and sustain ≥95% coverage with 2 doses of vaccine....
...During 2011, (click title to entry - thank you) measles outbreaks were reported in 36/53 Member States in the European Region; >26 000 measles cases had been reported regionwide as of 26 October 2011. France reported the largest number of cases (>14 000); these occurred predominantly among older children and young adults who had not been vaccinated or whose vaccination history was unknown. The primary reason for the increased transmission and outbreaks of measles in the Region is failure to vaccinate.
Eliminating measles by 2015 will require that (i) the demand for vaccination is increased in order to achieve...
Excuse me? Since when do the states look the other way when it comes to vaccinations of communicable diseases?
Exemptions? That is crazy, the only way exemptions should be allowed is if the child is allergic to the vaccine, otherwise, they facing a very sad reality in school and potentially death. I believe this is very irresponsible.
More U.S. schoolchildren are skipping shots (click here)
Analysis: Vaccines lag for Mich. kids
Nov. 29, 2011
ATLANTA -- More parents are opting out of school shots for their kids. In eight states now, more than 1 in 20 public school kindergartners are not getting all the vaccines required for attendance, an Associated Press analysis found.
That growing trend among parents seeking vaccine exemptions has health officials worried about outbreaks of diseases that once were all but stamped out.
The AP analysis found more than half of states have seen at least a slight rise in the rate of exemptions over the past five years. States with the highest exemption rates are in the West and upper Midwest.
Rules for exemptions vary by state and can include medical, religious or -- in some states -- philosophical reasons....
The only reason for examption should be medical reasons. There is case after case in the hospitals and courtrooms where parental rights were breached to insure the life of the child. This is nothing new. How can the states be so completely negligent of their responsibilities?
The 'myelin in a child's nervous system is completed by the age of one year old. There is absolutely no reason to delay the vaccinations past a child's first birthday and if they are in a day care setting they need to be vaccinated on schedule from birth.
Most of the autoimmune diseases parents blame vaccines for settle in the myelin/fatty tissue surrounding the central nervous system when it is incomplete in development. The nervous system of any child, unless medically or congenitally compromised, occurs by the first birthday. At that point the chance of a virus living dormantly in the body is extremely slim and only then if the body is compromised in some way.
If children are having development delays due to an immature nervous system then vaccines might be more of a concern, but, a healthy child should be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect them from others. Breast feeding can provide immunity for as long as the child is receiving breast milk from a vaccinated mother, but, that is not a replacement for a healthy immune system facilitated by vaccines.
I am quite confident the parents that have lost their children to a communicable disease that is preventable are sorry now. I would say if such tragedies occur it is a matter of parental neglect and not conscience.
ATLANTA -- More parents are opting out of school shots for their kids. In eight states now, more than 1 in 20 public school kindergartners are not getting all the vaccines required for attendance, an Associated Press analysis found.
That growing trend among parents seeking vaccine exemptions has health officials worried about outbreaks of diseases that once were all but stamped out.
The AP analysis found more than half of states have seen at least a slight rise in the rate of exemptions over the past five years. States with the highest exemption rates are in the West and upper Midwest.
Rules for exemptions vary by state and can include medical, religious or -- in some states -- philosophical reasons....
The only reason for examption should be medical reasons. There is case after case in the hospitals and courtrooms where parental rights were breached to insure the life of the child. This is nothing new. How can the states be so completely negligent of their responsibilities?
The 'myelin in a child's nervous system is completed by the age of one year old. There is absolutely no reason to delay the vaccinations past a child's first birthday and if they are in a day care setting they need to be vaccinated on schedule from birth.
Most of the autoimmune diseases parents blame vaccines for settle in the myelin/fatty tissue surrounding the central nervous system when it is incomplete in development. The nervous system of any child, unless medically or congenitally compromised, occurs by the first birthday. At that point the chance of a virus living dormantly in the body is extremely slim and only then if the body is compromised in some way.
If children are having development delays due to an immature nervous system then vaccines might be more of a concern, but, a healthy child should be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect them from others. Breast feeding can provide immunity for as long as the child is receiving breast milk from a vaccinated mother, but, that is not a replacement for a healthy immune system facilitated by vaccines.
I am quite confident the parents that have lost their children to a communicable disease that is preventable are sorry now. I would say if such tragedies occur it is a matter of parental neglect and not conscience.
The AP analysis found more than half of states have seen at least a slight rise in the rate of exemptions over the past five years. States with the highest exemption rates are in the West and upper Midwest.
Rules for exemptions vary by state and can include medical, religious or -- in some states -- philosophical reasons....
The only reason for examption should be medical reasons. There is case after case in the hospitals and courtrooms where parental rights were breached to insure the life of the child. This is nothing new. How can the states be so completely negligent of their responsibilities?
The 'myelin in a child's nervous system is completed by the age of one year old. There is absolutely no reason to delay the vaccinations past a child's first birthday and if they are in a day care setting they need to be vaccinated on schedule from birth.
Most of the autoimmune diseases parents blame vaccines for settle in the myelin/fatty tissue surrounding the central nervous system when it is incomplete in development. The nervous system of any child, unless medically or congenitally compromised, occurs by the first birthday. At that point the chance of a virus living dormantly in the body is extremely slim and only then if the body is compromised in some way.
If children are having development delays due to an immature nervous system then vaccines might be more of a concern, but, a healthy child should be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect them from others. Breast feeding can provide immunity for as long as the child is receiving breast milk from a vaccinated mother, but, that is not a replacement for a healthy immune system facilitated by vaccines.
I am quite confident the parents that have lost their children to a communicable disease that is preventable are sorry now. I would say if such tragedies occur it is a matter of parental neglect and not conscience.