J. P. Morgan was never the problem so much as was forced to 'swallow hard' and take Bailout Funds. As a matter of fact, J.P. Morgan did everything right and they were penalized for it! And they did everything right by the rules they morally EARNED their reputation by.
Allow me to explain.
Now that all the bonuses are being cut to the bone, AS THEY SHOULD BE, for exceptionally poor performance, there will be a NEW GENERATION of talent coming forward to take those jobs that will be abandoned by the Bozos that caused the FISCAL COLLAPSE in the first place. I look forward to the 'new' and 'fresh' faces of the Top Executives of the companies we will be seeing. They will be committed and have the 'right values' for the country.
That said.
The ONLY reason AIG ended up 'in the soup' and the ONLY reason we will never see a dime of their bailout back in our pockets is because the Former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson is a Greed Meister and ABJECT failure. The sorry SOB sold out the country to bailout his failures. Goldman Sachs is run so poorly they have to farm out their executives to facilitate their share of the pie. THAT is unethical practice and I am 'calling them on it' today!
That is to begin with.
The only reason Paulson and Bush and the lunatics that made up their administrations aren't in jail right now is because they legislated their freedom along with the bailout. I doubt it is Constitutional either. But, they did it and we have a right to call it what it is, FRAUD !
Why is Paulson a Greed Meister? Let's take a look!
J. P. Morgan Chase (click here) never needed a bailout. If there was one bank that should have been standing after everything else failed it was them and the reward that was supposed to follow because they built a better mouse trap was ROBBED from them by Paulson. No different than when Lehman Brothers (click here) failed with assets totally over $600 billion. NOTHING was done and Paulson and the others basked in the victory.
J. P. Morgan manages 'its risk' the way risk is supposed to be managed and that is within the reach of the capacity of its investors. The stock price on JP Morgan Chase is more than reasonable and in the range of $44.00 to $48.00 (click here).
Goldman Sachs (click here) on the other hand is a very expensive stock and in the price range of $160.00 t0 about $193.00 (click here). But, that is not the entire picture in order to understand the genius at JP Morgan Chase and why they were ROBBED of their 'rightful' place in all this mess.
In order to understand 'financial genius' in the right AND MORAL hands realize this. To begin anyone can purchase JP Morgan Chase's 'common stock.' Nearly every Middle Class person in the country if they can open an investment account is within reach of participating in a company that is well run and has a LONG history of achievement. THAT isn't the primary point here, but, one I needed to make.
The primary point here is that the VOLUME of stocks JP Morgan Chase has in the market place is 3.9 billion shares with a daily trading volume of 36.8 million shares per day. There is a lot of activity with this stock and that is good thing. It keeps everyone at JP Morgan Chase on their toes and it gives them a lot of information on any given day to the 'trend' with their stock values and why.
When one then turns to Goldman Sachs, their market place volume is 511.2 million with a daily trading volume of 11.4 million.
Which company is worth more? JP Morgan Chase and they are a stronger and more rounded company for their 'price' and 'volume.' Why? Because J. P. Morgan Chase has a 'broader' base of support IF it were to fall into trouble and has to call on its investors to 'bail it out.' In other words, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase already had visions of dollar signs built into his daily habit of 'insuring' the solvency of the company and at any point in time he could issue a need to investors to 'pay more' into their company treasury. JP Morgan Chase never needed the USA Treasury, it had its own resources to fall back on.
Why the difference in volume? Because it is smart and doesn't see the USA Treasury as its to own and destroy ruthlessly and without conscience. On the other hand, their investors are many and their 'stock dividends' are smaller than Goldman Sachs. But, in all honesty, how many folks in the country could literally purchase on a weekly basis a share of stock at Morgan's prices and how many would? Would you? I would. I would make the investment of believing in a well founded and WELL GROUNDED company that didn't need a 'bailout' from the people of this nation, BUT, instead seeks to find a partnership after they became LITERALLY a partner with the USA government.
Goldman Sachs is an unethical and immoral company that places designs on large sums of money no matter where it is and saw opportunity in 'insurance' policies with AIG when all else was failing its 'greed needs.' The assault on the USA Treasury was intended and was never diverted by Paulson for the sole purpose of personal wealth and hopes of expanding a business in Goldman Sachs that it never had and so help me, NEVER WILL !
The American people need to take their country back, invest in local economies and stick with it. Let the companies come to them. The USA is a huge economy with a lot of opportunity and it is about time the people and NOT Wall Street harness it!
I look forward to the fresh new faces that will line the halls of those that seek to 'build' our nation back to the proud heritage it has enjoyed. Greenberg and people like him can take a hike and never come back. We don't want you anymore !
We, as Americans, are not going to have their value system shove down our throats ANYMORE.

Maurice R. Greenberg, the former head of A.I.G., on his way to court in Manhattan last June.