The Robert’s Court took a sovereign country outside the USA and assigned it the burden of maintaining climate refugees and asylum seekers with a destination to the USA in Mexico. The USA Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over Mexico.
Those people are destined to the USA. The jurisdiction in question is the USA, not Mexico.
I don’t get it. The USA has no right to impose domestic policy on Mexico UNLESS there is cooperation with the USA. There is no treaty supporting the Robert’s Court.
Those people in Mexico are not the responsibility of Mexico because they have no citizenship standing in Mexico. They are seeking asylum in the USA. Obstructing them from entering the USA violates USA existing law on asylum.
The Robert’s Court is incompetent. The decision was nonsense and has no relationship to Dreamers. Dreamers are in the USA. The people in Mexico are not at all the same as Dreamers. It would be interesting if any Dreamers are trapped in Mexico for whatever reason. But, Dreamers and the Obama policy has no relationship to OUR asylum seekers.
The rules are clear for anyone seeking asylum including any Americans seeking asylum elsewhere. As long as a person can make it to a country within its borders to seek asylum they are safe. OUR asylum seekers are not here yet and may be in the same danger for the reason they left their homeland to come to the USA.
How long will American laws be trampled by a political Supreme Court? This is outrageous and can endanger Americans that could be seeking asylum elsewhere.
What is to prevent any country from DUMPING their asylum seekers in other countries?