Today is the day! Get your tickets and realize the way government is out of control in the USA. There is no excuse, the film is being shown in over 1700 movie theater across the USA. It is the largest release of a documentary. The theaters ASKED to have the film. This is "a thing."
Flint, Michigan is ground zero of racism. It has to stop. This is more than institutionalized hate, this is punishment for being poor, black and/or old.
The word "odious" means arousing or deserving hatred and repugnance.
From "The Associated Press" via the "Omaha World Herald?" Really? This is definitely a thing.
September 20, 2018
...So, (click here) who is going to help save the nation? Moore argues that it’s first-time candidates, many of them women, or striking teachers in West Virginia, unifying to win key concessions. And it’s student activists in Parkland, Florida.
Finally, Moore makes his most attention-getting argument. He juxtaposes audio from a Trump rally with video of Hitler speaking. He also interviews 99-year-old Benjamin Ferencz, the last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor, who is reduced to tears when speaking of the separation of children from parents at the U.S. border.
“It’s the world in which we live,” Ferencz says, echoing Moore. “We’ve got to change it or perish.”
September 17, 2018
By Eric Kohn
...Over 300 critics and journalists (click here) covering the festival participated this year, and while many of them singled out lower-profile films, some of the most anticipated movies of the year dominated the categories for best film, best documentary, and best performance....
...The best documentary category departed from the fall season buzz that started in Telluride. While the big documentary breakout there was the tense climbing documentary “Free Solo,” it came in second place in the TIFF poll. Michael Moore’s incendiary “Fahrenheit 11/9” topped the category with 19% of the vote, while “Free Solo” came in second place with 10%. Breakout “The Biggest Little Farm,” a Neon acquisition at TIFF about a couple that purchase a farm outside of Los Angeles and deal with a series of setbacks, came in second place with 7%. Other popular non-fiction titles included Errol Morris’ unsettling Steve Bannon portrait “American Dharma” (6%), and the Netflix-produced Quincy Jones profile “Quincy,” which tied with Frederick Wiseman’s “Monrovia, Indiana” in fifth place....
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, September 21, 2018
Why do women remain silent?
Why do women who experience sexual assault rarely speak up about it? "Because they fear they won't be believed," says Inés Hercovich. "Because when a woman tells what happened to her, she tells us things we can't imagine, things that disturb us, things we don't expect to hear, things that shock us." In this moving talk, she takes us inside an encounter with sexual assault to give us a clearer idea of what these situations really look like -- and the difficult choices women make to survive. (In Spanish with English subtitles)
Twenty-five percent of women will be sexually assaulted in their life times.
Dr. Ford needs to tell her experience for all the right reasons, including the fact she would never be believed when it occurred. She needs to expose the truth so other women can come forward when it happens to them. BUT. She needs to tell her experience to tell the justice system they are not empowering women to end the danger.
Twenty-five percent of women will be sexually assaulted in their life times. How many cases are reported and how many are acted on? The statistics don't even come close to 25%. When are women going to be safe? When are they going to be taken seriously when they say, "no?"
Twenty-five percent of women will be sexually assaulted in their life times.
Dr. Ford needs to tell her experience for all the right reasons, including the fact she would never be believed when it occurred. She needs to expose the truth so other women can come forward when it happens to them. BUT. She needs to tell her experience to tell the justice system they are not empowering women to end the danger.
Twenty-five percent of women will be sexually assaulted in their life times. How many cases are reported and how many are acted on? The statistics don't even come close to 25%. When are women going to be safe? When are they going to be taken seriously when they say, "no?"
Definition of Sexual Abuse.
- the infliction of sexual contact upon a person by forcible compulsion
- the engaging in sexual contact with a person who is below a specified age or who is incapable of giving consent because of age or mental or physical incapacity
- the crime of engaging in or inflicting sexual abuse
The images are from the New York Times. (click here)
When a woman is assaulted is her first reaction to call the "National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline? No, that is not the first thing that comes to a woman's mind. More than likely, women don't even know there are such support systems to them. Why? Because they never imagined SOMEONE THEY KNOW would do such a thing.
Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) (click here) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.
