"You brought our country back, (click here) now it's time, your time, to secure the
gains and move ahead," Clinton said at the rally held on New York City's
Roosevelt Island. "And you know what? American can't succeed unless you
succeed. That is why I am running for president of the United States."
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, June 13, 2015
I like the blue pantsuit.
We are very lucky to have Hillary Clinton.
hillaryclinton.com (click here)
She is very connected to those at the rally. Nothing is interrupting her message, except, the people at the rally. She is stating her values which is entrenched in American values.
Her grandfather lived in Scranton? My family is from that area. My parents were married there. They were very hard working people. They moved themselves from impoverishment to the Middle Class.
Income Inequality. Tax fairness. The value of work. Now is the time to move the American people forward. Prosperity is a word that describes Americans, too. "American can't succeed unless you succeed."
She knows in order to make the USA economy work it realizes one the prosperity of it's workers.
Very nice. Bubble and bust. She wants unity in the country to provide for a consistently prosperous country. I am sure she'll make example of the backward values in what has been called "The Red States." They do believe in yesterday.
Good for her. "I am not a scientist." Love it. Legislators don't have to be scientists to TRUST internationally acclaimed American scientists. She speaks the truth.
Her story about her mother is no different than mine. No lie. She worked as soon as she could, gave her money to her mother to assist with family costs and went to high school to achieve a diploma. It was that generation where women found work a real way to make their lives better.
"Growth and fairness go together." That's true. A level playing field that welcomes success is the way to overcome America's maladies. From food insecurity to racism to the LGBT community and the abject poor. Fairness is about the morality of the movement.
Small businesses will be provided an open door to success to begin to
Energy. California just reported their power generation across the state with alternative energy filled in a huge gap that maintained current rates without increases. It also contributed to prevention of "brown outs."
26 May 2015
By Cheryl Katz
Solar farms (click here) are blooming across California’s deserts, wind turbines are climbing the Sierra, photovoltaic roofs are shimmering over suburbs, and Teslas are the Silicon Valley elite’s new ride. A clean energy rush is transforming the Golden State so quickly that nearly a quarter of its electricity now comes from renewable sources, and new facilities, especially solar, are coming online at a rapid rate. Last year, California became the first state to get more than 5 percent of its electricity from the sun....
She wants a legitimate USA with respect of our country across the globe. That would be good. The USA doesn't need anymore illegitimate wars. That type of profile builds strong peace initiatives and the trust of allies.
Election reform. Supreme Court nominations that will protect the vote of Americans. Constitutional Amendment to reverse the ill effects of Citizen United. Universal automatic registration and expanding the opportunity to vote across more days. Eventually, the USA has to take itself seriously. There are currently more than 242,542,967 adults over 18 years old in the USA. That is our 77 percent of the population of the USA. Babies are being born, generations are growing older, there are more and more people in the electorate than ever before. How can the growing population of the USA vote on ONE DAY across the USA. The expansion of voting rights in the number of voting days has to occur. It is a matter of numbers and the opportunity to vote.
The population of Americans is growing, not just by children born, but, with Americans with greater longevity. As the voters increase the old method of voting isn't working. People are being left out of the voting booth my sheer numbers. All these voting restrictions alienates Americans from voting because there is not enough opportunity to record their vote.
Take ten years off HIllary's age to run for President. Women are known from research that women's potential to government office is delayed because of family priorities. Women are not on a level playing field with men by the sheer fact women still are the primary person responsible for the family and it's happiness.
Women do not have a level paying field in opportunity, care for families including extended family or income and wealth. Women invest in the future differently.
It is nice Former President Bill Clinton was widely accepted at the rally. Just think about that a minute. He is a husband proud of his wife and cannot conceive a path any different for her. I think it is wonderful. He is her EQUAL partner. It speaks to the success of them as a couple.
I like the blue pantsuit.
We are very lucky to have Hillary Clinton.
hillaryclinton.com (click here)
She is very connected to those at the rally. Nothing is interrupting her message, except, the people at the rally. She is stating her values which is entrenched in American values.
Her grandfather lived in Scranton? My family is from that area. My parents were married there. They were very hard working people. They moved themselves from impoverishment to the Middle Class.
Income Inequality. Tax fairness. The value of work. Now is the time to move the American people forward. Prosperity is a word that describes Americans, too. "American can't succeed unless you succeed."
She knows in order to make the USA economy work it realizes one the prosperity of it's workers.
Very nice. Bubble and bust. She wants unity in the country to provide for a consistently prosperous country. I am sure she'll make example of the backward values in what has been called "The Red States." They do believe in yesterday.
