Sunday, March 25, 2007

The way in which Casey transcends the American Experience is just as important as recognizing his unjustified death as an American soldier

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The Peace Movement is necessary in any society to achieve a balance to authority, but, in the case of the USA where so much is very, very wrong; there needs to be a change in direction to the purpose of it's military and the access of the Executive Branch that justifies it's engagements.

The USA has a debt to pay to Cindy and her late son, they just don't know how much yet.

We need people prepared to lead the USA into peace rather than war. We need people with ambitions for leadership in The Executive Branch and Legislature. Although many great Americans have come forward to lead in The House of Representatives with a vote to remove the troops from Iraq in a way that will allow the people of Iraq to prepare for their new reality post Saddam, I question whether we are finding the right focus in our search for those that lead us well; placing our nation and it's military out of harms way of those that sincerely have different agendas than the security of our country.

When will our allies be as important in their concerns as our own military?

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Canadian Soldiers pay tribute to fallen comrades, WO Frank Mellish, WO Richard Nolan, Sgt Shane Stachnik and Pte Mark Graham during a Ramp Ceremony held at the Kandahar Air Field.
Photograph by : Department of Defence

Friendly fire lessons not learned, says U.S. pilot (click on)

OTTAWA - As investigators probe the friendly fire incident in Afghanistan that this week killed a Canadian soldier, a former fighter pilot involved in a similar tragedy in 2002 says he fears that the U.S. air force may have never properly addressed the communication problems that surfaced in his case.

William Umbach, a retired major, was one of two Illinois Air National Guard F16 pilots who faced criminal charges after they mistook a Canadian training exercise near Kandahar for enemy fire and dropped a laser-guided bomb, killing four soldiers and injuring eight.

On Monday, Canadian troops operating in the same region were again victims of fratricide, when U.S. A-10 Warthog jets strafed their position west of Kandahar with cannon fire. Pte. Mark Anthony Graham, a former Olympic sprinter, was killed in the accident. NATO commanders have promised an investigation into the cause of the accident.

Umbach said the report from an inquiry into his April 2002 incident failed to address the key problem that he said is common to almost all such friendly fire cases: the breakdown in communications between air and ground forces.

And what about 'the way' in which our soldiers see themselves?

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What does it really take to raise a gun to an enemy, or fire missiles on a building KNOWN to an enemy strong hold, or to drop bombs from 10,000 feet up on a facility KNOWN to be supplying an enemy with the means to attack Americans?

And when does that soldier cross the line from defense to unjustified killing? How does the USA prevent demoralization of it's military and it's image in an international theater of courts and human rights?

Is it necessary to make each soldier a diplomat with an education to 'the reason' for war so they don't grapple with their deployment as immoral or unjustified? Do our soldiers need a daily dose of 'resolve' to the 'big picture' for global peace everyday served up with their meals?

U.S. Military Opens Inquiry Into Whether Marines Killed 10 Afghans After Attack on Convoy (click on)

WASHINGTON, March 23 — The United States military has opened a formal investigation into whether marines in eastern Afghanistan killed noncombatants after a suicide bomber detonated his explosive-laden car near their convoy on March 4, Marine officials said Friday.

As many as 10 Afghans were reported killed and dozens wounded after the bombing, in Nangarhar Province.

Army Maj. Gen. Francis H. Kearney III, the commander of Special Operations troops in the Middle East and Central Asia, opened the investigation and ordered the marines involved to remain in Afghanistan until it is complete, a spokesman, Lt. Col. Lou J. Leto, said. Marine officials would not say how many marines were under investigation or had been ordered to stay in Afghanistan.

Pentagon to blame 9 officers in Tillman case: CBS (click on)
Friday, March 23, 2007; 10:08 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon's inspector general will blame nine U.S. Army officers, including up to four generals, for missteps after the April 2004 death in Afghanistan by friendly fire of former NFL star Pat Tillman, the "CBS Evening News" reported on Friday.

It said the Pentagon would release its findings on Monday, showing the officers failed to follow regulations and used poor judgment in keeping the truth of the cause of Tillman's death from his family for more than a month.

How the definition of the American military transcends it's society is as important as having one

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The current Secretary General of the United Nation has invigorated the peace process globally with the settlement of issues between North and South Korea by allowing the movement across borders of family to visit with each other.

Before Bush, the USA was on a track of 'Keeping the Peace.' It is where the USA military belongs.