- Confidential support from a trained staff member
- Support finding a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams
- Someone to help you talk through what happened
- Local resources that can assist with your next steps toward healing and recovery
- Referrals for long term support in your area
- Information about the laws in your community
- Basic information about medical concerns
What is sexual abuse to a woman?
Sexual Abuse Definition. Sexual abuse is any sort of non-consensual sexual contact. Sexual abuse can happen to men or women of any age. Sexual abuse by a partner/intimate can include derogatory name calling, refusal to use contraception, deliberately causing unwanted physical pain during sex, deliberately passing on sexual diseases or infections and using objects, toys, or other items (e.g. baby oil or lubricants) without consent and to cause pain or humiliation.
I hear Kavanaugh's supporters are crying conspiracy. Really? The only conspiracy is the one that effects thousands upon thousands upon thousands of women every year that holds THEM AS THE PERPETRATOR rather than the victim. And how is that relayed to women? Begin with rape kits that are left without processing. Trials that never happen. Dangers that are never averted and THAT IS JUST THE JUDICIAL END OF THE CONSPIRACY.
So, the conspiracy against Kavanaugh doesn't exist, but, there are always those that like to raise the ire of other men and in this case other Republicans that POOR JUDGE KAVANAUGH is the victim to a conspiracy.
That is not the case. The act by a younger Kavanaugh is true and there is one woman that experienced it and it is only she that can tell the horror of that act by Bret Kavanaugh, but, just like any other women that fell victim to sexual assault and abuse she needed to talk about it. She talked to her friends, they talked to others and for several days after the act the talk about Kavanaugh was about his act of aggression against a woman. That is not a conspiracy, that is fact and unfortunately the truth that may or may not make an impression to enough US Senators to realize his view of the world is not the usual and it is laced with privilege.
Bret Kavanaugh has no empathy for women and certainly doesn't care about the issues that impact their lives. I don't want to hear how being a coach of a girls team makes him an expert on women and the real life problems they face. That is ludicrous.
Yes, indeed, get your child a good lawyer to get out of the entire mess before it effects his life.
Child on Child Sexual Abuse (click here)
- the engaging in sexual contact with a person who is below a specified age or who is incapable of giving consent because of age or mental or physical incapacity
- the crime of engaging in or inflicting sexual abuse
The images are from the New York Times. (click here)
When a woman is assaulted is her first reaction to call the "National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline? No, that is not the first thing that comes to a woman's mind. More than likely, women don't even know there are such support systems to them. Why? Because they never imagined SOMEONE THEY KNOW would do such a thing.
Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) (click here) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.
- Confidential support from a trained staff member
- Support finding a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams
- Someone to help you talk through what happened
- Local resources that can assist with your next steps toward healing and recovery
- Referrals for long term support in your area
- Information about the laws in your community
- Basic information about medical concerns
What is sexual abuse to a woman?
Sexual Abuse Definition. Sexual abuse is any sort of non-consensual sexual contact. Sexual abuse can happen to men or women of any age. Sexual abuse by a partner/intimate can include derogatory name calling, refusal to use contraception, deliberately causing unwanted physical pain during sex, deliberately passing on sexual diseases or infections and using objects, toys, or other items (e.g. baby oil or lubricants) without consent and to cause pain or humiliation.
I hear Kavanaugh's supporters are crying conspiracy. Really? The only conspiracy is the one that effects thousands upon thousands upon thousands of women every year that holds THEM AS THE PERPETRATOR rather than the victim. And how is that relayed to women? Begin with rape kits that are left without processing. Trials that never happen. Dangers that are never averted and THAT IS JUST THE JUDICIAL END OF THE CONSPIRACY.
So, the conspiracy against Kavanaugh doesn't exist, but, there are always those that like to raise the ire of other men and in this case other Republicans that POOR JUDGE KAVANAUGH is the victim to a conspiracy.

Bret Kavanaugh has no empathy for women and certainly doesn't care about the issues that impact their lives. I don't want to hear how being a coach of a girls team makes him an expert on women and the real life problems they face. That is ludicrous.
Yes, indeed, get your child a good lawyer to get out of the entire mess before it effects his life.
