September 9, 2021
By Paul Waldman
Manchin forgets who pays the taxes in the USA. It isn't his cronies, he sees to that. It is the Middle Class that pays bills with monies in the USA Treasury. I am a little tired of the Middle Class paying for wars and Wall Street excesses with blood and treasury they work very hard for and that their children need to grow up.
Oh, so you think Joe Manchin is a pure as the driven snow when it comes to being corrupt. "W"RONG! All those high-minded ideals are nothing but political fluff for his electorate.
All those high-minded ideals back up his cronies PAID FOR BY THE MIDDLE CLASS, including those that work the mines of West Virginia.
There is no moral that Manchin brings to the US Senate. He is playing with fate to try to continue to occupy the power of the USA government from a boat along the Potomac.
The problem always is how to move the greedy's grip of power to facilitate the taxes necessary to get the money in the hands of the Middle Class so the USA Treasury FINALLY has a real income rather than a ZERO contribution by the wealthy and big oil and big pharma and big distributors like Amazon.
President Biden looked across this country and saw the Middle-Class struggling and their children in need of new shoes. There was so little talk about the American Dream that something had to be done. The $3.4 Trillion is supposed to be paid by folks like Manchin's cronies above. See, the taxes from the wealthy, the privileged, and big business doesn't exist. They don't pay taxes. Our favorite billionaire, Warren Buffet, will tell you that his secretary pays more in taxes than his entire financial company.
This ideology by the political right-wing, including Manchin, is so perverse they rather pay their bills in Bitcoin than USA Greenbacks.
The facts are clear, most of the wealth in the USA is sequestered to a small percentage in the upper crust of the country. It is impossible to get the money to circulate to the Middle Class and Poor even if they work 60 hours a week while paying for childcare. The people that do the work that provides the profits to the few billion-millionaires need help. They need their dreams returned to them and those dreams have to be attainable and not sincerely a dream that will never come true.
The USA has the greatest economy in the world. Why? Answer that! Why? Because the wealth is sequestered in the top of all the wealthy? Why? Why is the USA the greatest economy in the world?
The $3.4 trillion that is before a 51 vote margin in the US Senate is VITAL to the future of the economy, the SAFE AND SANE future of the children of this country, and the American Dream that includes high moral content to sustain the peoples that need excellent educations for their children to fill our brain trust and rescue those disabled by the COVID-19 VIRUS and it's variants.
Joe Manchin should not be in the USA Senate and he needs to get off his high horse and become the people of this country need a real human being rather than just another politician bought and paid for by his cronies.