Monday, February 16, 2009

There was a time when the Swat Valley of Pakistan was a tourist attarction for its natural beauty.

The primary EXCUSE by Rumsfeld and Musharraf regarding the 'sustained' war in Afghanistan was the terrain. The 'geography' would be the one true reason why NO effort would succeed in that region of Pakistan. The terrain is why everything went "W"rong, including, Tora Bora.

The terrain? You mean that even as Hannibal used elephants to defeat his rivals. And even as Genghis Kahn mounted horses to found the Mongol Empire, the USA military was thwarted by terrain.

Then I witnessed The Pashtun using donkeys. I saw our CIA riding on donkeys to defeat al Qaeda. They used donkeys that were supplied by the Pashtun. I thought, hm? Strange. It would seem the terrain isn't an issue to many folks, so why Rumsfeld and Musharraf?

Somehow I felt 'lied to.' Imagine that. So, I thought, you know there used to be all sorts of ancient trade routes through that region and low and behold, right there on Google, were images of ancient trade routes that defied the ability of the USA military under Rumsfeld.

I'll be darn. So, to think that the 'SURREND' of the Taliban in Swat is a 'transition' thing that can be undone is NOT acceptable and I strongly suggest the USA military, under Gates, get their act together along with our allies in NATO.

You know that 2 mile air base at Baghdad International? It belongs in SWAT !

One of the most compelling 'segments' I noted about Afghanistan after the USA's CIA first entered that country, was to learn that the 'average/common' Pashtun (an ethnic of Afghanistan) had no knowledge of the USA, or its towers, or its pending wars. They had no television. They simply lived life from day to day believing in God/Allah and loving their families.
Yet, there was pictures of 'bin Laden' watching Aaron Brown and the destroyed Trade Towers on television. So, what I had to conclude is that bin Laden was not a man of the people, but, an occupier. One that held himself, his goals and 'covert' army separate from the people, EXCEPT, the Taliban whom ruled in Afghanistan.

So, with that conclusion made, it became perfectly obvious that The Taliban were as much a part of the al Qaeda power structure as bin Laden himself. The question is, are there Taliban that actually disavow violence as much as The Pashtun do? You have to wonder and how can we be sure. I sincerely hope the Taliban of Swat are considering themselves lucky to be liberated from al Qaeda.

There is this 'corner of the world' that has seemed impervious, or WAS impervious to the influence of civilization and its militaries.

The 'Swat' region is very convenient. It is near Kashmir as well.

Where this gets really intersting, is to realize, Musharraf was not in power within Pakistan until 1999. It was in 1999, that Musharraf caused a coup as then Chief of Army Staff and removed the Nawaz Sharief Government. Where is gets even more interesting is to realize that Don Rumsfeld bargained with the Musharraf Coup Government for air space into Afghanistan in 2001. The USA has a policy to not recognize coup governments. Why do I get the feeling as though Don just wanted to 'process' Afghanistan to get to Iraq? Don't know why I think such things.

The darnest thing is that Musharraf wasn't 'elected' until 2002. Long after the al Qaeda attacks on the USA. Musharraf should have immediately fell under suspicion for harboring and assisting terrorists. We already know he was a 'pal' of bin Laden. Hm.

This is a general idea of where Swat, Pakistan is located. As a matter of fact, this map is featured in a report regarding the American military and its drones in the region. The attacks by the USA military TO RETURN peace to the Swat Region has facilitated the surrender there. And whether anyone wants to admit it or not, it has taken a change in government in Pakistan and the USA to achieve this milestone in the war against al Qaeda. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, this is how the terrorist networks of the world will end.

Suspected US missile strike kills 26: Pakistani officials (click here)
4 hours ago
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) — A suspected US missile strike on Monday destroyed an Afghan Taliban camp and killed 26 in Pakistan's northwest tribal area of Kurram, security officials said.
At least one missile fired by a suspected drone struck the Taliban centre in Bhagan, part of a remote mountain stronghold for the hardline movement waging a fierce insurgency across the border in Afghanistan.
"One missile fired by a suspected US drone destroyed the Taliban centre," a top Pakistani security official told AFP.
"Nine dead bodies were taken to Afghanistan, while the burial of 17 is under way in the area," a security official told AFP.
Another security official confirmed the toll of 26.