The 'task' of capturing and killing Osama bin Laden and achieving justice for those murdered on September 11, 2001 still evades the USA. The justice of that day should have never been misdirected into a wrongful war for profits. The survivors of September 11th, their families and friends are still waiting to find justice and the day when the fear of such terrorists will never be an issue again on American soil.

While we have an obligation to maintain a military, the definition of it's responsiblities is more important than 'the ready' force we actually contain. The USA has proven to be more than able to rise to the needs of a military demand of justified war.

A ready military is more an adjunct to missions of peacekeeping than that of attack and overwhelm an enemy. The predessors of the American Dream have done a very good job at harnessing the understanding of other countries in trade relations and ambitions of international cooperation such as The International Space Station. We need to rally around the definition of our military as an extention of diplomacy rather than war. The world of people and the biotic balance that is Earth is too delicate to 'toy' or allow the 'toying' with of USA military might.

Our future lawmakers need to 'tighten up' the understanding of when and when not to use our military. The Executive Branch needs more loss of warring clout than The War Powers Act. It needs close ties to a sub-branch agency of the CIA/FBI that monitors the 'intent' of the Oval Office in it's presentations of information to the Legislative Branch.

When women have paid the price and speak out for justice, by damn it, pay attention

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Perhaps one will recognize Major Tammy Duckworth

Life for Maj. Tammy Duckworth, 36, and her husband, Illinois Army Guard Capt. Bryan Bowlsbey, has changed dramatically since the afternoon of Nov. 12. That is when a rocket propelled grenade hit the chin bubble of the Blackhawk she was piloting in Iraq and exploded between her legs, according to the on-line journal her husband is writing.

Her copilot, from the Missouri Army Guard, landed the crippled Blackhawk before other crewmembers, air ambulance personnel and doctors began working feverishly to save her life, Bowlsbey stated. The helicopter crew chief, Spc. Kurt Hannemann, from Illinois was apparently hurt but "was listed as not seriously injured" Guard officials reported.

SPEAKING OF HELICOPTERS, the outspoken Major Duckworth's activism is more than justified. (click on)

Explain it to the kids !

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When Mom or Dad are killed in a war for profits; what does that do to the next generation of Americans that have to live with that legacy?

Women aren't satified to have a country run by barrons of wealth at any cost.

This is not the only image connected to the military reflecting equal rights for women

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Pfc. Jennifer Eischens of Fox Company 1-68 Combined Arms Battalion is a food service specialist by trade. Eischens also goes on patrol to assist in communicating with Iraqi women.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Mark Wojciechowski, 133rd MPAD

Female Food Specialist Assumes Dual Role (click link above)

Stoic acceptance by women with dead children and spouses in an illegal and wrongly fought war was never the answer for any of the Americans that would find themselves torn between appropriately honoring the memories of their children and a government that used the war as a propaganda tool for political success leading to wealth of profiteers and relief from lawsuits pending by stockholders that 'felt' aggrieved by the 'mishandling' of Halliburton by their former CEO.

The rights of women include the status of soldier, but, not the status of kitchen as a priority. Women in the USA have yet to achieve the 'justice' of 'death' for their children when soldiers. The 'wrongful' use of the American military and the lack of rights of it's soldiers when entering a war at the hand of faux justification is the next step to liberating our country and it's Constitution from the hands of those that seek it's power over it's justice.

The Vote wasn't enough !

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Bigotry against women and children has existed in American society for a long time. Previous to Sufferage for Women, they and their children were always considered chattel in any court in this nation.

Mr. Bush and Cheney don't see them any differently today.

The stark reality of the divorce of Cindy Sheehan in the face of her own reflection in the mirror when Casey was murdered in Iraq by the false prophecy of the Bush Executive Branch is all too clear. Casey's memory in the face of lies told by Bush when outing a CIA agent was obvious to her. It would be to me. As a woman true to myself and the loyalty women like us have to motherhood of our children throughout our lifetimes, there was no other choice. Casey and the promise America made to him, to us, to the truth had to be recognized and not swept under the rug in a false sense of patriotism.

Cindy Sheehan could not be more correct. The ridicule she sustained and continues to battle against represents more than a woman intended to vindicate the wrongful death of her son; it speaks to 'the chattel' of human rights and dignity denied by the military establishment of the USA.

Transcendence of Women's Rights hasn't completed it's march into American society

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In this 1984 photograph taken on International Woman's Day (March 8), two African American members of the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) hold hands and form a circle of protest in San Francisco's Union Square.