Good for her. "I am not a scientist." Love it. Legislators don't have to be scientists to TRUST internationally acclaimed American scientists. She speaks the truth.
Her story about her mother is no different than mine. No lie. She worked as soon as she could, gave her money to her mother to assist with family costs and went to high school to achieve a diploma. It was that generation where women found work a real way to make their lives better.
"Growth and fairness go together." That's true. A level playing field that welcomes success is the way to overcome America's maladies. From food insecurity to racism to the LGBT community and the abject poor. Fairness is about the morality of the movement.
Small businesses will be provided an open door to success to begin to
Energy. California just reported their power generation across the state with alternative energy filled in a huge gap that maintained current rates without increases. It also contributed to prevention of "brown outs."
26 May 2015
By Cheryl Katz
Solar farms (click here) are blooming across California’s deserts, wind turbines are climbing the Sierra, photovoltaic roofs are shimmering over suburbs, and Teslas are the Silicon Valley elite’s new ride. A clean energy rush is transforming the Golden State so quickly that nearly a quarter of its electricity now comes from renewable sources, and new facilities, especially solar, are coming online at a rapid rate. Last year, California became the first state to get more than 5 percent of its electricity from the sun....
She wants a legitimate USA with respect of our country across the globe. That would be good. The USA doesn't need anymore illegitimate wars. That type of profile builds strong peace initiatives and the trust of allies.
Election reform. Supreme Court nominations that will protect the vote of Americans. Constitutional Amendment to reverse the ill effects of Citizen United. Universal automatic registration and expanding the opportunity to vote across more days. Eventually, the USA has to take itself seriously. There are currently more than 242,542,967 adults over 18 years old in the USA. That is our 77 percent of the population of the USA. Babies are being born, generations are growing older, there are more and more people in the electorate than ever before. How can the growing population of the USA vote on ONE DAY across the USA. The expansion of voting rights in the number of voting days has to occur. It is a matter of numbers and the opportunity to vote.
The population of Americans is growing, not just by children born, but, with Americans with greater longevity. As the voters increase the old method of voting isn't working. People are being left out of the voting booth my sheer numbers. All these voting restrictions alienates Americans from voting because there is not enough opportunity to record their vote.
Take ten years off HIllary's age to run for President. Women are known from research that women's potential to government office is delayed because of family priorities. Women are not on a level playing field with men by the sheer fact women still are the primary person responsible for the family and it's happiness.
Women do not have a level paying field in opportunity, care for families including extended family or income and wealth. Women invest in the future differently.
It is nice Former President Bill Clinton was widely accepted at the rally. Just think about that a minute. He is a husband proud of his wife and cannot conceive a path any different for her. I think it is wonderful. He is her EQUAL partner. It speaks to the success of them as a couple.
Dallas police force was very lucky today. They appreciate that fact and move against such freedom to own guns.
The police officers state they were able to disable the armored van with a 50 caliper gun. There are 50 caliper guns for sale on the net. Whoever hates the government will learn from this incident.
What lone wolf is this? What was his motive this time?
Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown stated the amount of fire they were taking nearly defeated them. The forenics of the incident including the cars and police station should be interesting. What is also interesting is that it was first reported to be several people. It was only one. That's how much munitions were in play.
He stated, "This was a very chilling moment....we literally dodged bullets."
Why put police officers in this kind of danger? It makes no sense. If the circumstances were different and the lone wolf was able to destroy a Dallas police station, he'd be on to the next and the next.
This level of violence should never be allowed to exist within the capacity society has to stop it.
The police in Dallas are shaken by this. That should mean something.
The police officers state they were able to disable the armored van with a 50 caliper gun. There are 50 caliper guns for sale on the net. Whoever hates the government will learn from this incident.
What lone wolf is this? What was his motive this time?
Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown stated the amount of fire they were taking nearly defeated them. The forenics of the incident including the cars and police station should be interesting. What is also interesting is that it was first reported to be several people. It was only one. That's how much munitions were in play.
He stated, "This was a very chilling moment....we literally dodged bullets."
Why put police officers in this kind of danger? It makes no sense. If the circumstances were different and the lone wolf was able to destroy a Dallas police station, he'd be on to the next and the next.
This level of violence should never be allowed to exist within the capacity society has to stop it.
The police in Dallas are shaken by this. That should mean something.
Pakistan is shutting down NGOs that do not live within their charters.
I don't blame them. If the NGO is living outside it's charter they are violating the trust of the country that provided them freedom to operate.
