas town of Snyder six months later as seismic waves caused faults in the nearby Cogdell oil fields to slip. Historically, the region has been relatively seismically calm but for decades drillers have injected fluids into the fields to extract oil and the growing pressure has weakened fault lines....

It is akin to the ancient Egyptian slaves greasing the skids of which the huge carved boulders rode on the way to building pyramids. The problem with the fracking grease is that it is a corrosive and not just a lubricant.

From Smithsonian's Blog: (click here)

July 12, 2013
From the late 1960s until 2000, there were only 21 earthquakes a year with a magnitude greater than 3 in the Midwest. But from 2010-2012, the region experienced over 300....

...From the New York Times:

When waste water is injected into rock formations, it increases pressure enough that long-dormant faults are primed to slip once again, shaking the earth. Dr. van der Elst suggested that small stresses from the passing seismic waves in effect “squeezed” the rocks at the injection sites, raising the pressure past the tipping point so that the faults slip and the earth shakes....