Monday, December 07, 2020

Georgia needs the "Poor People's Campaign."

The Rev. William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign will bring the national We Must Do MORE tour to North Carolina on Sept. 28 (Greenville) and Sept. 30.

Reverend Barber has stated with great patience there are millions and millions of voters poor and oppressed with little self-will to rise up and vote. The first step to ending oppression and economic disadvantage is to vote for representation that will lift all Americans to a better quality of life.

If Georgia ever needed those dear people it is now. There is great fear about the virus. It isn't easy to move forward to vote for perhaps the first time at a time of great fear. Hopefully, the appeals of those with a vision for Georgia can be heard to those that need trustworthy leadership the most.

Offer masks, instruction, and guidance to voting. Ask people to plan their vote. Their time is now when faced with the greatest oppressor of all, "The Trump Virus."


DeSantis is afraid of his own shadow. He is looking for a scapegoat.

Ms Jones needs an attorney. The worst is that she is a Whistleblower and has to be afforded the full weight of the law against DeSantis and his depraved governorship. She also needs her job back with back pay.

DeSantis is looking for incriminating evidence of her personal life. Smoker, drinker, orgy goer, etc. He needs something to attack her. The illegitimate politics of character assassination.

7 December 2020
By Ed Pilkington

Rebekah Jones, (click here) the Florida data scientist embroiled in a dispute with the state’s Republican governor over the handling of coronavirus figures, had her home raided on Monday by armed police who confiscated her computers.

In a stream of posts on Twitter, Jones posted a video of the raid that showed state police carrying handguns escorting her out of her Tallahassee home. She can be heard saying: “He just pointed a gun at my children,” with her husband and two children apparently upstairs at the time.

Jones claimed in her tweets that the raid was the work of Ron DeSantis, the governor with whom she has clashed repeatedly since she was fired by the state’s department of health in May in a row over Covid-19 data. She compared the incident to sending “the gestapo”, adding: “This is what happens to scientists who do their job honestly. This is what happens to people who speak truth to power.”

The Florida department of law enforcement confirmed they had entered Jones’s house on a search warrant. But in a statement the department said the action was related to a recent computer hack of the health department website, in which emergency response coordinators were sent an unauthorised message.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, the message urged the coordinators to “speak up before another 17,000 people are dead. You know this is wrong. Be a hero. Speak out before it’s too late.”....

Safe Harbor Day

It is about 90 minutes until "Safe Harbor Day" arrives. President-Elect Biden has the 270 electorates to move into the President's office. 

It is safe to say at this point the illegitimate politics of the extremists will be relegated to tabloid papers.

This needs to be a turning point whereby legitimacy ONLY exists in the political spectrum of the USA. Anything else is unethical.

I understand the current president is refusing to let military intelligence have the right to speak to the new president. I have to wonder how much of the current president's intelligence is legitimate. Russia has polluted this country. I believe at the highest levels. Russia probably is still mentoring Trump for another Venezuela in the Western Hemisphere.

President Biden may very well need to rebuild his own military intelligence. I couldn't be more serious. There is NATO and the intelligence of The West. I am confident they didn't trust Trump either.

Reality check: Ukraine 

Ukraine's alarming reality with Trump wasn't happening in a vacuum. It just had a great American whistleblower. Former Ambassadors' knowledge will recreate that great military intelligence once again.

Everyone worries too much. 

The only way the work force in North Carolina can be safe is with a union and demand safe working environment.

Duke University Hospital Nurses came close to having a union not long ago. The effort should be revitalized. 

The Labor Secretary of North Carolina prides herself with her name in every elevator in the state. Lately, there have been some reports that her inspections of those elevators have fallen off. Her retirement is more than welcome. Let's hope the new Labor Secretary of NC cares about people like Rose Liberto. 

The issue of a depressed isn't the overriding factor to her death. Immunity can be infused like a blood transfusion if she needed Immunoglobulin G (IgG). Rose died because of an infection of SARS-CoV-2. 

My sincerest sympathy to her family, friends, and colleagues. It is unjust for dedicated, valued, and needed health care professionals anywhere in the USA to become ill, let alone die because they were not cared about enough to be certain they were safe.

The USA had a nurse shortage before this pandemic. How is the country going to replace them with the worst of the winter still ahead?

May 8, 2020

By Jim Morrell

When the coronavirus (click here) outbreak first began to spike in March, Rose Liberto’s family urged her to take a break from her job as a critical care nurse at Atrium’s Cabarrus County hospital

.They knew her immune system had been compromised years ago by intensive chemo treatments.

“We were actually begging her to quit work or retire but she wanted to (go back),” her daughter Jennifer Liberto, told the Observer Friday. “She felt so morally obligated. She kind of wanted to see all this through.”

Rose Liberto, 64, died Thursday at Atrium Health Cabarrus, the hospital where she’d worked for over a decade.

Liberto, who lived in Charlotte, is the area’s first reported health care worker to die from the virus that as of Friday had killed 527 people in North Carolina and 60 in Mecklenburg County....


Why does the Thomas Moore Society exist?

To pretend a democracy actually exists to be converted to a theocracy.

In a democracy, a jury of peers decides the guilt or innocence of a defendant. A JURY. In case the folks of the right-wing extremists don't get it; a lot of people were asked to be jurors and a select few made it to let the defendants know they were not exempt from the rule of law and where damage is caused there are penalties to pay.

The lawyers trying the case SELECTED THE JURORS. Hello!

November 15, 2019
By Maria Dinzeo

San Francisco - A federal jury (click here) found an anti-abortion cohort led by David Daleiden caused substantial harm to Planned Parenthood by infiltrating abortion industry conferences to secretly tape abortion doctors and staff – and awarded punitive damages of $870,000....