Child on Child Sexual Abuse (click here)
- -Juveniles account for more than one-third (35.6%) of those known to law enforcement to have committed sex offenses against other minors;
- -Child on child sexual abuse is more likely than adult sex offenses to occur in groups and at schools;
- - Child on child sexual abuse tends to involve more male and younger victims;
- - The percentage of child on child sexual abuse is highest between ages 15 and 17;
- - Child on child sexual abuse most often occurs in the home (68% of the time), somewhat less than that of adult sex offenses (80%);
- - Offenses against teenagers are typically higher among mid to late adolescence while offenses against victims under the age of 12 are typically lower;
- - About 1 out of every 8 juvenile offenders is under the age of 12; and
- - Child on child sexual abuse comprises more than one-quarter (25.8%) of all sex offenses.
Those who have been identified as having committed child on child sexual abuse cover a broad age range:
- 5% are under the age of 9 years;
- 16% are less than 12 years old;
- 38% are between ages of 12 and 14;
- 46% are between ages 15 and 17; and
- 93% are male.
- 5% are under the age of 9 years;
- 16% are less than 12 years old;
- 38% are between ages of 12 and 14;
- 46% are between ages 15 and 17; and
- 93% are male.
Jessica was 100% my very best friend.
USA Today has a very compelling article that appeared yesterday about the lack of care the medical profession has toward pregnant women.
This article convinced me American women are second class citizens.
One of the compelling and repeated prologue to these women's deaths was pain. They were experiencing and correctly went to the emergency room and were dismissed as some kind of pain because of contractions of one kind or another; but; their body systems were failing on them. Kidneys and liver are frequently mentioned. There is no excuse for this. Simple blood tests at the time the pain was occurring would have picked up the failure of a complete body system and sometimes more than one body system was failing. It has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH A WOMAN'S BEHAVIOR when it comes to smoking and drinking.
One of the compelling and repeated prologue to these women's deaths was pain. They were experiencing and correctly went to the emergency room and were dismissed as some kind of pain because of contractions of one kind or another; but; their body systems were failing on them. Kidneys and liver are frequently mentioned. There is no excuse for this. Simple blood tests at the time the pain was occurring would have picked up the failure of a complete body system and sometimes more than one body system was failing. It has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH A WOMAN'S BEHAVIOR when it comes to smoking and drinking.
September 20, 2018
By Laura Unger
...In Louisiana (click here) – the deadliest state in America for pregnant women and new mothers – the state’s 2012 report on maternal deaths emphasized suicide, domestic violence and car crashes....By Laura Unger
One case after another case was completely treatable and those women should be alive today.
The only states not contributing to these statistics is Alaska. New Hampshire and Vermont.
Look at California. 0-9 deaths per 100,000 women per year. Every other state in this country should be ashamed because California has a model that works. The actual statistic for California is 4.0 deaths per 100,000 and Nevada comes in at 8.4 deaths per 100,000 women.
That is not a country that cares about women. OR CHILDREN. If the country cared about children they would make sure their mothers lived through their births.
Recording Trump is THE NORMAL THING TO DO.
How many people is this now? First there is Cohen and Stormy Daniels has proof of all she says about Trump, then there is Omarosa, right?
August 19, 2018
Omarosa Manigault Newman (click here) is good at secretly recording conversations with her employers. She’s a savvy operator who knows how to create a media splash and can trade insults with the best of them — including the president of the Untied States. But, for me, regardless of how I may feel about her reality TV antics, there’s something relatable in her increasingly contentious battle with the White House....
Now, there is Rod Rosenstein recording the craziest president the USA ever had. Amazing. How can all these people feel so threatened by Trump that they fall back on recording his words and deeds?
Wait, let me guess; hmmmm? Could it be because he is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR? I betcha that is it!
The only people that can do anything about it are too busy being greedy to bring about an impeachment of which there are many reasons.
When he retires (click here) in January, Ryan will give up his $223,500 salary as speaker of the house, which is $49,500 more than U.S. congressmen who do not hold leadership positions make. But according to, Ryan is already worth $7.8 million.