Pakistan's national security is tenuous at times. If the citizens come to realize their culture is being violated by agencies allowed into the country by the government, their is potential for violence.
The society in a country such as Pakistan is aligned with their religious roots. If the people believe there are agencies that don't respect their culture, there are consequences the government and people didn't bargain for.
NGOs should not be working under the premise that the country becomes hooked on the aid they bring so they can operate above the law and in violation with their charter. "Save the Children" is lucky, they weren't arrested for espionage. Do not violate the charter because the people receiving relief are experiencing poverty. Poverty does not equate to acceptance on any terms.
The UN and/or the US State Department should investigate to determine what happened to turn the Pakistan government against a well known NGO.
A police officer stands guard outside a sealed ‘Save the Children’ office in Islamabad. (AP)
ISLAMABAD: A local worker (click here) with the international aid group Save the Children says the group has shut down all its offices in Pakistan after the government shuttered its main office in Islamabad, raising fear among other organizations whether the government could target them next.
The worker said Saturday that the group “voluntarily” closed its offices Friday in the northwestern city of Peshawar, the southern city of Karachi, the eastern city of Lahore and the southwestern city of Quetta.
The move came after Pakistan’s government on Thursday shut the group’s main office in Islamabad for allegedly violating its charter.
The decision drew international criticism, but Pakistan says it will not allow any non-government organization to work against its interests.
Pakistan's national security is tenuous at times. If the citizens come to realize their culture is being violated by agencies allowed into the country by the government, their is potential for violence.
The society in a country such as Pakistan is aligned with their religious roots. If the people believe there are agencies that don't respect their culture, there are consequences the government and people didn't bargain for.
NGOs should not be working under the premise that the country becomes hooked on the aid they bring so they can operate above the law and in violation with their charter. "Save the Children" is lucky, they weren't arrested for espionage. Do not violate the charter because the people receiving relief are experiencing poverty. Poverty does not equate to acceptance on any terms.
The UN and/or the US State Department should investigate to determine what happened to turn the Pakistan government against a well known NGO.

ISLAMABAD: A local worker (click here) with the international aid group Save the Children says the group has shut down all its offices in Pakistan after the government shuttered its main office in Islamabad, raising fear among other organizations whether the government could target them next.
The worker said Saturday that the group “voluntarily” closed its offices Friday in the northwestern city of Peshawar, the southern city of Karachi, the eastern city of Lahore and the southwestern city of Quetta.
The move came after Pakistan’s government on Thursday shut the group’s main office in Islamabad for allegedly violating its charter.
The decision drew international criticism, but Pakistan says it will not allow any non-government organization to work against its interests.
Hee, Haw Texas. The weekend is off to a good start.
A small militia in Dallas has decided it is the time to start a revolution. You know how it is when cartoonists are under attack.
More Americans with too much money and time on their hands.
Anyone watching now has witnessed exactly the power of the 2nd Amendment. Why wait until tomorrow, start the revolution now. Secessionists are hard to get along with.
June 13, 2015
By Mustafa T. Hameed and David Chiu
Several gunmen (click here) opened fire on Dallas police officers outside the department's headquarters today and used what witnesses described as an armored van to ram a squad car before leading officers on a chase.
More Americans with too much money and time on their hands.
Anyone watching now has witnessed exactly the power of the 2nd Amendment. Why wait until tomorrow, start the revolution now. Secessionists are hard to get along with.
June 13, 2015
By Mustafa T. Hameed and David Chiu
Several gunmen (click here) opened fire on Dallas police officers outside the department's headquarters today and used what witnesses described as an armored van to ram a squad car before leading officers on a chase.
The van was chased to the parking lot of a Jack-in-the-Box restaurant
about 13 miles away in Hutchins, Texas, where a standoff continued as
officers and those inside the van exchanged gunfire. It's unclear how
many gunmen were involved in the shooting, said police.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown said negotiations with the driver were
ongoing. The driver told officers he blames police for losing custody of
his son and "accusing him of being a terrorist," said Brown.
No officers were injured in the shootings....
I don't have any Guinness in the house. This action will be good until at least this evening.
That's what I say, get it on video; it will live in infamy. This puts the James-Younger Gang to shame. At least liberals only use gyrocopters and they call put the police on alert to avoid bodily harm. It is good to be a pacifists and live through a stunt like this. Demonstrates are the worst it gets.
I don't have any Guinness in the house. This action will be good until at least this evening.
