A couple of things that I am reading it beginning to dovetail:
l. The characteristics of the Delta Variant
2. Houseing evicsions in the USA.
First, the characteristics of the Delta Variant. It is highly contagious and for people without underlying conditions, the variant is conquered EXCEPT the CDC has studies that back up the idea the variant is infecting some people that are already vaccinated.
This particular variant is taking on an interesting characteristic. It is topping out and the rates of infection are dropping in The West. A couple of thoughts about this, The West is well-rehearsed in virus prevention by social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene ESPECIALLY if touching the face. Therefore, when the call goes out to the public about the new and unexpected danger, they react accordingly and end prevent the spread.
There is another aspect to the virus abruptly ending. It is a bit about physics, but, there is a way to talk about it so everyone will understand.
The dynamic is similar to Wall Street or better yet a herd of domestic animals and a watering source. With Wall Street, there are just so many stocks to a company and hence the reason there is a chronic increase in stock values. That is expected for a stock that is a viable company. The more people that want to purchase the stocks the price increases and in the long run only those able to overcome the expensive price are able to receive the benefit of quarterly stock dividends.
In a pasture with domestic animals of one kind or another, excluding camels, there is a high demand for water. For some reason. the water trough is empty and only filled with a fourth of the usual volume. Which animals are going to be satisfied their need? The ones that reach the water trough first, yes?
The Delta Variant is similar in that it is predatory and very fast to replicate and spread itself among available human beings. Starting to get the picture?
So, the Delta Variant is being met with certain containment issues, first the smarter the people are about preventing infection, including vaccination, the less chance it has. Second, there are only so many people in an area where the virus is viable. That in and of itself is limiting. Then considering there are few numbers of people compared to the HIGH NUMBER of viruses, there will be a population of viruses that will never find a victim.
So, with Delta's speed of transmission it is ending its own existence in The West because of all those issues, but, the primary driver is the fact there are not enough victims for the number of viruses and when the new generation of virus arrive to infect there simply aren't any more people to infect. It is that I believe is why The West is seeing a sudden drop off of new infections. That is NOT A REASON to not get vaccinated. There is always the potential danger to a Level Three virus that will kill anyone no matter the prevention patterns. GET VACCINATED.
Now, why does this dovetail with evictions from housing? Simple, PREVENTING movement of people possibly infected with or is a carrier of any form of the virus will INCREASE THE SPREAD. That has been true since the beginning. So, the eviction moratorium should continue since many Americans lost their ability to perform work for gainful employment. A good way to end it is to open up the least affected areas and that may be Chicago as a candidate.
There are requirements to ending eviction moratoriums:
1. Infection rates of any variant are way, way down. REMEMBER, the longer a virus has contact with human beings the more likely a Level Three will result. We are at that precipice with Delta and COVID-19.
2. Employment for the SKILLS ABILITY of the population is good. Don't dump people on the street because the AREA is having good employment. The employment has to meet ALL the skill ability of those being evicted. So this is JOB AVAILABILITY.
AND, a wage per hour that provides a living wage.
3. THERE IS HOUSING if evicted. If the area has a poor housing market by the number of available apartments or houses and/or AFFORDABLE housing numbers then the eviction moratorium should continue with active problem-solving.
The US House has tasked itself to solve the housing problem, especially with a focus on ending homelessness. So, all these factors are currently IN THE AGENDA of the federal government. No one is being abandoned to CHANCE anymore. I understand there is still funding available for the continuation of the moratorium.