...As a candidate, (click here) he’s spent $47.6 million since 1997 and pulled in even more, raising nearly $58.1 million. A large chunk of that money — $19.8 million to be exact — came rolling in the 2016 election.

Coming from a state known as a hub for outside spending, a large portion of Ryan’s funds have come from individual donations. Over the course of his career, he’s received $23.7 million in individual contributions. In 2017, Ryan raised $563,412 from small donations — the seventh highest among House candidates....
The McConnell household is not much different. They are pulling in a cabinet level salary for his wife and the salary of the Senate Majority leader. When are we going to set term limits? Maybe we would get something done if there were term limits rather than allowing the USA's elected officials the opportunity to amass huge wealth and turn their backs on the people.
Did you know that 50% of Millennials are college educated? They are. I am certain they know enough about the government that abandoned them in "Occupy Wall Street" to know what is best for the USA economy. As far as foreign policy; I am confident enough of them have great educations and experiences from abroad to man the battle stations of the State Department.
We need to have our younger generations involved. The Climate Crisis is spinning out of control far to fast to ignore the hopes they have for their lives. It is time for a major changing of the guard.
September 21, 2018
By Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt
August 19, 2018
Omarosa Manigault Newman (click here) is good at secretly recording conversations with her employers. She’s a savvy operator who knows how to create a media splash and can trade insults with the best of them — including the president of the Untied States. But, for me, regardless of how I may feel about her reality TV antics, there’s something relatable in her increasingly contentious battle with the White House....
Now, there is Rod Rosenstein recording the craziest president the USA ever had. Amazing. How can all these people feel so threatened by Trump that they fall back on recording his words and deeds?
Wait, let me guess; hmmmm? Could it be because he is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR? I betcha that is it!
The only people that can do anything about it are too busy being greedy to bring about an impeachment of which there are many reasons.
When he retires (click here) in January, Ryan will give up his $223,500 salary as speaker of the house, which is $49,500 more than U.S. congressmen who do not hold leadership positions make. But according to, Ryan is already worth $7.8 million.
...As a candidate, (click here) he’s spent $47.6 million since 1997 and pulled in even more, raising nearly $58.1 million. A large chunk of that money — $19.8 million to be exact — came rolling in the 2016 election.
Coming from a state known as a hub for outside spending, a large portion of Ryan’s funds have come from individual donations. Over the course of his career, he’s received $23.7 million in individual contributions. In 2017, Ryan raised $563,412 from small donations — the seventh highest among House candidates....
The McConnell household is not much different. They are pulling in a cabinet level salary for his wife and the salary of the Senate Majority leader. When are we going to set term limits? Maybe we would get something done if there were term limits rather than allowing the USA's elected officials the opportunity to amass huge wealth and turn their backs on the people.
Did you know that 50% of Millennials are college educated? They are. I am certain they know enough about the government that abandoned them in "Occupy Wall Street" to know what is best for the USA economy. As far as foreign policy; I am confident enough of them have great educations and experiences from abroad to man the battle stations of the State Department.
We need to have our younger generations involved. The Climate Crisis is spinning out of control far to fast to ignore the hopes they have for their lives. It is time for a major changing of the guard.
September 21, 2018
By Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt
Washington — The deputy attorney general, (click here) Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.
Mr. Rosenstein made these suggestions in the spring of 2017 when Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director plunged the White House into turmoil. Over the ensuing days, the president divulged classified intelligence to Russians in the Oval Office, and revelations emerged that Mr. Trump had asked Mr. Comey to pledge loyalty and end an investigation into a senior aide.
Mr. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. He had begun overseeing the Russia investigation and played a key role in the president’s dismissal of Mr. Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But Mr. Rosenstein was caught off guard when Mr. Trump cited the memo in the firing, and he began telling people that he feared he had been used.
Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments....
A beautiful mind.
"Won't you be my neighbor?" (click here)
Today, Google's tribute is Fred Rogers. I am really glad American children had Mr. Rogers for so many years and his taped shows will continue to inspire good ideas in children.
Thank you, Google.
Today, Google's tribute is Fred Rogers. I am really glad American children had Mr. Rogers for so many years and his taped shows will continue to inspire good ideas in children.
Thank you, Google.
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