It was the first suspected US drone attack in Kurram, one of seven semi-autonomous tribal areas in Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, where the Taliban are fighting US-led, NATO and Western-backed Afghan forces.
One security official said most of the dead were Afghan Taliban fighters and that commanders had been staying at the hideout, which was used to store weapons and lodge militants resting from bouts of fighting in Afghanistan.

This picture was from 2002 and appeared on Flicker. The war inside Afghanistan to retake it from the Taliban and al Qaeda started in October of 2001. It didn't take long for al Qaeda to find its way into this region, set up housekeeping and assassinate Benizar Bhutto. There is a report about vast arms found in a Mosque in Swat, which is near the Afghanistan border, actually. I'll get the article.

This is the article that 'cites' the large munitions within this one time peaceful village. It states 5.5 tons. 5.5 tons is 11, 000 pounds of high exposes. I wonder where al Qaeda is and how they managed to kill people in Madrid and London? Hm? It was featured on The Huffington Post:

...Separately, the army said in a statement it had found 5.5 tons of explosives hidden in a mosque in the Swat Valley (click here), an area in the north of the country that it recaptured from the militants in December.

There are lots of pine forets in the Upper Swat Valley but still the area is suffering from deforestation. The ine forest is a useful source of timber and also a home to species such as Common Leopard, Musk Deer, Pheasants, Black Bears and Rhesus Monkeys. Markhor, Ibex, Wolves and Snow Leopards are also found here especially at higher elevations.
The pine forests are an eco-lovers paradise but it is safe to take a guide with you or go in a group so any local vagabonds do not take advantage.

I thought they were on the same side. Go figure.

And we are worried about Iran?

2007 picture of Le Triomphant.

...A Royal Navy nuclear submarine and a French vessel have been damaged in a collision deep below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant, which were carrying nuclear missiles, are believed to have collided while submerged on 3 or 4 February, according to reports. The submarines had a total of around 250 sailors on board
Defence officials told that the two submarines collided in what they said was an extraordinary accident....

...France's defence ministry said in a brief statement on 6 February that the Triomphant had struck "a submerged object (probably a container)" during a return journey from a patrol, damaging the sonar dome on the front of the submarine....

A submerged object. Of course, it had to have been put there by Russia, right? I mean Russia knew exactly where they could undo the French after all.

...Vanguard, one of Britain's four V-class submarines that make up the Trident nuclear deterrent and are each capable of carrying up to 16 missiles, was said to have visible dents on her hull as she was towed home last night....

TOWED, the word is TOWED.

Now would be a good time for Russia to 'take on' the EU over Gasprom. It would seem as though they have been able to disable at least TWO of the EU's best subs. Yep.

...Inquiries are under way on both sides of the Channel....

Good. Real good.

...Stephane Lhomme, a spokesman for the French anti-nuclear group Sortir du Nucleaire, said its network of activists was on alert for any signs of radioactive leaks near French shores....

That was NATO, right?

A 1994 picture of HMS Vanguard.

Playing with 'semantics' for legal reasons and an industry chronically in fiscal trouble, how much do people actually matter?

A 2 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot cube of ice equals 8 cubic feet. The weight of that ice cube would be 460 pounds.

When the aircraft experienced sudden decrease in temperatures and increase in moisture content of the air that surrounded the airport the ice caked on the plane quickly. Significant Ice in the words of a pilot plagued with the ability to 'hold' his plane on course and sought the assistance 'in a last ditch' effort of his auto-pilot is all I need to know.

The 'way' to a clear understanding of these circumstances is to 'track' the weather patterns surrounding the crash site that day. There are 'several' measures of weather in the region and all should be looked at to realize the 'SIGNIFICANT' circumstances and the heroic efforts of the plane's pilot that day.

The pilot's record, his length of service both before flying for this airline and after and his personal references to his character content will reveal a man that did not want to die that day. Guarantee you that. I am confident he took his responsibility seriously and there may have even been conversations within the cabin crew that flying that day was risky. The prosectors that will evaluate this event, need to examine 'the culture' of what lead to this occurring.