That's what I say, get it on video; it will live in infamy. This puts the James-Younger Gang to shame. At least liberals only use gyrocopters and they call put the police on alert to avoid bodily harm. It is good to be a pacifists and live through a stunt like this. Demonstrates are the worst it gets.
Russian delegate is worried about the slow down at Iran nuclear talks.
It seems as though Israel has spied on the talks and stole e-mails. Israel spied on the P5+1 talks so they could manipulate the American Congress.
Friday, June 12, 2015
By Simon Sturdee
About an hour ago
Vienna (AFP) - Russia's negotiator (click here) has described a "very worrying" slowdown in progress in nuclear talks between Iran and six major powers ahead of a June 30 deadline to finalise a historic accord.
Friday, June 12, 2015
By Simon Sturdee
About an hour ago
Vienna (AFP) - Russia's negotiator (click here) has described a "very worrying" slowdown in progress in nuclear talks between Iran and six major powers ahead of a June 30 deadline to finalise a historic accord.
Sergei Ryabkov's remarks on
Friday came as US Secretary of State John Kerry said upon his release
from hospital after breaking his leg that he would soon head to Vienna
in a bid to seal the deal after the outlines of an agreement were
reached in April.
"The rate of
progress... is progressively slowing down," Ryabkov was quoted as
saying by RIA Novosti as he arrived for the latest round of talks in
"This is very worrying
to us because there is very little time before the deadline and we
urgently need to enter the final stage."...
Israel is untrustworthy and will do anything to the USA to manipulate it. The US really need to consider the use of computers in just delicate activities. Seriously. This is from the Jerusalem Post, but, it was first reported in the Wall Street Journal.
June 12, 2015
ANKARA- Iran expressed (click here) concern on Friday over cyber-security of nuclear talks with six world powers after reported cyber-attacks on venues linked to the negotiations on its disputed nuclear program, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.
Russian computer security company Kaspersky Lab said on Wednesday that a computer virus was used to hack into sites including three luxury hotels that have hosted the nuclear negotiations in Austria and Switzerland.
Fars said the Iranian Foreign Ministry had written to the Austrian and Swiss governments expressing "serious concern".
"Tehran has also asked to be informed about the results of investigations over the issue," it said.
Switzerland and Austria are investigating the allegations....
All parties are in the same hotel. There is no reason why a computer has to be involved. I am sure there is plenty recycled paper in France with lovely pens and pencils. If couriers have to run between rooms and floors then so be it. This is ridiculous.
The State Department is in the Executive Branch of our government and basically, thorugh Israel's help, the legislature is spying on the Executive Branch.
Any US Legislator known to have received information from Israel has violated ethnics and quite possibly the laws of the USA. An investigation into the spying and whom received it needs to be conducted and measures taken to discipline anyone involved, including all criminal charges that apply.
The Neocons believe they are above the law and carry out outrageous measures to have control over any issues and this time they are looking to control the President. This is highly illegal. And, it has crossed international borders. The US Congress and Israel now can be scrutinized by the international community for what has happened here. In seeking the ultimate control over these talks the US Congress and Israel has completely lost control.
June 12, 2015
ANKARA- Iran expressed (click here) concern on Friday over cyber-security of nuclear talks with six world powers after reported cyber-attacks on venues linked to the negotiations on its disputed nuclear program, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.
Russian computer security company Kaspersky Lab said on Wednesday that a computer virus was used to hack into sites including three luxury hotels that have hosted the nuclear negotiations in Austria and Switzerland.
Fars said the Iranian Foreign Ministry had written to the Austrian and Swiss governments expressing "serious concern".
"Tehran has also asked to be informed about the results of investigations over the issue," it said.
Switzerland and Austria are investigating the allegations....
All parties are in the same hotel. There is no reason why a computer has to be involved. I am sure there is plenty recycled paper in France with lovely pens and pencils. If couriers have to run between rooms and floors then so be it. This is ridiculous.
The State Department is in the Executive Branch of our government and basically, thorugh Israel's help, the legislature is spying on the Executive Branch.
Any US Legislator known to have received information from Israel has violated ethnics and quite possibly the laws of the USA. An investigation into the spying and whom received it needs to be conducted and measures taken to discipline anyone involved, including all criminal charges that apply.
The Neocons believe they are above the law and carry out outrageous measures to have control over any issues and this time they are looking to control the President. This is highly illegal. And, it has crossed international borders. The US Congress and Israel now can be scrutinized by the international community for what has happened here. In seeking the ultimate control over these talks the US Congress and Israel has completely lost control.
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