...The jury of nine men and one woman deliberated for a little less than three days. They found Daleiden and his group, which also includes abortion opponents Albin Rhomberg and Troy Newman, conspired to commit fraud, breach of contract and trespass and to violate federal and state recording laws in Maryland, California and Florida....

Crackpots like the Thomas Moore Society defend the people who break the law in order to make martyrs that later deliver political messages. 

More empty lawsuits.

It is the same Trumpism the campaign has been peddling. They are attacking states won by narrower victories than other states with fraudulent attempts to undermine the USA Constitution. I suppose the Thomas Moore Society (click here) doesn't mind dabbling in fraud so they set up a faux front legal group with their own loyalists. The question is why?

They are complaining that voters and staff at polling places were too protected because of precautions like see-through panels and masks and gloves due to monies they obtained through efforts by Congress to secure the election from the pandemic. Well, too bad. The Moore Society legal front was attempting to cause an end to precautions and instill fear. Same ole, same ole, Trumpism.

The theory was if the monies to secure the elections were stopped, the voters would be afraid to go to the polls. Well. The voters were afraid anyway and they mailed in their ballots. Where voters believed the mail-in ballots to be insecure they went to the polls UNAFRAID!

Thomas Moore pretends to be in favor of the Almighty when it comes to who runs the country until they do something this stupid and place people's lives at risk for the sake of secluding power for the few and the wealthy.

December 7, 2020
By Jon Swaine, Rosalind S. Helderman, Josh Dawsey, and Tom Hamburger

A conservative legal organization (click here) that has filed lawsuits challenging the election results in five states has a tie to President Trump’s legal team, raising questions about the independence of what has appeared to be an endeavor separate from the president’s last-gasp legal maneuvering.

Senior Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis serves as special counsel to the Thomas More Society, which has filed lawsuits through the newly formed Amistad Project alleging problems with the vote in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin....

...The first glimpse of the Amistad Project came late this summer, when the new legal outfit popped up in courts across the country, trying to stop county election officials from taking grants to bolster their operations amid the pandemic....

"Morning Papers"

The Rooster


So, this is what it has come to, a need for a well-versed fighter for the ACA heading HHS. President Biden has to get used to the idea of having an "Acting" Secretary of HHS, because, any Republican votes (if in the majority) will oppose this appointee more than any other. Xavier Becerra is more than qualified to lead HHS. He is vital to the best outcomes of American healthcare as we are entrenched in what seems a never-ending battle to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2. After all, it is the virus we are bringing under control, not COVID-19.

The fact that political extremism has set in with this virus running rampant in the USA will require soon to be Secretary of HHS Becerra's knowledge and experience to develop a policy that will eradicate the virus and not allow it to run the USA's economy. While every American has the right to refuse treatment of any kind, they are not allowed to become a vector that endangers the public's health. I wish Secretary Becerra great success.

December 7, 2020
By Tina Reed

Rep. Xavier Becerra, (click here) D-Calif., addresses the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute in Washington, Monday, Sept. 13, 2010.

President-elect Joe Biden (click here) plans to nominate California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

As first reported by The New York Times, if confirmed as HHS secretary Becerra would take the reins amid a pandemic that has killed more than 280,000 Americans, overwhelming hospital ICUs and financially decimated many health systems and physician practices across the country.

He also would be taking over at a time when HHS is in the midst of overseeing rule changes over telehealth payment reimbursement, new hospital transparency rules and new rules aimed at driving down the price of pharmaceutical drugs....

It will take more than vaccines to end the scourge of the virus spread and its aftermath. There is much more lung compromise, including transplants, then before the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Pollution standards need to be improved across the USA, especially in the homes of minority citizens.

December 7, 2020
By Coral Davenport

Washington - The Trump administration (click here) on Monday declined to tighten controls on industrial soot emissions, disregarding an emerging scientific link between dirty air and Covid-19 death rates.

In one of the final policy moves of an administration that has spent the past four years weakening or rolling back more than 100 environmental regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency completed a regulation that keeps in place, rather than tightening, rules on the tiny, lung-damaging industrial particles, known as PM 2.5, even though the agency’s own scientists have warned of the links between the pollutant and respiratory illness.

E.P.A. administrator Andrew Wheeler is expected to announce the rule this afternoon, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Public health experts say that the rule defies scientific research, including the work of the E.P.A.’s own public health experts, which indicates that PM 2.5 pollution contributes to tens of thousands of premature deaths annually, and that even a slight tightening of controls on fine soot could save thousands of American lives....

"Good Night, Moon"

The waning gibbous

21.3 day old moon

59.4 percent lit

5 December 2020

Jeff Bezos’ (click here) space company Blue Origin will take the first woman to the moon, the billionaire said as Nasa nears a decision over who will supply its first privately built lunar landers, meant to be capable of sending astronauts to the moon by 2024.

“This is the engine that will take the first woman to the surface of the moon,” Bezos said in a post on Instagram with a video of a BE-7 engine test this week at Nasa Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Twelve men have walked on the Moon, but no women. Nasa aims to change that, administrator Jim Bridenstine saying last year the first woman to complete a lunar landing will be drawn from the current astronaut corps.

“In the 1960s, young ladies didn’t have the opportunity to see themselves in that role,” Bridenstine said. “Today they do, and I think this is a very exciting opportunity.”

The Blue Origin engine, which has been in development for years, has tallied 1,245 seconds of test-fire time. It is meant to power the company’s National Team Human Landing System lunar lander.

Blue Origin is the prime contractor in a “national team” assembled in 2019 to help build its Blue Moon lander. The team includes Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper....