Sunday, February 11, 2007

... and no I have not gone crazy. Except for the processes of Earth that will sustain all of us.

Politically, if you think I am wrong, then I invite you to look at the link connecting you when you click on the above title.
That is a community in Wisconsin that is seeking answers that are not nuclear and reasonable answers to the problems humanity faces.
Now. To speak to the phytoplankton and why they haven't keep the troposphere in balance all we have to do is realize these single celled photosynthetic organisms are ONLY in the water column that supports the penetrance of light. What does that mean and why the destruction of life in the oceans has lead to such tragedy for the biotic balance of Earth.
Realize this.
When the oceans were teeming with marine life, such as the Blue Whales, about 150 years ago, the phytoplankton were being converted to 'living carbon' and not just 'sitting' on top of the ocean waters. The life of a single celled organism is not very long, yet the longevity of the a Blue Whale is significant.
The phytoplankton today that are not consumed RETURN carbon dioxide to the troposphere as they die without being consumed.
The production of phytoplankton will remove carbon dioxide from the troposphere in a natural way that Earth recognizes. Allowing phytoplankton to be consumed by marine life such as krill is the 'new' food chain that is INDEPENDANT of carbon dioxide emitting economies and more indicative of societies that recognize they need to consume as much carbon dioxide they emit.
How a society answers it's problems is just as important when it is the long view that is taken.
In seeing the long view of life on Earth is to realize the demands for sustainable economies of carbon dioxide consumption while exploring the possiblities Earth has to offer. The 'task' at hand in the year 2007 is to recognize the impact of the change in energy sources and how it will impact the 'larger' picture.
With a 'goal' of functional societies that can sustain energy independence, such as a completely electric economy, there will be an Earth to live on. Without the long view, there will be exploitation by political agendas that will do little to serve the 'best' purpose of enery and transportation reform.
We can answer the challenge of energy independence without being foolish to believe we have overlooked the pitfalls of our choices.
Next week.
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Krill eat phytoplankton. The same balance of the tropospheric Earth can be 'aided' by the introduction of food sources such as these.

What is the 'secret' to this magic?
Let's look.
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Whales eat Krill. Little shrimps. Abundant throughout nature. And easily grown in culture.

There are varieties of krill with sizes large enough for consumption to be harvested in 'aquaculture.' China knows something about aquaculture.
Currently, the thought of aquaculture sends chills down the spine of The First World and especially in a culture designed by Bush that wants to sell American Grain Raised Beef as a superior product. Not so. There is much to be said for 'grass fed' beef as raised in abundance in Mexico.
But, to realize how much of the American diet is reliant on grains is to realize the paradox of First World use of grains when the economic demands will come first of the profiteers leaving those in need in the Third World out of the picture.
In my opinion, krill is not an inferior nutritional product nor is it to be overlooked in it's capacity to be included in Sustainability by the United Nations. It is a 'food culture' that African economies can raise themselves and harvest off their shores as well. It is possible to overfish this ocean life to the point where it would interrupt the fisheries but not if done in open ocean cages of aquaculture.
What do krill eat?
Let's look.
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This an endangered Blue Whale off the coast of California

No we are not proposing to eat Blue Whales or any other kind of whale. Whaling should be outlawed actually.
But there is an all too interesting reality about Earth and Blue Whales. As they became closer and closer to extinction the carbon dioxide levels of Earth escalated.
One of those strange correlations. Or is it? Let's see, what do Blue Whales consume that keeps Earth benevolently free of excess carbon dioxide?
Well, Blue Whales are baleen whales. They are filter feeders. They filter the sea water for small organisms. Imagine that, a Blue Whale the largest MAMMAL on Earth actually consumes large amounts of single celled primary producers. Plants. Single celled plants called phytoplankton. Blue Whales are not alone in eating phytoplankton. There are other forms of sea life that consume phytoplankton.
Shall we look?
Ever want to be a Blue Whale or at least eat like one?
I wouldn't mind.
What if I could introduce to you a form of protein that would be so benevolent to the Third World that their consumption of it would actually save Earth?
Here we go.
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Ethanol fuel