The face of modern American motherhood has arrived

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimate that the mortality rates have more than doubled since the invasion to overthrow Saddam Hussein, causing an average of 500 deaths a day.

Casey Sheehan died on April 4, 2004

These were the headlines a few months later:

100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, says study (click on)

Last night the Lancet medical journal fast-tracked the survey to publication on its website after rapid, but extensive peer review and editing because, said Lancet editor Richard Horton, "of its importance to the evolving security situation in Iraq". But the findings raised important questions also for the governments of the United Sates and Britain who, said Dr Horton in a commentary, "must have considered the likely effects of their actions for civilians".

Today in Iraq:

From a website sponsored with a focus on Congressman Ron Paul (click on) whom states the greatest danger to us is ourselves. Dig this. The man is a Texas lawmaker.

Sunday, March 25, 2007 -

At least 128 Iraqis were reported killed or found dead today and another 160 were wounded in various incidents, including bomb attacks in Baghdad, Haswa, Qaim and Tal Afar. Also, A U.S. soldier was blasted dead in Baghdad on Friday, a second was killed in combat in Anbar province, and a third soldier succumbed on Wednesday to wounds received a week earlier in a roadside bomb attack south of the capital. -antiwar

Click Here For The Full Story


The Faces of the Dead

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Click On Link Above

Does it end there? Does it end with honorable mention as to the war dead? Do all the people in mosaics by nearly every newsprint in the country as used in 'the faces of the dead' in a tribute to those lost in Iraq. Do we satisfy ourselves with that level of 'grassroots' respect or do we take it to a level whereby there will never be another Casey Sheehan ever again in the USA?

Where does it go from here?

This is the second time in less than half a century that young Americans died in a faux war. THE SECOND TIME.

The Bush White House, no different than the Republicans of the 60s when Nixon coined 'The Silent Majority,' have used the belief of whom we are as Americans to justify war and continue it. Vietnam started under Eisenhower as a benign attempt to settle WWII according to treaties now dissolved.

Iraq was begun under false beliefs about the lack of power the UN actually had in succeeding to stop a dictator in his rampage of hatred of anyone not serving him.

I believe most Americans believe the 'days of war' are over. The world has mostly achieved peaceful balance between sovereign countries. The last bastion of war lies with 'the individual' capable of doing such damage to a society it strikes out in a war effort to stop it.

Were the attacks into Afghanistan correct? Why didn't it work? Why didn't it end the reign of Osama bin Laden? Was the Afghanistan invasion simply an excuse of the Bush/Cheney Crony machine to engage 'the belief' America has about itself to justify a profiteers war?

Where does it stop? When does Casey Sheehan have meaning beyond 'the moment' to transcend 'the beliefs' America has about itself?

What's it going to take to realize the USA has to go through reformation to obtain a new 'belief' about itself?
Transcendence - the quality or state of being

Transcendent - being beyond all possible experience or knowledge

In the sixties it was 'Transcendal Meditation' the Flower Children used to find meaning in a world that made no sense as thousands died in Vietnam.

The Transcendence of this 'America' is different. It is mired in a woman little took seriously.

Who is Cindy Sheehan? Why the movement? What does she mean to all of us? Did she make a difference? Is the peace movement too quiet?


The challenge of the fading generation of Americans that harnessed the reality of deceit regarding the capacity of the USA to 'create/transcend' all beliefs of civilization in order to justify a profiteers' war has one last chance to change 'what America believes' about itself. One last chance to make a 'demonstration' transcend 'the belief' of a country powerful enough to cause a World War in error of it's own intentions.

The Iraq War vs Cindy and Casey Sheehan, who ultimately will win and how will history be changed forever to prevent the enslavement of the USA military to dictators of profit?
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It's Sunday Morning

Welcome to my crib

"Transcendence" by Throes of Dawn

Your warmth is false
Inside your hollow bosom
You'll hide the solitude
Of the distant stars

In your party none celebrates
Grey autumn transcendence
Minutes turn into oblivion
Our voices to mould

Your hangman smile
My soul in your hands
I drink from your breasts
Grey autumn solitude

And I can see through your eyes
It's time to go
And I can see through your smile
It's time to go

All those long dead hours
Frequent time stops
Minutes turn into oblivion
Our voices to mould

Drowned wasps floating
in the chalice of the sweet nectar
all those beautiful moths eaten by flies
in this bizarre carnival
of a life-lasting funeral

Grey autumn
Play your lyre
For one last time