This was from 2001. Immediately after Inaugeration, Bush/Cheney did a complete reversal of their campaign promises when it came to addressing Human Induced Global Warming.
The McCain approach has never been significant enough to warrant support to a majority of the House or Senate. The McCain/Lieberman Bill has been a complete and abject failure.
They never backed S.309, the bill to amend The Clean Air Act (click here). You will NEVER seen John McCain or Joe Lieberman as a Co-sponsor to this bill and this IS the bill that needs to be passed by the USA to reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions and set the USA on the BEST path to Environmental Safety.
GWEN IFILL: We get more on the Bush reversal from Debbie Reed, director of legislative affairs for the National Environmental Trust -- they supported limits on carbon dioxide emissions; and Chris Horner, a policy analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which opposes such limits.So, Debbie Reed, what is the significance of the president's decision to reverse himself on this?
DEBBIE REED: Well, Gwen, I think it's very significant; the president campaigned on a commitment to bring integrity to the White House but what good is his word now? This was the most significant environmental commitment made under the campaign, and the president walked away from it in exactly 53 days. I think it's very unfortunate that he has brought into question not only his integrity on environmental issues but his lead on EPA -- Christie Todd Whitman on this. Christie Todd Whitman has been a forceful proponent of protecting the president on this, and leading up on his promise to support a four-key agenda and unfortunately, while she was out front on this, the president sawed off the limb from underneath her. I think it's very unfortunate.
GWEN IFILL: Were you really surprised?
DEBBIE REED: Yes, actually, we were very surprised; the president had this in his campaign commitment -- and we've been hearing all the right signals from both him and from Christie Todd Whitman on this. And I think it's very unfortunate that they have caved to special interests on this in just a matter of weeks.
Then in 2003, afraid of the movement in the country over the concern of continued deterioration of the Arctic areas of Earth, and lusting after the oil under the floor of the Arctic Ocean, Bush decided to 'play god' further:
Going Backwards
Bush Administration: Carbon Dioxide Not a Pollutant (click here)
by Seth Borenstein
WASHINGTON - Carbon dioxide, the chief cause of global warming, cannot be regulated as a pollutant, the Environmental Protection Agency ruled Thursday....
..."Refusing to call greenhouse-gas emissions a pollutant is like refusing to say that smoking causes lung cancer," responded Melissa Carey, a climate policy specialist for Environmental Defense, a New York-based environmental group. "The Earth is round. Elvis is dead. Climate change is happening."...
The Republicans are UNTRUSTWORTHY on all counts !