The highlighted description of the plane's flight before it crashed can be mimiced on a computer re-enactment and decided to what extent weight on the wings and/or plane (which does not have a 'deicer' for the entire body of the plane) caused that 'extreme' change in flight.

The explosion probably occurred because the 'movement' of the plane disrupted the fuselage of the fuel compartment.

The fuel would have a different freezing temperature than water vapor, BUT, the water vapor that would have accumulated in air inside the fuel tanks would not. If the fuel tanks were exposed to freezing temperatures, the water vapor inside the tanks could have condensed into ice and caused 'weight' to be added to the fuel compartment as 'air' would be floating and not necessarily cause weight in that compartment.

Additionally, if there were 'ice cubes' that settled in the fuel during flight, ANY movement would have caused the fuel to 'rock' with the plane and be 'disturbed' in greater movement as 'solid' objects moved throughout the stored fuel.

A question that needs to be asked, is how much fuel was in the plane before take-off and how much fuel would have been consumed during flight, therefore, understanding how much fuel was indeed within the plane as it approached landing contributing to its instability.

Any winds or gusts or sudden down blasts needs to be understood as well.

It is called physics and there are finite answers to this issue.


...The investigators said the turboprop (click title to entry - thank you), which was carrying 49 people, gyrated wildly in the seconds before it hit a house and burst into flames, killing resident Doug Wielenski, 61. As pilots had prepared for landing at Buffalo Niagara International Airport, the plane's nose suddenly rocked up and down as if it was a roller coaster, said National Transportation Safety Board member Steven Chealander. The plane banked sharply left, then even more steeply to the right, nearly turning upside down.
The plane plunged rapidly, falling from 1,800 feet to 1,000 feet in five seconds, before it crashed on its belly into Wielenski's house in Clarence Center, N.Y. It was traveling about 115 mph just before it crashed, Chealander said....

Should All Turboprops Be Grounded?: (click here)
A former NTSB chairman is calling on authorities to ground all turboprop aircraft like the one that crashed near Buffalo until the investigation is complete. Federal Aviation officials say the planes are just as safe in winter weather as any other aircraft. They say the Bombardier Q400 has "an excellent record in icing conditions."

...However, there isn’t any physical evidence severe icing conditions existed at the time of the crash. (click here)
“To say that they should not have been flying on autopilot is not correct,” Chealander said during a briefing held in Amherst, New York. “Thus far, we haven’t determined it was severe icing, it doesn’t seem like it was a severe icing event.”
The crew on the flight voice recorder reported “significant icing.” Chealander said investigators don’t know what that means. The term “severe icing” is an official designation. However, “significant icing” isn’t.
Based on initial weather data and reports filed by other pilots flying into the airport that night, there isn’t any evidence to say the “severe icing” designation was applicable, he said....

Interesting isn't it? Seems Bush scared people to death and what protected them while he was in office will continue to protect them.

Chavez calls Venezuela vote mandate for socialism (click here)
By CHRISTOPHER TOOTHAKER, Associated Press Writer Christopher Toothaker, Associated Press Writer – Mon Feb 16, 3:31 am ET
CARACAS, Venezuela – President Hugo Chavez says a referendum victory that removed limits on his re-election is a mandate to intensify his socialist agenda for decades to come. Opponents warn of an impending dictatorship.
Both sides had called the outcome of Sunday's vote key to the future of this South American country, split down the middle between those who worship the president for redistributing Venezuela's oil riches and those who see him as a power-hungry autocrat.
"Those who voted "yes" today voted for socialism, for revolution," Chavez thundered to thousands of ecstatic supporters jamming the streets around the presidential palace. Fireworks lit up the Caracas skyline, and one man walked though the crowd carrying a painting of Chavez that read: "Forever."
Josefa Dugarte stared at the crowd from the stoop of her apartment building with look of dismay.
"These people don't realize what they have done," she muttered.
With 94 percent of the vote counted, official results showed the amendment passing 54 percent to 46 percent, an irreversible trend, and opposition leaders accepted the results. Tibisay Lucena, president of National Electoral Council, said turnout was 67 percent....

