CHIPCentral - SCHIP Program Types 2005 (click here)
That is a whole lot of children facing drastic fates at the hand of one man.

There are lives that hang in the balance and to veto a long standing bill that supplies the children of the United States of American with Health Insurance is a Human Rights Violation. To the Washington Post and Bush it's all politics. To the recipients of State Children's Health Insurance it's life and death.
But yet, Impeachment is off the table ? I don't think so ! I call on all state legislatures to enact an impeachment provision of the president while appealing this legislation to the Supreme Court. This is a human rights as well as a civil rights issue. There is gross negligence to the children of this country without this bill. This is an abomination to the conscience of the USA. I am appauled at the audacity of a single man with the power to kill children while taking away their health insurance. This is the USA? Where?
Every agency in the country validates the fact SCHIP is one of the most valuable aspects to care of American Children.
The National Academy of State Health Policy (click here)
Special Issues in Program Design (click here)
States have used the flexibility in SCHIP to build innovative programs that meet their policy objectives and work within their health care system and private insurance marketplaces. This section of the report presents survey information about the 25 states that have implemented program design elements that go beyond program type (Figure 8). It examines:
Premium assistance programs: programs under which SCHIP programs help families pay for private coverage for their children.
Enrollee buy-in programs: programs under which states allow some families that do not qualify for the SCHIP to enroll their children into the SCHIP program by paying for most or all of the cost of coverage.
Coverage expansions, including
A philosophical issue? The Republican Right Wing wants to end abortion and ALSO end the care of the unborn. Amazing. Now, you tell me that the 'Anti-Abortion' RANT of the Religious Right is about "The Culture of Life." Go ahead, I want to hear how the Religious Right, the Neocons, the self-righteous citizens that want public policy dictated on the basis of religious pretext can actually state they are ALL ABOUT life when in fact they are all about MONEY !
§ Prenatal/Unborn coverage: separate SCHIP programs that cover prenatal care for the unborn children of low-income mothers who do not qualify for Medicaid.
§ Adult coverage: programs that use SCHIP funding to cover low-income adults who do not qualify for Medicaid.
Health services initiatives: states may use SCHIP funding for certain administrative activities that protect the public health, protect the health of individuals, or improve or promote a state’s capacity to deliver public health services and/or strengthen resources needed to meet public health goals.
There is ONLY ONE REASON for any and I do mean any policymaker to oppose a program, any program that works in the best interest of the American people and that is if it fails it's mission. SCHIP is an astounding success and there no reason for this bill to have been vetoed. None.
Mathematica Policy Research (click here)
SCHIP takes a bit out of the dental access gap for low income children (click here)
Does every adult in the USA have to be explained what responsible leadership is? I get the feeling there are many, especially media personnel with a right slant that don't understand the meaning of Public Policy and Responsible Legislation. When a bill is introduced and has widespread success, it should never be vetoed. Never. It should be studied for 'what went right' and expanded on to CONTINUE to solve America's problems. That is the difference between 'leadership' and 'politics.' This is simply an outrage. Bush trades the lives and well being of American children for his political philosophy.
It's time to put the Lame Duck out of his misery. Impeach Cheney and Bush. Don't wait another day.