New Town, Connecticut was an example of people ABLE and willing to arm themselves. Every possible freedom the USA Constitution provides was in practice in that town.
In order for Concealed Carry to work there has to be weapons provided to the citizens by the government, because, there is no EQUITY in the ABILITY to purchase weapons.
Militarizing the citizen is not a peaceful country. Perhaps, the Concealed Carry enthusiasts want New York City to be Syria. I am not interested.
The reason there are Bush Masters in the hands of pretty ladies for their sons to access is because they 'buy into' the idea they can actually prevent their own death by others better armed than them.
Concealed Carry is fine for people with 'high risk' jobs or positions in life. Lawyers are susceptible to violence by others. They defend people others would like to see dead and lawyers are a target by angry people. There are other professions, but, then lawyers can afford the guns they carry and usually they fit in a brief case. Those that practice Conceal Carry aren't carrying Bush Masters over their shoulder. I doubt seriously they could. There are metal detectors to court houses these days, because, people kill judges.
The idea guns actually CAN BE a benevolent part of life is one of the most hideous ideation in the USA. Guns are not benevolent by nature. They are dangerous. Anyone owning one or more have a very healthy respect for their power that could be outside the control of the owner. So, owners carry for reasons of personal safety knowing their personal safety is actually compromised by the very instrument they carry.
The President of the United States is REQUIRED to maintain the domestic peace. It is in the job description.
Y'all sure you want to continue down this path of ? conversation ?