Interesting still, is the fact Venezuela supplies a low income heating oil assistance program in the USA.

Low-Cost Heating Oil. (click here) The Oil Heat Program allows needy Bay State residents to purchase one-time deliveries of discount home heating oil. The program works through local fuel-assistance agencies. Over the years, the program has provided millions of gallons of low-cost fuel to thousands of low-income and elderly households in Massachusetts. For more information, go to and click on Oil Heat Program. Or call toll free 1-877-JOE-4-OIL.
...No one knows that better than former Massachusetts Representative Joe Kennedy, who runs the non-profit Citizens Energy Corp., which provides discount heating oil to Americans in need in 15 states and the District of Columbia. The charitable work of Kennedy -- eldest son of Robert F. Kennedy, godson of John F. Kennedy, and nephew of Senator Edward Kennedy -- is not without controversy, primarily because the discounted oil is provided to Citizens Energy by the Venezuelan government of fiery US critic Hugo Chavez....

Right out of the Rove Playbook, even a Republican from Illinois should recognize it.

There isn't much anyone can do if someone states their testimony was redirected by memory or misunderstanding. The insulting remarks toward Burris by the GOP of Illinois in that Senator Burris has such a poor memory that he should not be in office is not only slanderous, but, also highly discriminatory of someone Senator Burris's age.

Senator Burris was brave enough to attempt to navigate the waters surrounding the Former Governor Blagojevich Railroad that he could have been distracted enough to not recall all the details until perhaps reminded by others or presented with evidence that would remind him of details.

Regardless, here we go again in that Republicans are making 'talking' illegal for Democrats and we are looking at a Republican GOP in Illinions and otherwise that are 'seeking to find' anything they can to politically exploit to make Abramoff and their administrations look 'paliative' compared to Democratic directives within the country.

The fact that the Illinois GOP is ranting and raving again, after their own party members under the same federal prosecutor perjured themselves and either got away with it (I remind Rove was assistant to Bush. Bush was President in case the Republicans forgot about that.) or had sentences vacated only goes to prove how desperate they are to victimize anyone in the way of regaining their political strength.

Why doesn't the GOP advocate, NOW, with this President the removal of 'double jeopardy' from the issues surrounding Valerie Plame and her outing long enough to actually try the real threats to the country's national security?

At any rate, Senator Burris will have a tough decision to make besides those in the Senate chamber and that is to put into perspective his dedication to his state and constituency long enough to assess his ability to be re-elected in a couple of years. Less than two full years actually, in 2010. I suggest he decide early on, through political polling, whether he would be a viable candidate to run for the Democratic Senate seat from Illinois. This 'slandering' of Burris also overshadows that election.

As a side note, Republicans are seeking to find fault with the deployment of the stimulus package. While built into it is an oversight provision at the Federal level, every Governor should provide oversight at the state level as well. Oversight are jobs, too.

Illinois GOP leader calls on new Sen. Burris to resign after questions arise on his testimony (click here)
By RUPA SHENOY Associated Press Writer
6:20 AM CST, February 16, 2009

CHICAGO (AP) — One month after Roland Burris was sworn in to the U.S. Senate to represent Illinois and fill Barack Obama's vacant seat, he's hearing calls for his resignation."I can't believe anything that comes out of Mr. Burris at this point," state Rep. Jim Durkin said. "I think it would be in the best interest of the state if he resigned because I don't think the state can stand this anymore."Durkin and House Republican Leader Tom Cross want an investigation of Burris for possible perjury.Their statements come after Burris over the weekend released a Feb. 5 affidavit that he filed with the Illinois House committee investigating the impeachment of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The affidavit contradicts statements he made last month in front of the committee, before being sworn in Jan. 15....

...At one point last fall, Mr. Rove seemed close to facing perjury charges over lapses in his early testimony about a conversation with a Time magazine reporter....
...Mr. Fitzgerald announced in a letter to Mr. Luskin on Monday that he would not indict Mr. Rove, who had testified on five occasions to a federal grand jury about his involvement in the disclosure of an intelligence officer's identity....