This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
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Colorado has felt the bite of the climate crisis, but, it also is a state that took control of it's funding and launched into the legalization of marijuana. It will be interesting to see how the country responds to his candidacy. February 28, 2019 By Justin Wingerter Aaron Lehman leads Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennet and his neighbors for a look around the Lehman Farm before a discussion of the needs of the Iowa farmers Feb. 23, 2019, in Polk City, Iowa. U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet (click here) signed onto legislation Thursday that would end a federal prohibition on marijuana, effectively legalizing the drug nationwide. The bill, championed by New Jersey senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker, was first introduced in 2017 and failed to gain traction in the Republican-controlled Senate. Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, was not a co-sponsor of that bill but has joined the effort this year. “This long-overdue change will help bring our marijuana laws into the 21st century,” Bennet said in a statement Thursday. “It’s past time we bring fairness and relief to communities that our criminal justice system has too often left behind.” The Booker bill is popular with senators seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2020. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Kamala Harris of California, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont are co-sponsors. Bennet also is considering a run for president, making his first trip to Iowa as a possible candidate last weekend....
Emmet Flood is a communist like his boss. It is a shame how Republicans scandalize every aspect of the US Constitution in order to raise a fuss. Trump has to submit to Congressional oversight. No wonder the US House won Clinton's impeachment, he had a communist that can't read as a lawyer. The only reason Trump wants to invoke Executive Privilege after cooperating with the Special Council is that he had reasonable control of the outcome with his Attorney General, ie: Barr. Now, because the US House is FINALLY conducting oversight after two years of Republican neglect, Trump is scared of the fact the US House has power over him. So, now he is playing with the USA Constitution again hoping his boy, Kavanaugh will pull a rabbit out of his hat. Maybe Flood doesn't understand the US House is a branch of the legislature and represents the USA people. Far different than the Special Council that is a branch of the Executive Branch. In the Executive Branch the DOJ can pull strings from within it's authority to cover up the wrong doing of the Trump administraiton. The people represented by the US House have a right to oversight, including receiving the report of the Special Council AS PRESCRIBED by the law that formed the Special Council. Even Former Director Mueller, in his letter to Barr, recognized the Special Council law AND the right of the people to read the report. Just because Trump is a communist with his best friend in Moscow and he wants to manipulate the USA Constitution at every turn to suit his agenda doesn't mean it is lawful. Trump's obstruction, as in this case, has no standing at all. Special Council Report from DOJ website (click here) May 2, 2019 By Cristino Lima Emmet Flood, (click here) the veteran D.C. lawyer replacing Ty Cobb on President Donald Trump's legal team, is no stranger to highly publicized legal bouts involving the White House. Flood, a current partner at the firm Williams & Connolly, has represented several top government officials in different administrations, including former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and former Vice President Dick Cheney. He most notably represented Clinton during the impeachment proceedings brought against the former president by the House of Representatives and tried before the Senate. During Bush's second term, Flood served for two years as the lead lawyer for the White House's counsel office in handling inquiries from congressional investigators.... On page 9 of the report the law is clearly stated. 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c) (click here) The law quoted in the Mueller letter to Bar dated March 27, 2019 (click here) is 28 C.F.R. 209(c) (click here). (c) The Attorney General may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions. All other releases of information by any Department of Justice employee, including the Special Counsel and staff, concerning matters handled by Special Counsels shall be governed by the generally applicable Departmental guidelines concerning public comment with respect to any criminal investigation, and relevant law. In his letter to Barr, the Former Director Mueller clearly states the public needs the release of the report. In other words, it is in the best interest of the public discourse regarding their country if the public had access to the document. In lieu of the document, the Former Director stated at least release the executive summaries which the Former Director supplied to Barr with appropriate redactions. It is understood that the current AG likes to redact more than the Former Director of the FBI. I trust Mueller. He doesn't lie. We know he is a loyal American. The fact of the matter is CLEAR. The US House, which has the powers of impeachment within THEIR AUTHORITY has a RIGHT to the Special Council report unredacted and all the supporting EVIDENCE. The pleadings to the Supreme Court is inappropriate and yet again another obstruction of justice.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has lost weight since the State of the Union address. The Democratic leadership needs to take better care of themselves. Eat well, drink sufficient amounts of water, spend some times with friends, smile, laugh and enjoy the company of others. She is right, dealing with Trump's demoralizing behavior and priorities is not worth it. The US House has the heaviest burden in that they are handling the country's budget and two years of oversight neglect. Take time to smile. There is a marked difference in Speaker Pelosi's weight and smile since the State of the Union address. How are the grandchildren, Nanc? Read and eat well, sweetheart. Yes, Speaker Pelosi is a sweetheart. She is not a cast iron dictator in the US House. As a result assaults against the country she loves hits her hard. She is and always has been a great Speaker that has a heart of gold. Whoever thought the battle for the USA would continue and the battlefield would be within the US House? It is real and the battlefield has returned and it is cyber. When cyberspace became available in the USA it was fun. Lots and lots of fun. It was helpful. It was a place where incredible papers could be written and communication with peers completed with ease. Today? It is very different and a hostile place. The battles will be won, just ask Ruth Ginsberg.
The House Ranking member Collins had a hissy fit. My, my. Does he need medication or can't he afford it? Chairman Nadler is absolutely correct. He needs to compel the Executive Branch to speak the US House. Trump's afraid of the US House. Obviously. Maybe I just need to read the report and register it here online. Chairman Nadler is correct, the DOJ is setting ridiculous circumstances for the US House to read and take notes from the unredacted copy of the report. He is treating the members of the US House as unable to conduct a secure environment for the report within their possession. I am quite sure the US House realizes there are ongoing Grand Juries, which brings me to the question that no one has answered; did this report surface because the Special Council was told to wind up the investigation? I can't imagine Robert Mueller relinquishing to control of the Grand Juries overseeing this investigation. Perhaps it was a personal decision, but, if that is the case who then is handling the continuing investigation. I really think the US House needs to have the entire Special Council for hearings.