When it's goal is not for peace !
Goals begin at the impetus and are not 'discovered' along the way.
No ideology is a reason for war. No economic power is a reason for war.
Wars of hatred as terrorists ignite are predatory, seeking only power for reason of power without a goal of common brotherhood/sisterhood. They are wrong and have to be stopped. If war is what they seek then war is what they will have. They kill for the sake of personal glory with only one cause in mind, to honor a god with chronic blood on it's hands and not one that seeks to find a twig of peace in a land of prosperity and inclusion.
Terrorists are excluded from conventional government and seek to use the infrastructure of society, economy, government and compassion to infiltrate disguised in reasons of a diety worship. When their doctrines are broken down they are plastic and elastic not carved in stone like the tablets. Their doctrines give 'excluded men' a chance to find the power they were denied by sovereign nations. They do this 'for the cause' whatever assignment god takes.
The conflicts of the Middle East is not about East and West. It is not about religion. It is not about ideologies. It is having the power to massacre innocent people for the pleasure a serial killer seeks in their demented world created for survival of their own purpose and self satisfaction.
There is no immoral war against killers. There is only finding a path recognized as pathologic to global function, peace and human survival and stopping it. War is never a necessity unless at least one party insists on it. The only entity in the world that insists on it are terrorist networks and regimes unable to find purpose except to exert fear among people to oppress the path of peace. Those regimes are not only rogue entitites they are also found in incompetent leaders that find bloodthirst as a reason for an economy.
The decisions of Israel are ones based in peace. A lasting peace. They are not economic decisions. They are not decisions of hatred. They are decisions to set limits and bring illegal, predatory and infiiltrated power to sovereignty to an end. If the leaders of sovereign power see their citizens as assets, when they are actually killers, then they have made a statement they can not come away from and become a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.
In Palestine, there exists leaders of reason being denied the power they need to bring about peace between their sovereign country and others. They are denied the power by terrorist regimes inflitrating democratic mechanisms to power. This incidious 'allowance' of 'political parties' that are not pledged to paths of accepted international standards of peace and stability are not political parties. They are killers. Infiltrators. Terrorists seeking power through concensus by providing 'humanitarian' relief to citizens need to be stopped. The citizens should actually be exhibiting loyality to their countries and the goals of a peaceful, benevolent and sovereign nation that provides for the common good of all it's people. The terrorist networks are providing services of which the function of government should find it's purpose. Instead, this masquerade of 'humanitarian' organizations founded in beliefs that are not religious but political are allowed to exist. They exist even in the USA. Their budgets provide faux kings with power and a reason for sovereign authority to be lazy and indulged in international clout.
Yassar Arafat was respected at the leader of Palestine but never had a sovereign authority to draw on without first answering to 'entities' of hate such as The Sheik. Those entities only and still only seek to provide existance of political leaders as figure heads with access to the power they sincerely seek. The Iran Crisis provides such a model of attained power by a terrorist seeking to make the dream come true of an Islamic, Shia nation capable of complete annihilation of any other country it does not find desirable. The 'ultimate' Jihad so to speak.It's not legitimate government. They are repulsive leadership based in icons of power as they sincerely provide real threats to human life and not just human dignity. How, in God's name did they ever get this far? Wishful thinking of containment and conversion? To assume Hamas could ever be anything but hate filled authorities seeking even great methods of killing is a fools game and one left without dignity to insure it's purpose. The terrorists have the ultimate tool They have the 'tool' of 'death.' They are unafraid to use it. They use it indiscriminately. That tool has to be taken away. It's time to take a stand.
War for peace is black and white. The definition of peace does not change. The diplomatic corps of all countries understand completely their missions to peace. Where it gets lost along the way are ambitions of stockbrokers and economic authorities that can 'do well' in warring environments and sometimes even find greater profitable definition in those environments. Terrorists seek not economics but complete domination of the authority. In 'the end' if they win their war, the economies are no longer important, no longer are supported by authorities that recognize conventional measures of wealth. Diplomacy should never support economic agendas when the end result could provide a greater tool to terrorists and their regime governments. Diplomacy is a valuable ability of a nation. It is not a means to stop war completely when terrorists and nations such as Iran use diplomacy as a carrot and stick to 'find their path to successful annhilation.'
The EU provided a very attractive proposal to Iran. It was scoffed at. That is an outrage. There is absolutely no reason in the world today for any adverse policy within any country. This pandering has to stop. In the case of Israel it will. I am not so sure about the rest of the world.
War in all these instances should never have been an option. Yet, through 'hopeful' belief inclusion would change everything, all was lost. International standards of the understanding of peace and when governments step away from them, needs to be clearly defined and never supported in adjunct entities such as humanitarian agencies that support such terrorist infrastructure as Hamas and Hezbollah. There should be no 'military branch' of a humanitarian organization. Somehow that seems ludicrous to me. So where the Madras Schools have been ridiculed and discouraged in Saudi Arabia and the royal family encouraged to decline financial support we now have 'The Kindergartens of Hezbollah' rather than the public schools of Lebanon.
The impetus to the wars in The Middle East is found in diplomatic failures that needed to begin long before the threat was nurtured by defining the methods that support terrorist networks and stopping it 'there' before they were to become a threat at all. In contrast, never should a country feel so secure it can decide to 'fall back on war' as a solution to diplomacy with high ideals that don't allow 'the eonomic deal' to be made. The Indian - American consent to a nuclear market place is an outrage. The India - American relationship is a complete diplomatic failure. When diplomacy has failed and there are United Nations resolutions it is time to allow a country with a sovereign right to war to uphold the dignity of the United Nations and satisfy the United Nations ultimate mechanism of diplomacy providing meaning to it's manifesto.
A United Nations Resolution should be a complete statement of disgust of those cited with an understanding when peaceful measures are exhausted there are consequenses to follow. To return function to sovereign governments insures the existance of the United Nations and provides more clout to it's purpose taken seriously at the point of the impetus rather than the launching of the first strike. When people elect their governments they should do it with the idea that killing is not an option and they could face serious consequences when it is.
Government by concensus is not democracy. It is anarchy. Even in the USA when a party seeks domination by concenus it is accompanied by vast and destructive corruption and attacks upon the very Constitution it pledges it's loyality. Politics in a country isn't about destroying constitutions to achieve a goal, but, to work within it's framework to provide the best resolve for the problems a nation faces.
The world is in shambles. The blame reaches far and wide. At every point of failure there was oppression of the truth and a disregard to a living Earth and it's inhabitants. The impetus to any war begins small and grows exponentially. The 'impetus' is where diplomatic genius lives, thrives and prevents any need in a world seeking peace and not peacemaker missiles.
Good luck.