Ethanol fuels are in competition with food sources currently used by The First World and in humanitarian aid to the Third World. Although ethanol has been a proven success for Brazil, there is limited capacity for it's use in the First World simply because much of the Third World relies on countries like Russia, China, the EU, Australia and the USA to put food in their mouths.
Now, China has taken an interesting stand in that they will seek use of 'biofuels' while not utilizing grains for fuel. China has a over a billion people to support, that is completely understandable. The First World countries have limited their populations and extended humanitarian aid to the world in support of countries without the resources to even feed and medicate their people.
Ethanol is a place where the USA has to go to find it's way out of the maze/maize of fossil fuels but it not a sustainable fuel source for a large investment if Earth is to remain vital to life. It is a good source for an 'interim' investment but not long term. Ultimately, the First World has to answer it's carbon dioxide emission problems differently.
In order for the USA to continue to the path of ethanol based fuels there has to be alternative answers to the issue of Humanitarian Relief. I think I have interesting answer.
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When humanitarian relief is sent to Third World countries of which the USA is quickly becoming, it is in the form of grains.

Microsoft Assists Humanitarian Relief Flight to Afghanistan (click above)
A plane from Mercy Corps and Evergreen Humanitarian Services carried over US$2 million in lifesaving supplies to Afghanistan this week.
See when it comes to sustainability the First World narcisstically chooses it's own interests over the other interests of the world.
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This is Earth's projected population as per The World Bank. Currently, the amount of breathing people is over 6.6 billion people globally. The estimate for 2025 which is a miles stone for the United Nations in Sustainability Goals is 8.4 billion.
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Cellular Transport of Carbon Dioxide

This is metabolism of carbon dioxide as it occurs in humans. Most 'animal' respiration at the cellular level happens similarly. Not the point where humans could transfuse animals due to genetic differences but in similar in mechanism.
This is not an option to realize as a 'cause' to Human Induced Global Warming. This is life. This is reality. The 'insult' to Earth started NOT with the increase in human numbers but with the 'consumerism' of habits of those humans. Primarily first world humans, whom know better than to continue to exploit the planet and other people. The First World would like to 'look down' at the rest of the world as a superior society. When it comes right down to it, we are human and very vulnerable and given the 'ungodly' pursuit of the First World nations I would hardly call them civilized or moral.
Living with Earth morally is at issue and what that means. Science counts. Sound science comes to know the intimacy of Earth. If you will God's creation. Where religion and science depart company is way what that is truthful is primarily in the fundamental practices which exists back in the day before longevity of humans was nearly guaranteed through modern medicine.
To compare the relevance of what is appreciated by the questionably First World USA White House, the only aspect of science Dick Cheney is interested in is whether or not his defibrillator will work when needed. A far cry from humanity so much as narcissism.
That narcissism is not his alone to appreciate, it transends many aspects of current business of the world. Personally, I have little to know appreciation for 'carbon credits/trading.' It isn't realistic over TRUE regulation of carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Credits is a 'bone' tossed to desperate scientists that want to garner the assistance of business and the so inclined in governments. Carbon trading has not to date proven to be useful. Even the Bush White House as recently as this week was noted as saying the EU was not doing enough. I agree in that Carbon Trading is not truely an answer so much as just another power grab to ignore the truth of science and therefore ignoring the 'real' answer for the sustained growth of human populations.
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The pictured entered yesterday where drought of a city is a reality is Johannasburg (click on) if my memeory serves me well.

The effects of Human Induced Global Warming is already at work in ways that kill and deprive people of life and quality of that life.

There is an ultimate truth that has to be realized to place humanity on the correct path to living with Earth and it's limited ability to cope with human impact. It is that which I intend to make an impression with this entry. Any other reality is only pandering to denial and endangering the well being of people and the future of children.

This is not about politics. It is about Earth and it's carrying capacity. Unfortunately and still, the politics of the day live somewhere between pleading for survival and what makes money.

Earth is not about money, it's about life. Either everyone comes to appreciate that fact and finds economies within that reality or the future is rather dismal.

It's Sunday Morning
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"Every Breath You Take" by Sting as performed at Live 8

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

O can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you