After Congress comes back in January, having passed the National Health Care Insurance Reform, the next topic on the agenda is Immigration Reform. Get the picture? Joe Wilson picked a 'quiet moment' to 'strategically' place the words 'out there' to idiots like the Murdock tribes.
If Wilson were successful, the entire distraction would incorporate anger over immigration and health care into one big storm of emotion that would carry them into November 2010.
Wilson is a snake, no different than the Right Extremists that 'lie like rugs.' The aggressive act mimiced the actions of activists at the town hall meetings. It was deliberate. It was a political maneuver and he should be severely sanctioned to 'make an example' of the jerk. If a legislator lowers their standard this much, he'll do anything.

Sept. 9: Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina is seen shouting "you lie!" at President Obama during his speech to Congress in Washington. (AFP)
Censure !!! If not censure, impeachment !
Joe Wilson, Van Jones, and the watermelon (click title to entry - thank you)
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) showed a grave lack of respect for the president and congressional protocol when he shouted, "You lie!" at Mr. Obama as he insisted in his speech last night that health care reform would not mean insuring illegal immigrants. (The president was not lying.)...
Specter Calls for Censure of Wilson (click here)
By Garance Franke-RutaSen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) called Thursday for the censure of Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) for shouting "You lie!" at President Obama as the president addressed a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night.
"There ought to be a reprimand or censure of Rep. Joe Wilson to discourage that kind of conduct in the future," he Tweeted.
"Rep. Wilson apologized immediately afterward but I don't think that's adequate," he wrote just moments before.
Expulsion, Censure, Reprimand, and Fine: Legislative Discipline in the House of Representatives (click here)
The House of Representatives is expressly authorized within the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 5, clause 2) to discipline or “punish” its own Members. This authority of the institution of the House to discipline a Member for “disorderly Behaviour” is in addition to any criminal or civil liability that a Member of the House may incur for particular misconduct, and is a device or procedure designed not so much as merely a punishment of the individual Member, but rather ultimately as a measure to protect the institutional integrity of the House of Representatives, its proceedings and its reputation....